
About Yoga-Prana-Yama

Yoga teacher



A lot of you know I have a cocker spaniel puppy (Dāna). She's the light of my life and I love her to bits. This photo encapsulates how she is handling all we are traversing through. It felt appropriate as the backdrop to what I would like to share, everyone loves a puppy, right? 🐶
I have been contemplating this post for a number of days and felt I wanted to reach out to you.
... One thing most of us can agree on is that we are in the midst of a momentous shift from one way of being to another. Daily, hourly or even from minute to minute our emotions and thoughts can change. This is normal, natural and human. There is no right way to feel. 🙌 Ask yourself can you surrender to it? It's a big ask I know. I've been right there with ALL my emotions about this so I truly am speaking from my heart. Finally, after sitting with shifting perspectives, changing my routine, breaking old structure to find new, I'm in some kind of a groove that's manageable and feels good!
My suggestion is to try and allow whatever comes up for you - without judgement, expectation or desire for it to be any different than it is at that precise time. That is where YOUR power and strength are. It may seem we have to think or feel differently to how we do. We tell ourself we shouldn't feel negative emotions because we should be grateful for all we have OR that we should remain positive. Whilst this approach is admirable, it's not wholly realistic. We can risk pushing aside or disregarding an emotion without our body fully processing it, if we do this these may resurface later on. Give yourself permission to feel and experience all emotions; see if you can do this without adding an extra layer by labelling them as good, bad or otherwise. Then... let them pass. I appreciate the complexity of this concept; however if we can achieve, this we heal not only ourselves but our families and our wider communities too. This release and letting go is what helps us raise our vibration - to move to a place of higher consciousness.
I hope some of what I have said offers comfort, support or helps you create an even deeper relationship with yourself.
From my heart to yours, Fee 🧡
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I love this, it made me giggle! 🙊
Fortunately i’ve had no major technical glitches with Zoom and it’s been a great teaching platform to use! 👌
Thanks to all who attended class today! I look forward to you joining me next Friday. Have a restful easter weekend everyone! 🐣


⚡️WEEKLY ONLINE HATHA YOGA CLASS⚡️1 hour 15 minutes (suitable for beginners)⚡️ 🕘FRIDAY'S: 9.30am - 10.45am🕘
Moving ones body mindfully helps us to get out of our heads and into our hearts. The postures are straightforward and easy to follow - I cue you from my mat to yours. 🙌 You can see me and I can see you too (there is an option to have your video off if you prefer).
... Join me for an engaging practice to open your heart and prepare your body for the day and weekend ahead!
☯️The cost is £5 per session. Payment via bank transfer prior to the class please.
☯️Please comment below or send me a message book.
With love 🧡
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Thanks to all who have joined and are yet to join me virtually this week! 💁🏻‍♀️
Your energy is invaluable and so appreciated. 🙏🏼
Here is some humour for you. I’m sure all my lovely students can relate. 😂


⚡️WEEKLY ONLINE HATHA YOGA CLASS⚡️1 hour 15 minutes (suitable for beginners)⚡️ 🕘FRIDAY 3RD APRIL: 9.30am - 10.45am🕘
I hope you are all managing to navigate your way through this challenging time. 🙏
... To continue to support you, I am offering virtual yoga classes (through Zoom)👩‍💻every Friday on a continual basis at present.
How yoga helps us?
💨Focus on breath literally calms us, reducing stress hormones, it brings your body into a place of greater equilibrium, lowers your heart rate and calms your nervous system.
️💪Yoga postures (among many benefits) increase blood flow throughout your body, improves cardio and circulatory health and... boosts your immune system. Something that we all need right now!
Why virtual sessions? ➕The benefit of these in comparison to simply following those online is that we can see (and if necessary) speak to one another (however there is an option to switch your video off if you would like). ➕I can cue and adjust you throughout your practice so that you get a more personalised experience. ➕It fosters a sense of community, belonging and a means of expression between us so that we feel less detached and distanced from one another.
☯️Under the current circumstances I feel it appropriate to offer the classes for £5 per session. Payment via bank transfer prior to the class please.
☯️Please comment below or send me a message book.
I look forward to hearing from you! 🧡
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I shall be teaching at the Highland Yoga Collective, a fab new designated yoga space in Nairn once all this has passed. A supportive network of yoga teachers to fulfill all your needs. In the meantime, i’m teaching online this coming Friday again.🧡


Some light Sunday humour! 😂 All the Zoom classes have been better than I ever could have anticipated. 💁🏻‍♀️ As we head into week 2 remember to breathe deeply and try to keep it light. We are all doing our best 🧡


Thanks to everyone who attended my online class today! 🙏 Next Friday 3rd April, how does 9.30am -10.45am suit you?Thanks to everyone who attended my online class today! 🙏 Next Friday 3rd April, how does 9.30am -10.45am suit you?


🌟NEW VIRTUAL YOGA CLASS🌟 1 hour 15 minutes (suitable for beginners)🌟 🕚FRIDAY 27th MARCH: 11.00 am - 12.15pm🕚
I hope you are all well and managing to keep your spirits lifted through this uncertain time.
... I would like to support you and help you create emotional and psychological stability in this transitionary time. 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️Yoga and breath are some of the ways in which we can re-establish ownership over our thoughts and emotions, especially right now, providing a feeling of stillness and calm.
I am offering virtual yoga classes (using Zoom); groups will be kept relatively small to ensure everybody gets the focus they need.
Why virtual sessions?👩‍💻 ➕The benefit of these in comparison to simply following those online is that we can see (and if necessary) speak to one another (there is however an option to switch your video off if you would like). ➕I can cue and adjust you throughout your practice so that you get a more personalised experience. ➕It fosters a sense of community, belonging and a means of expression between us so that we feel less detached and distanced from one another.
Depending on interest, I may offer this twice a week. ☯️Under the current circumstances. I feel it appropriate to offer the classes for £5 per session. Payment via bank transfer prior to the class please. ☯️Please either comment below or send me a message if you are interested and would like to join me! ☯️I am also happy to do 1:1 sessions (using Skype or Zoom) for £20.
I look forward to hearing from you! 🧡
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This really struck a cord with me! I hope it offers you the same comfort. Sending goodness and health to all beings 🧡☯️🧡


A short uplifting article about how to enhance your immune system!


Tomorrow is the last class in Auldearn. 🙏🏼 Thanks to all who have attended this block of classes, for your energy and enthusiasm. When classes do re-commence, I’ll be at the Highland Yoga Collective 🧡😊🧡Tomorrow is the last class in Auldearn. 🙏🏼 Thanks to all who have attended this block of classes, for your energy and enthusiasm. When classes do re-commence, I’ll be at the Highland Yoga Collective 🧡😊🧡


When the world around is in a place of instability we have a choice. To stand tall, to remain strong and grounded.
In times of dis-ease. Both in our internal and external environments, we can turn to our practice of self care. Inner reflection supports and strengthens us in turbulent times. It also reminds me that I have to practice what I preach.
... Yoga is a wonderful tool through which to achieve this, whether it’s breath awareness or our physical practice.
Focus on breath literally calms us, reducing stress hormones, brings your body into a place of greater equilibrium, lowers your heart rate and calms your nervous system.
Yoga postures (among many benefits) increase blood flow throughout your body, improves cardio and circulatory health and... boosts the immunity of your body.
Keep positive and focussed and trust that this too shall pass. Wishing you a restful Sunday. 🧡🦋🧡
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I’m really looking forward to sharing this special gathering with you!
It will be a soulful morning of breath and movement followed by a delicious 2 course vegan brunch.
Please contact me directly to book! ... 🧡
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2020 International Women’s Day
This little (not so little anymore) ball of fluff has brought so much joy to my life. Animals are in their way such soft and graceful teachers. May all women hold, support and strengthen one another on their own respective journeys.


Good morning
A little warm up flow to share with you.
Have a fabulous week!

More about Yoga-Prana-Yama

Yoga-Prana-Yama is located at IV12 5XZ Cawdor