Yes Pollok

About Yes Pollok

Yes Pollok - campaigning for an Independent Scotland. Like us for updates of what is happening in the Greater Pollok and Cardonald area.



Yes Pollok need a van like this! рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу ҒҝрҹҰ„вңҠ


Important dates for your diary рҹ“…рҹ“Ң - -your-diary-4046569


It looks like Scotland is consistently poling a majority in favour of independence.
This is the third to show a lead since the general election back in December.... 51%, 50.2% and now 52%.


TomorrowвҖҷs front page: Exclusive new poll shows massive increase in support for independence, with Yes now sitting at 52%! рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ Plus SNP set to win an overall majority at Holyrood!
Make sure you pick up the paper for the full details and analysis of this bombshell poll!


New documentary by Unchained Media Scotland on the case for independence for Aberdeeen. Documentaries may prove to be a highly effective way to communicate the more detailed message and engage more undecided voters.
Have a watch and leave your thoughts below. :)


From The National :) On вҖҳBlack FridayвҖҷ Brexit Day, here at The National we want to send a strong message to our friends in Europe. WeвҖҷre asking our readers to take a picture of themselves holding up the paper tomorrow to say вҖңLeave A Light OnвҖқ for an independent Scotland. If you pick up your copy it would be great if you could help us by sharing your photos using #LeaveALightOn


Yes Pollok flying the flag in InvernessрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу ҒҝрҹҸҙ у Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғі у ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ


Yes Pollok flying the flag in Inverness рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу  Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу  ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ


Yes Stones have a great event happening at Gretna on brexit day. Details below hope you can make it рҹ‘ҚрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у  Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ 4832685/


Yes Pollok are urging you to write a letter to the PM Boris Johnson to inform him that you STRONGLY disagree with his refusal of a second Independence Referendum.
The idea behind this campaign is to inundate his office with letters from the Scottish electorate with our feelings on his decision. This act of civil disobedience will help to show Boris that the Scottish people are ready to take action! nson/


Looking forward to the Scotland the brief launch event kicking off. Fantastic amount of people have turned up.


Yes Pollok merchandise is now available on RedBubble. All profits are used to further our campaign! You can order anything from a Yes Pollok T-shirt, dress, notebook to a duvet cover or shower curtain!


Keep your eyes peeled for further details!

More about Yes Pollok