Unison Orkney Local Services

About Unison Orkney Local Services

UNISON is Orkney's largest trade union with around 500 members in our Local Services Branch. If you work in local government or the voluntary sector then we are the branch for you. Follow this page to keep up to date with our activities.



Members will know the Pay Agreement included a re-opener clause which provided a “commitment to re-open negotiations with the Trade Unions in the event of another Local Government bargaining group’s total pay offer value being revised such that it becomes greater than the sum agreed between COSLA Employers and the SJC Trade Unions for the SJC workforce for the period of the agreement.”
Following the conclusion of the SNCT (Teachers) pay negotiations UNISON made the argument t...o COSLA that it was clear another Local Government bargaining group’s total pay offer value had exceeded that afforded to our members and that the re-opener clause had been met. COSLA were not able to demonstrate otherwise.
We were aware that COSLA leaders, in taking the decision to make the improved offer to Teachers, had already decided that “should the non-teaching unions request the re-opening of their pay settlement COSLA should approach the Scottish Government for additional funding to retain the principle of parity”.
We argued that COSLA should be bound by the re-opener and this decision of COSLA Leaders and make an approach to the Scottish Government.
We understand that they have now done so and we have also today, along with our trade union colleagues in the GMB and Unite, written to the First Minister (below) requesting a meeting to discuss pay parity and the wider issue of local government funding.
We will let you know when we receive a response and how those discussions progress.
See More


On Sunday 23rd June join Orkney Friends of Palestine and Amnesty International Orkney for lunch and help them raise funds to support healthcare for Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip and the Shu'fat Refugee camp


Youthlink Scotland are conducting a survey about cuts to youth work in Scotland. If you work in or are familiar with youth work services here in Orkney please take a minute to fill in this survey #InvestingInYouthWork YouthLink Scotland


We previously shared news of care workers in Birmingham fighting to stop the Council making £2million savings by slashing their working hours and pay. I know many of you signed the petition in support of our West Midlands colleagues and will be glad to know that after a 2 year dispute and 82 days of strike action they have declared victory over Birmingham Council's cuts


UNISON School Uniform Grant 2019. Apply by Friday 19th July


"UNISON, Orkney’s largest trade union is calling on Orkney Islands Council to address growing inequality between men and women’s pay......"


We are having some problems with our Branch phone so if you'd like to speak to us over the next couple of weeks please either speak to your local UNISON rep or email us at unisonlocalservice@gmail.com leave your number and we'll phone you back. Thanks


Its time to choose who speaks for you on UNISON’s national executive council. Your ballot papers and information about the candidates will be arriving in the post this week. Watch the video clip below to find out what its all about.


Worried about your status in the UK after Brexit? Free immigration advice for UNISON members


For older women the Gender Pay gap gets bigger the older we get and now the proposed changes to pension credit entitlement will make the gap larger


"The government’s Brexit incompetence means no other crisis is receiving scrutiny. The reality of life in the UK in 2019 is one of crisis in our public services"


Today is World Social Work Day Thank you to all our hard working Social workers in Orkney from Unison Orkney


The Orkney News covering our AGM and anti-bullying campaign launch


Ryan McLaughlin giving an excellent talk on being a young member tackling bullying in the NHS at our AGM yesterday


Update about news that Teachers may have been offered a revised pay offer which is better than our pay award. We will be discussing this at our AGM on Thursday.


This year we will be marking Unison’s Year of Young Workers at our AGM on Thursday. More than ever before Young workers need to be in a union. Check out the YouTube clip below

More about Unison Orkney Local Services

Unison Orkney Local Services is located at Town Hall, Broad Street, KW15 1DH Kirkwall