Yummy Yummy



Wee bit of fun xxx


OK thinking of doing a healthy slim boxes for all you people like me trying to shed a few pounds (well stones in my case lol) if interested type yes to see how many of u guys are interested and will think of some boxes made just for yous xxxx ­¤æÖ­¤æÖ


­¤Äē­¤Äē­¤Äē­¤Äē ashleigh macleod ­¤Äē­¤Äē­¤Äē­¤Äē you are the easter winner ­¤É░­¤É░­¤É░ well done !! Will be in touch so you can get ur easter goodies ­¤śü


ANSWER IS 311 nearest one closest to number and has shared and liked will get prize xxx


Come try our yummy 12 inch munchie box comes with curry sauce sweet chilli dip & prawn crackers ­¤śŹ


Okay guys... Still time to get ur guesses in for ur easter goodies ­¤śü Competition will end Sunday at 8 pm get sharing and good luck! ­¤ÉŻ­¤ÉŻ­¤Éż­¤Éż­¤Éź­¤Éź­¤Éć­¤Éć­¤Éć­¤Éć­ ¤É░­¤É░­¤É░


­¤Äē­¤Éź­¤Äē­¤Éź­¤Äē Easter ­¤Éź­¤ÉźCompetition guess how many eggs in jar......... To be entered you must LIKE ­¤æŹ the page and SHARE the post one guess per person first person to guess the correct amount wins the prize plus a curry with rice or chips winner will announced on Easter Sunday good luck peeps!! REMEMBER TO LEAVE UR GUESS IN COMMENT BOX GET SHARING!!! ­¤ōŻ­¤ōŻ­¤ōó­¤ōó­¤öŖ­¤öŖ­¤öŖ­¤Äē­¤Éź­¤Äē­ ¤Éź­¤Äē


Check your bank notes: the top one is fake, it has a clear circle at the top left hand side, where the crown hologram should be and no holograms at all on bottom left hand side. Apparently there are fake 10s and 20s too. Please share


­¤æĆ ­¤æĆ Easter Competition time keep eyes peeled ­¤æĆ ­¤æĆ


If there is any issues or enquiries please don't hesitate feel free to give us a pm and we will help you anyway way we can ­¤śĆ


You know its insane how many people jump on a band wagon the first chance they get whenever they hear one side of a ŌĆ£bad storyŌĆØ and try and defend the person for apparent accusations. When in reality they should probably find out about the other parties story first before jumping to conclusions. But oh well that's what's wrong with society these days everyone likes to jump onto the band wagon and likes to point fingers. For example if they seen a video of a man hitting a woman then they would instantly say that the man was in the wrong without actually knowing the full reason or seeing what actually happened but that's what's become of society its full of double standards every where. Everyone is blinded with false accusations and don't actually see the truth right now the case in the matter is that it's one word against an other. The facts in the matter are that:

A: Ms smith who was a trainee was told CLEARLY that she would not get a wage.

B: At any point Ms smith could have got up and left on the first day but she did not and stayed after being told this information.

C: After seeing what she would receive and how things went on in the first night she still decided to come back the following week of her own free will while knowing what the outcome would be.

So these are the facts as you can clearly see Ms smith was told all the information before training there. So all this harassment about being a scumbag and slave labour rubbish lets keep it civil shall we ? We are civil human beings no need to start abusing people over false accusations.


It's sad to see that such a story has been bent into "Slave Labour", she was clearly informed of the situation so no need to down rate this place. The food here is good and that's what the rating system is for! Great food? 5 stars!


┬Ż10 an hour on staff wages is disgusting.

1 full shifts wage is less than me and my wife's order’┐Į

Diffrence between Yummy Yummy and Dick Turpin he wore a mask!


┬Ż1.42 an hour....... you're selling a bag of prawn crackers for more than that, absolutely shocking, hang your heads in shame, disgusting.


treat staff like slaves will never be back again


UTTERLY DISGRACEFUL. It is a shambles of a establishment like yours that gives small Buisnesses a bad name!!!!!! How you can possibly think that paying a 17 year old ┬Ż10 for a 7 hour shift in 2018 is unfathomable and also completley ILLEGAL. Shame on you.


Pay your people right. Shame on you for not paying that girl what you agreed to. ┬Ż1.42 per hour?? Seriously?? Won't ever spend any of my money here at a place that pays slave wages.


Out of order paying anyone ┬Ż10 for a 7 hour shift!!! If u look after ur staff then they will look after your customers!! I have a 15 year old working for me and even she gets ┬Ż5.50 an hour. Disgusting


Making people work hard for a ┬Ż10 wage is utter shameful and damn right disgraceful they should apologise to the girl affected and compensate her for the upset they have caused and hang there heads in shame!


Just seen how you treat your workers will never order from your shop. shocking good luck your going to need it...


If customers decided to pay for the dishes you serve based on what they think you deserve, how well would that go over with you?


I prefer to dine at places who follow the law; if youŌĆÖre skipping out on employees, who knows what else youŌĆÖre skipping out on.


Have not had any food but cannot condone how they treated the young girl. ┬Ż10 FOR 7 HOURS WORK. Hang your heads in shame

I hope this publicity hits you where it hurts in your purse.


Disgusting paying a young girl ┬Ż10 for 7 hours work not a very good way to get business in cumbernauld............


Disgusting behavior.I for one wont encouraged the behaviour towards a child who is willing to work to get a wee bit of pocket money .I wouldn't encouraged you in anyway.However I. am watching to see who wins this one I know who my money is on .Nomorebuyingfromyou .com


Disgraceful owner thinks slave labour is still acceptable and pays only ┬Ż10 for a 7 hour shift.


According to the National Minimum Wage Act 1998,

(2)A person qualifies for the national minimum wage if he is an individual whoŌĆö

(a)is a worker;

(b)is working, or ordinarily works, in the United Kingdom under his contract; and

(c)has ceased to be of compulsory school age.

REFUSING to pay her wages because of ratings is appalling, want us to stop? Guess what ? PAY THE GIRL. APOLOGISE. BE A DECENT HUMAN.


Absolutely terrible to do that to that young woman. I hope everyone reads these and you lose business. That is so wrong on so many levels! & also ILLEGAL!!!


Absolute disgrace treating a young lass who worked her arse off by giving her ┬Ż10 !!! I hope no one orders from this place and your business goes down the toilet !

More about Yummy Yummy

Yummy Yummy is located at 58 Lochinvar Road, G67 4AR Glasgow, United Kingdom