Una Edinburgh Youth

About Una Edinburgh Youth

The ‘United Nations Association (UNA) Youth Edinburgh’ is a branch of UNA Edinburgh.



EVENT TOMORROW Tomorrow evening, we have the pleasure of co-hosting a talk with Edinburgh University Sustainable Development Association. We will be hearing from Carl Wilkens, a humanitarian aid worker stationed in Rwanda during the 1994/5 genocide. There is no need to reserve a ticket and all are welcome to the event. For more information take a look here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-evening -with-carl-wilkens…


The Disputed World
"Justice Minister Michael Masutha said De Kock would be released 'in the interests of nation-building,' as though, perhaps, De Kock would begin to contribute to the new South Africa in some profound and integral way. And yet, despite claims of ‘nation-building,’ it is imperative to ask what De Kock will do with his parole, will he seek the conceptual humanity spoken of in 1998, will he remain hidden on some farm in the hinterland, or will he meet the same gruesome fate of another infamous Apartheid architect, Terre’Blanche?"
Morag McKenzie (Middlebury/SOAS, UK)


The Disputed World
"In the past four years Greece’s economy has shrunk by a quarter. Child poverty is at 40%. Quarter of a million are without electricity. 26% of the country is unemployed, and most of them without benefits. For those in work, job security and wages have been cut. 33% of the country have no health insurance.
The list goes on. The story is a familiar one."
... Heathcote Ruthven (University of Edinburgh, UK)
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The Disputed World
"… Nisman was summoned to present his case before Congress on Monday, January 19th, in what would be the defining moment of his career, and perhaps a watershed moment in the investigation of Argentina’s most savage terrorist attack.
He never made that appointment."
... George Engels (University College London, UK)
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The Disputed World
"Indeed, the future years for America might be uncertain. It is unhelpful for new governments to dramatically dismantle the previous government’s work, regardless of whether the new guard agrees with the old."
Jann Michael Greenburgh (University of Edinburgh, UK)


The Disputed World
"I would still maintain that support for UKIP an expression of discontent at the current state of UK politics. Perhaps not an open ‘the main parties are terrible so I might as well vote for the non-mainstream party’, but more that people seem to believe that UKIP can solve the imagined immigration problem, and therefore somehow all issues."
Rhys Rowlands (University of Exeter, UK)


The Disputed World
"The “Fundamental Duties” in the Indian constitution implemented by the 42nd Amendment still call for Indian citizens to “to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood among all the people of India, transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities."
Yet when the elected party in a democracy behaves in opposition to it’s constitution, who are the people supposed to blame?"
... Shreya Chatterjee (University of Edinburgh, UK)
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The Disputed World
“We want change! No more corruption!” was what people shouted in the nation wide protests in June last year, sparked by the government’s attempt to increase bus fares.
Yet in October 26th, 51.6% of Brazil’s population voted for the president , Dilma Rousseff for her second term, and her centre-left wing Worker’s Party (PT) was handed its fourth consecutive victory."
... Nicole Engels (University of Edinburgh, UK)
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Come out to Bristo Square and check out our Shelterbox Syrian Refugee tent we have set up, until 3.30 pm!


***Event this evening at 7pm*** Is it possible to create a world free from nuclear weapons? What role can Scotland play in making it happen? BASIC and WMD Awareness have teamed up with the Edinburgh University People & Planet and UNA Edinburgh Youth to invite you to an evening of discovery and dialogue. http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/we-need-to- talk-about-nukes-s…


Secure your place here: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/we-need-to- talk-about-nukes-s…


The first ever World Conference on Indigenous Peoples closes with the approval of an Outcome Document strengthening the rights for more than 370 million indigenous people worldwide. Read more here: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp…< br>


Is it possible to create a world free from nuclear weapons? What role can Scotland play in making it happen? BASIC and WMD Awareness have teamed up with the Edinburgh University People & Planet and UNA Edinburgh Youth to invite you to an evening of discovery and dialogue. Secure your place for free at the link below


UNAE Youth celebrates World Peace Day by creating a peace map. People passing through Bristo Square were asked to write their hopes for peace for the coming year and add them to the countries they corresponded to, thereby creating a diverse map reflective of our city.


UNAE Youth celebrates World Peace Day by creating a peace map. People passing through Bristo Square were asked to write their hopes for peace for the coming year and add them to the countries they corresponded to, thereby creating a diverse map reflective of our city.


World Peace might not be imminent, but our peace map is coming along well. Come down and create awareness for a conflict area or peace cause you feel strongly about.


Come on down for a few minutes today to show where you want peace in the world.


Join us next Monday to celebrate World Peace Day! https://www.facebook.com/events/371574549 665646/

More about Una Edinburgh Youth

Una Edinburgh Youth is located at United Nations Association Edinburgh, UN House, Dolphin House, 4 Hunter Square,, EH1 1QW Edinburgh, United Kingdom