University Of Stirling Libertarian Socialist Society

About University Of Stirling Libertarian Socialist Society

Are you a libertarian socialist looking to join like-minded people in an active and engaging, yet informal and open society? Or perhaps you're simply interested in finding out more about what we do?

Our society is an active organisation striving for libertarian socialist ideals. We aim to unite like-minded people and create a forum for discussing anarchism and libertarian socialist ideas. You do not need to be ‘an anarchist’ to come along and get involved you can simply wish to know more about it.

What do we mean by Libertarian Socialism?

We use the term Libertarian Socialism to mean anti-authoritarian, anti-hierarchical and anti-statist socialism. We believe a free, rational, ecological and humane society must be organised through decentralised non-hierarchical forms of community organisation and can only be achieved from bellow by abolishing authoritarian institutions and replacing them with decentralised forms, as such we do not just reject the state but also the use of the state to achieve a socialist society, we do not wish to seize power for ourselves but abolish all relationships of power and domination. We welcome anyone who shares our core values of liberty, equality, and solidarity.

Is there a difference between Libertarian Socialism and anarchism?

Libertarian socialism is an umbrella term for various anarchist ideologies and a few non-anarchist ideologies (although still anti-statist) and many anarchists will use the term as synonymous with anarchism.

Anarchism is a radical political ideology that opposes hierarchy and authority and views them as not being self-justifying. Anarchists believe that hierarchy is authoritarian as it creates inequalities in wealth and power and has negative effects upon society and individuals harming their health, well-being and development as free, creative, empowered and independent human beings. Anarchists believe that human beings desire freedom, that they are sociable animals, have an ability to think for themselves and challenge authority and that for these reasons no government or state can know what’s best for a community than the people of that community themselves who should be able to participate and take direct part in the decisions that affect them.

University Of Stirling Libertarian Socialist Society Description

Are you a libertarian socialist looking to join like-minded people in an active and engaging, yet informal and open society? Or perhaps you're simply interested in finding out more about what we do?

Our society is an active organisation striving for libertarian socialist ideals. We aim to unite like-minded people and create a forum for discussing anarchism and libertarian socialist ideas. You do not need to be ‘an anarchist’ to come along and get involved you can simply wish to know more about it.

What do we mean by Libertarian Socialism?

We use the term Libertarian Socialism to mean anti-authoritarian, anti-hierarchical and anti-statist socialism. We believe a free, rational, ecological and humane society must be organised through decentralised non-hierarchical forms of community organisation and can only be achieved from bellow by abolishing authoritarian institutions and replacing them with decentralised forms, as such we do not just reject the state but also the use of the state to achieve a socialist society, we do not wish to seize power for ourselves but abolish all relationships of power and domination. We welcome anyone who shares our core values of liberty, equality, and solidarity.

Is there a difference between Libertarian Socialism and anarchism?

Libertarian socialism is an umbrella term for various anarchist ideologies and a few non-anarchist ideologies (although still anti-statist) and many anarchists will use the term as synonymous with anarchism.

Anarchism is a radical political ideology that opposes hierarchy and authority and views them as not being self-justifying. Anarchists believe that hierarchy is authoritarian as it creates inequalities in wealth and power and has negative effects upon society and individuals harming their health, well-being and development as free, creative, empowered and independent human beings. Anarchists believe that human beings desire freedom, that they are sociable animals, have an ability to think for themselves and challenge authority and that for these reasons no government or state can know what’s best for a community than the people of that community themselves who should be able to participate and take direct part in the decisions that affect them.

More about University Of Stirling Libertarian Socialist Society

University Of Stirling Libertarian Socialist Society is located at Stirling