Victoria Bowling Club

About Victoria Bowling Club

Paisley's No1 Bowling Club

Victoria Bowling Club Description

PAISLEY VICTORIA BOWLING CLUB, was founded in 1859 by a group of local
workers. These gentlemen were keen bowlers who up until this point, played
their bowls on a private bowling green owned by a Mr William Bowie. This
green was situated at Oakshaw on land that was to become the John Neilston
school. Later these men moved to another green owned by Mr Bowie which was
. . . situated in Lady Lane. It cost 2d for the privilege of playing bowls or 1d
to spectator.

We should be eternally grateful to these gentlemen who, as I have already
mentioned were working class, not business men. They raised funds by taking
a 'share' in the club and by encouraging the more affluent members of the
Paisley community to invest in this new pastime of bowling. The main
'movers' in starting our club were, the first President David Robertson,
Secretary Robert Christie and treasurer James Arthur, add to that our main
benefactor Sir Thomas Glen Coats, owner of the Ferguslie mill, the Earl of
Glasgow and Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart. These plus the 30 odd men who were
original members, are the true Victoria men we have to thank for what we
have today. It does however go without saying that many who followed them,
contributed to the growth and progression of our club. From day one our club
was a family club, with fathers , sons and various relatives all being

Many sites were looked at for the new green, but it was decided to rent the
Bowie green and as it was in poor condition, they would construct a new
green. After a few years the ground ownership passed to the Church of
Scotland, who erected a refuge for working girls adjoining the green. In
1880, the church decided to re new the club's lease, but increased the rent
to £10 per year. At regular intervals this rent was increased.
During the early years of bowling in Paisley, Victoria contributed greatly
to its growth. The first secretary of the Paisley Bowling Association, fore
runner to the Paisley & District Bowling Association was a Victoria man, Mr
Robert More who held the position for 25 years. The Burgh Cup was instigated
at the suggestion of the Victoria committee.
In 1907, a new clubhouse was built ( now the bowls house ) which included
electric lighting. Over the years, in 1955, this was replaced by a
prefabricated cement hut, 60 feet long by 10 feet wide and 10 high. This
building was in turn replaced by the existing clubhouse.

More about Victoria Bowling Club

Victoria Bowling Club is located at 14 Lady Lane, PA1 2LJ Paisley, Renfrewshire
0141 889 0469