Virginia Georgiou

About Virginia Georgiou

On-line Life, Career Coaching & Business Development Programs in Greek https://linktr. ee /virginia. georgiou

Virginia Georgiou Description

Virginia Georgiou is a Personal Counsellor, Therapist and Coach founder of Anassa Centre of Counselling and Personal Success, helping people improve their self-image and experience joy and success permanently. She specializes in Emotional Freedom Techniques and offers Coaching on building and maintaining your ideal self-image.

Born in Cyprus and studied Psychology focusing on fears, phobias and eating disorders. She moved to Edinburgh in 2012 for her Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy. In 2013 Virginia became a certified EFT Practitioner and since then she helps people who realise that their emotional limitations stop them from living their full potential and create a successful life.

Her company Anassa Centre offers personal and online coaching on a global level. Virginia’s vocational passion is to make people aware that the key to a successful- joyful life is unlocking the subconscious limitations that are a barrier in living the life we desire.

She shares her knowledge and expertise on a volunteer basis as a guest speaker in several non-profit organisations. Her main topics are “How to live your life by design” and “How to overcome your limitations and make your life phenomenal”.

Virginia is currently based in the UK , Greece and Cyprus and wants to pass her message on a global level, that clearing the connection to your true self and the re-creation of your self-image can bring absolutely phenomenal changes in your life.



I Knew there were answers but i could't find them. 🤷‍♀️
That was one of the main reasons i tried coaching and put myself in a personal development journey. Then i decided to remain on that journey for life until this became my passion. 💡🔍❓
... What was that one thing that led YOU to the world of Self-Development. I'd love to know in the comments below.👇👇👇
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"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom" said Aristotle.
👨‍🏫 Your primary life goal should be mastering yourself first, as this is what makes a truly powerful human. "Self-awareness" means knowing your purpose in life; or coming closer to finding it out. ... 🤗
-Get to understand your own unique personality & characteristics - Get to understand your body & abilities - Define your core values in life - Set your goals, intentions & desires - Choose the things you need & let go if those you don't. ✊
This process my dear friend, is what will make you the human who can physically and mentally survive, all the challenges that life can possibly bring on. 💟
With all my love, Virginia
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How do i create change when i work a 9-5 job?
Start positively: You are lucky to have a job, as it can become the resource to create the Change.


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win, said Mahatma Gandhi.
When i decided to create real change in my life and stand out from the crowd, my mentors did mention the above statement. I accepted that and moved on as my passion was so big that nothing could put me down.
However, later on i could't imagine how painful it was to go through all those stages, especially from people who used to mean the world to me.
... This is a rule! They will ignore and laugh at you, they will even try to fight and bully you in every possible way. In the end you will eventually Win, but in the mean time you need to be prepared to walk alone.
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“Our eyes only see and our ears only hear what our brain is looking for.” —Dan Sullivan
Once you commit to living your dreams, the lids blinding your eyes will be lifted. A completely new world will be opened to your view.
You will notice opportunities that have been in your reach all along, ones your conscious mind simply didn’t pay heed to. From a psychological perspective, your selective attention will zoom-in on what you want in microscopic detail. All other sensory inpu...ts will be outsourced to your subconscious and forgotten.
The fundamental change taking place is your self-identity. This is the point of no return. Once this shift has happened, your whole world changes.

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I've always been admiring the outstanding courage of people who ask for help; and their Guts to sit down and verbalise their issues. You are not #Vulnerable. You are a #hero in Disguise!


... and may i add they grow and they accept less #bs! I witness #transformations like this every day, every step of the way... You are not your past! You were born a chooser. #Act like that #Now 💙


Being off social media for 10 days has been #awesome! As of today i’ am back physically and #mentally.
I decided that during my “pre-winter” holidays as i like to call them, at a super duper destination ( guess which!) i will focus on Here and Now. #Bonding with my beloved, and #engaging in real-life conversations with the locals to get the full experience of this #blessed place.
5 things that i gained:
... 🔹Appreciated the #abundance in my life. My life is much more amazing than I thought it was. 🔹A quiet mind. A crystal clear (like the sea) #connection with my inner voice enabled me to make decisions and come up with answers i’ve been searching for months. 🔹Re-evaluated my #relationships with friends and family. I feel confident about cutting off drainers and investing in energisers. 🔹Improved Self Image. No judgement, no comparisons with “icons”and “influencers”. 🔹Got my priorities straight. Eliminating every possible distraction and slowing down, naturally revealed the things that truly matter to me.
I am a girl who adores Social Media and i do believe they make a #positive impact to the humanity. Real life though is not on social media platforms. Our best life moments were never “checked in”.
Here’s to a #magnificent New Season💙
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✅Why being in a relationship with an empathetic person is something extraordinary? ✅How can you distinguish an empathetic person? ✅How can you help your partner become more empathetic? ✅What is Empathy after all?
... 🔹Join me for an interactive LIVE tomorrow at 5:30pm UK time!🔹
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A simple reminder to help you change your point of view and an example of how gratitude and counting your blessings can shift your mood and energy vibration! #gratitude


Happy July people! On this glorious Sunday i had the chance to pay my respects to this beautiful creature Mr. Swan. Swans are famous for being beautiful, graceful, and for mating for life. According to evolutionary psychology monogamous behaviours “evolve” in species who have vulnerable babies, where two parents being together increase the chances of survival. The question is, are we -humans- meant to be monogamous?


“Our eyes only see and our ears only hear what our brain is looking for.” —Dan Sullivan
Once you commit to living your dreams, the lids blinding your eyes will be lifted. A completely new world will be opened to your view.
You will notice opportunities that have been in your reach all along, ones your conscious mind simply didn’t pay heed to. From a psychological perspective, your selective attention will zoom-in on what you want in microscopic detail. All other sensory inpu...ts will be outsourced to your subconscious and forgotten.
The fundamental change taking place is your self-identity. This is the point of no return. Once this shift has happened, your whole world changes.

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More about Virginia Georgiou