Zetland Park Methodist Church

About Zetland Park Methodist Church

Zetland Park Methodist Church exists to rejoice in the love of God. Who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.



News-sheet for March published.
http://www.zetlandparkmethodist.co.uk/… /pastoral_letters.sh…


Newsletter for February 2019 published
http://www.zetlandparkmethodist.co.uk/… /pastoral_letters.sh…


Talk by Ken Bibby on Wednesday 17th October 7.30pm
Ken writes travel reviews for local and national papers and has visited Myanmar (Burma). He will recount his experience with photos and videos of Myanmar behind the news.
... ✅ Rohingya situation where there are two sides to each story; it's a long dispute. Muslims(often large families) overflowing from overcrowded Bangladesh vs. Myanmar Buddhist population (often small families).
✅ Inside Aung San Suu Kyi’s house
✅ Inside a large nunnery
✅ Inside a Gulag
✅ Working with Gold
✅ 100 sq mile lake – where homes are on stilts or float.
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Newsletter for October published: http://www.zetlandparkmethodist.co.uk/… /pastoral_letters.sh…


News sheet for September 2018 published:
http://www.zetlandparkmethodist.co.uk/… /pastoral_letters.sh…


Newsletter for May published http://www.zetlandparkmethodist.co.uk/… /pastoral_letters.sh…
As I am sure I have said, probably countless times before, that there are very few television programmes which I consider worth watching.
However, amongst those small number I 'enjoy' is DIY SOS, which records the efforts of a team of housing experts to transform the home of someone who really needs a lift in life and whose house is a major problem in one way or another! Within a very t...ight timescale, and using, mainly, the voluntarily offered labour of house-building tradespersons and donated materials supplied by companies who show some compassion, they achieve some incredible transformations.
At the end of each show, those who have worked for free on the house, often dozens of them, are invited to meet with the family as they view their newly transformed home. I just love watching as burley builders, electricians, plumbers, plasterers, etc, etc, etc are moved to tears through their compassionate connection which people in need and the realisation of just what their help has meant to others.
In John 13 Jesus is recorded as having told his disciples to "love one another as I have loved you." Of course, we know that Jesus loves us so much that he stopped at nothing, even going to the cross out of compassion for us, yes, you and me! So let us be moved again with compassion as we gaze out on the world and see what we can do to help others experience God's love and care through our actions.
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Newsletter for April published: http://www.zetlandparkmethodist.co.uk/… /pastoral_letters.sh…

More about Zetland Park Methodist Church

Zetland Park Methodist Church is located at The Crescent, TS10 3AX Redcar
01287 651340