Western Baths Water Polo Club

Monday: 20:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 20:30 - 22:00
Friday: 20:00 - 21:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Western Baths Water Polo Club

Water Polo has been played at the Western Baths since 1876 and is one of the oldest clubs in Scotland!

We are keen to pass on our vast wealth of experience to new players wishing to develop their skills and learn new techniques.

Western Baths Water Polo Club Description

Western Baths water polo club is for both social and competitive water polo players. We have both men's and womens water polo teams and compete in the Scottish national leagues.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch!

We are always looking for new players, whether you have played before or not!

Training times:

Mondays, 20: 30-22: 00 @ Western Baths Club
Thursdays, 20: 00-22: 00 @ Tollcross International Swimming Pool
Fridays, 20: 00-21: 30 @ Strathyclyde University



Hi all, After yesterday's Scottish Water Polo AGM here is an important message from Alan Anderson. Let me know if you are interested and contact Alan directly for further information.
... Thank you to all who were able to attend the AGM yesterday, the minutes will be circulated in due course once prepared, reviewed and approved.
However, there is an important matter which requires you immediate attention. We were not able to form a Scottish Water Polo Committee as there were no volunteers for some of the key roles. Scottish Water Polo is not able to operate without a Committee, so you will not be able to participate in your sport unless we can form a committee. If a committee is not formed by Sunday 10th December then ALL water polo activities out with your club training will STOP until the matter is resolved.
Please can you consider the vacant positions and advise your club members and volunteers of the need to have these roles filled, one item which has become obvious over recent times and was discussed yesterday is that the communication within clubs is not getting key messages to all parties, please make the effort to get this message out. Volunteers need to be a member of Scottish Swimming, this is a cost of £10 https://www.scottishswimming.com/…/bene fits-of-membership.a…
This is the status of the SWP Committee including identified co-opted roles
FULL COMMITTEE ROLES Chair Alan Anderson Finance Co-ordinator VACANT Technical Officials Manager VACANT Domestic Co-ordinator VACANT
CO-OPTED ROLES Vice Chair Ross Elder Technical Officials Co-ordinator VACANT Major Events Co-ordinator Gael Drummond Governance & Secretariat VACANT National Teams Co-ordinator Jen Hardy Marketing & Communications VACANT
The Roles of Finance Manager \ Governance & Secretariat \ Marketing & Communications – do not require in depth knowledge of Water Polo, sound business skills in these areas is the key capability required.
Domestic Co-ordinator and Technical Officials Co-ordinator – require experience and understanding of the organisation of team sport and competition, not specifically water polo
Technical Officials Manager – requires a strong knowledge and experience of water polo
There are role descriptions available, except for the Marketing & Communications role – but I would be happy to discuss this role with interested candidates.
Please be advised these positions will be advertised by Scottish Swimming and through Scottish Water Polo social media channels in the coming days.
All applications should be submitted to me in the first instance, and I would be happy to discuss the roles with any people who have an interest.
Thank you for your support in working to address this situation, but be aware
Alan Anderson Chair, Scottish Water Polo
See More


For all those players who are starting to come on Mondays and/or Thursdays again, there are three main categories of membership and fee payment. Pay by monthly bank transfer - every month - to Bank of Scotland Acc Name: Western Baths Water Polo Club Sort Code: 801180 Account No: 00724184... Make the Payment Reference your name. 1. People with salaries - £30 per month to train on Mondays and Thursdays. 2. Juniors - £18 per month. 3. Glasgow or Strathclyde University students - £10 per month for training at Western Baths on Mondays. If you want to play matches for Western as well - £15 per month. we need a whole year's money to get back what we pay out for you (in other words, you have to keep paying in the University holidays whether you come to training or not). People without salaries and the generally skint - speak to me.
See More


Farewell Ginika. Thanks for being part of our club. It was great having as part of the team. Wear your Western Baths polo costume with pride and as a great conversation starter. You are always welcome back. Also don't forget I taught you how to lob. Good luck in the future. Regards Ken Fussell


West Cup game on this Thursday. Tollcross 8:30. Training is also on at the other end.


Over the last 20 odd years we have had players from 30 countries though our doors


https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fb id=1135075399902335&id=3678143032951 19


Hi Folks. The Club is skint. The monthly cost of pool hire for training alone is more than £400. We do not take this amount in because very few people are paying fees. If you train with Western then training fees are payable. The only exception is Glasgow University people who only come on Thursdays, for which we have different arrangements. Those GU people who also come on Mondays should pay fees. See post below for details of how to pay and how much. Just do it. Now.
Anyone with problems with this should talk to me. We don't want to deter anyone from playing, but we do need more cash.


Training is officially back at Tollcross. Good session last week, however, it's a big pool for 9 people!! Dust your trunks off and keep that summer bod till winter


http://m.rediff.com/…/which-is-the-toug hest-s…/20160727.htm…


With only 15 days until Rio 2016, we are getting ready to watch the events! What country you supporting in the Water Polo?! Perhaps some of us could do with a refresher on the rules?!


Hi all, can you spare ten minutes to complete this survey?


OK you lot. We're going bowling (and drinking etc) at Springfield Quay on Friday 22nd July. Say 7pm. Who"s in? Need definite numbers to book the right number of lanes. Reply below. Liking is nice but I will only count replies.

More about Western Baths Water Polo Club

Monday: 20:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 20:30 - 22:00
Friday: 20:00 - 21:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -