Written Precisely

About Written Precisely

Copywriting and editing services for businesses, academics and individuals throughout the UK

Written Precisely Description

Copywriting and editing services for businesses, academics and individuals throughout the UK



Love this quote by the famous Ecologist John Muir. It shares an important message but is also a great example of how incorrect information spreads rapidly around the Internet. It's so often misquoted as "when one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world".
Do you do your research before you press share? #johnmuir #quote #quoteoftheday #naturequotes #research #doyourresearch


Since becoming a mum, I've found myself making the most of any small opportunity to get work done. Right now I'm trapped under a sleeping seven-month-old using canva on my phone to create some social media posts! What apps make your life easier? #mumpreneur #mumlife #workingmum #workingfromhome #smallbusiness #selfemployed #naptime #makingthemostofbabynaptime #dontwakethebaby #socialmedia @ Edinburgh, United Kingdom


I've updated and streamlined my social media - links in the comments below if you'd like to follow me. Why, because I believe less is more.
It's something I often say about writing. Too many unnecessary words and it's easy for your message to get lost. But I think it's true elsewhere in life also.
I had personal and business Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts, three blogs and an Instagram account. But with so many, none were particularly active or reflective of me as a ...person or business and they weren't doing anything useful. So I deactivated some and changed the names!
Meet my new social persona, the eco-friendly editor. It's a combination of my love for the written word and the natural world. It's me.
How does your social media reflect you and your business?
See More


Question of the week...
This keeps popping up in my life at the moment. With Google at our fingertips we're never short of information, but in an age when anyone can post anything, is there such a thing as too much?


I've taken a break from Netwalking Scotland recently - not the easiest with a baby - but so happy to see the walks are back! Get along if you can, the fresh air and exercise are great for the mood. And, if setting up a business and having a baby has taught me anything, it's that having a network of like-minded people around you is so important! They keep you sane, provide support and are always there for a laugh.






After the death of my Yoga, I'm starting the new year with a new toy! Time to get set up and back to work. Hope you all had a great Christmas 😊


Seems appropriate for tonight πŸ˜‚ Happy New Year, wishing you all a great 2019! πŸΎπŸŽ‰


Something amusing for a Friday night πŸ˜‚https://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/spinc h…


So lovely to see everyone at Karen M Yates - Ideas Into Action Bootcamp this afternoon and to introduce Isobel to her extended Ideas into Action family 😊


Couldn't resist having this as my #WordOfTheWeek this week given the amount of coffee and cake that comes with having a new baby.
Fika - a Swedish word for a coffee and cake break. A chance to take time out, catch up with friends and appreciate life.


Moved out the office into the dining room for my meeting this afternoon. I'm sure the guinea pigs enjoyed it! #workingmum #workingfromhome #womeninbiz #businessmum #businesswoman #businessmeeting #meeting #localbusiness #localbiz #localbusinesses


Hanging up the washing and feeling inspired to write about first experiences of reusable nappies and other eco-friendly parenting ideas - writing inspiration really is everywhere. Where do you find yours?
#reusablenappies #reducewaste #ecofriendly #reducereuserecycle #ecoparenting #environmentallyfriendly #writinginspiration #inspired #mumpreneur #businessmum #womeninbiz #workingmum


The start of a new week and time for me to start thinking about business again after two months off bringing baby Isobel into the world.
So, here I am sitting with a sleeping 7-week old baby on my lap thinking about my social media; it has been rather neglected recently. Writing is what I do, what I enjoy - and a blog revamp is coming - but social media and content is so much more than that. So, I'm taking this opportunity to branch out and try new things. Follow me on my social media journey as I learn how to be a mum and business owner; there'll be plenty of writing tips too!
https://www.instagram.com/jane_writes_pre cisely/


I think Teisha has the right idea in this weather! Happy weekend everyone! #dogsofinstagram #dog #staffiecross #staffielove


Who's loving the rainy weather? #WordOfTheWeek

More about Written Precisely
