Victor Kolba Photography

About Victor Kolba Photography

This is my little sanctuary of photography, I do it mostly with passion, hoping for some business in future - Would you like to Join in?

Victor Kolba Photography Description

After many years of disbelieve in my skills, being shy to show my shots I decided to break the habit, and that's what this page is all about.

My first shot has been done in the analogue era, when you never knew how is it looks like. Old school Zenith, mechanical parts only. 35mm frames. . . . I don't even remember what was on that picture.
There was no passion yet. However, when I was 14 my sister gets for her first communion a digital Canon. 5 mega pixels then was unbelievably huge number. My uncle shown me than a few tips and properties of photography. That was one of this lessons you'll never forget.
The second step takes place when I bought my first digital. NOT DSLR of course, cause in my previous country you had to have a huge amount of cash to buy one of these.
Shot by shot, step by step learning on mistakes, catching some moment in a time frame. Until many years later I left my world behind and landed hire - in Scotland get my dream came true, and I will share all the best I can do with you.