Wemyss Castle Gardens

About Wemyss Castle Gardens

Open April to 31st July
by prior appointment only
Mon to Fri, 9. 30am-6pm

Wemyss Castle Gardens Description

The proximity of the Forth estuary and exposure to winter winds from the East bring with them a low incidence of frost but an almost annual challenge from salt laden gales. The grounds have been gardened formally since the 17th century, with each generation introducing their own ideas, the amount of land tended dependant on the extent of their interest and needs.

The gardens currently comprise a spring woodland garden of some 15 acres with a very fine display of Erythronium revolutum followed by bluebells and narcissi.

Since 1994 the contiguous redundant 6 acre walled garden has been substantially overhauled and redesigned by Charlotte Wemyss with completely new planting and landscaping concentrating in particular on clematis roses and ornamental trees.

The garden may be visited on weekdays, from May to July by prior arrangement only.

PLEASE NOTE: Wemyss Castle is not open to the public.

More about Wemyss Castle Gardens

01592 652181