West Dorset Animal Chiropractic

About West Dorset Animal Chiropractic

Chiropractic care for people and pets, if you are concerned about a chnge in the way your dog moves, chiropractic may be the answer

West Dorset Animal Chiropractic Description

The purpose of chiropractic care is to realign and rebalance your body to relieve pain and discomfort, and increase mobility.

Dr. Evelyne O'Hare

trained at the Anglo-Europaean College of Chiropractic in Bournemouth, the longest established centre for chiropractic education and research in Europe She holds a Masters degree in Chiropractic and has undertaken extensive post graduate studies in chiropractic paediatrics and cranial therapy as well as dry needling (acupuncture) and animal chiropractic in which she has completed a two year post graduate diploma.

She is registered with the General Chiropractic Council and is a member of the British Chiropractic Association and the College of Chiropractors where she is a member of both the paediatric and animal faculties, she is also a member of the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Therapists.

Evelyne has a son Rollo who is at university and a small menagerie including poultry, cats, dogs and horses which keeps her fairly busy when she is not at work!

Why should my pet have chiropractic care?

Just like people, animals can sometimes get stiff and sore in their spines and joints. This can often be due to lifestyle.

Our pets often have long periods of inactivity, when we are out at work, followed by bursts of energetic activity, when we play with them or take them out for walks. We have bred them to develop certain body shapes which are different to how they evolved naturally and we walk them on leads and harnesses, which sometimes they pull against.

We are also guilty of overfeeding them, and some are naughty and go off chasing rabbits, jumping fences and squeezing under gates. And of course as they get older they can get wear and tear to their joints.

Dogs and cats can also suffer from many of the same joint problems that we humans get such as prolapsed (slipped) discs or arthritis. We go to the chiropractor for help getting straight again so why not extend the same care to our pets?

Chiropractic should never be a substitute for veterinary care, and we work closely with the vets to provide a complete range of care for your animalAfter being referred by the vet, your animal chiropractor will take a detailed history from the owner about the animal’s presenting symptoms and behavior. The animal’s posture will be assessed and note taken of any asymmetry and differences in muscle tone as well as head and tail carriage. Movement or gait will be assessed for any lameness or stiffness or if the animal is moving in an unexpected way.


Chiropractic adjustments are short, quick thrusts to the joints which restore movement and alleviate pain, allowing the body to return to its natural balanced state. The aim is to return each joint of the spine or limbs to its full range of motion according to the animal’s natural conformation. Animals usually enjoy their treatments and will often stretch, roll, yawn or give themselves a shake after they have been adjusted.

You will be advised on aftercare as your animal may sometimes react to the treatment by being a little stiff and sore or even appearing worse for a day or two, this is normal and is just the body rebalancing itself. Your pet may also be off its food or be more sleepy after a treatment, but will very quickly feel much better. You will also be advised as to changes in exercise and ways to get, and keep your pet fitter.

Prices: Initial Consultation: £40
Treatment thereafter: £30

More about West Dorset Animal Chiropractic

West Dorset Animal Chiropractic is located at Haydon vets Bridport and Spring Corner vets BournemouthGore Cross Veterinary Centre, Corbin Way, DT6 3UX Bridport
Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:30 - 06:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -
http://www.bridport-chiro.co.uk/ http://www.naturaltherapypages.co.uk/therapist/bridport-chiro/189