اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ



Why do we admire this Man of Allah عزوجل so much?
After all he has instill the love of the Best of Creation, The Messenger of Allah ﷺ in our hearts! The love of Madinah!
"Attaar Loves Madinah more than his life because
... There resides my Master ﷺ my sweetheart, in Madinah"
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The Leader of the Believers, Sayyiduna 'Ali was martyred on 21st Ramadan. He was born in the greatest of cities. He descends from the greatest of lineages. He grew up in the greatest of households. He was nurtured by the greatest of the Prophets ﷺ. He was chosen to marry the greatest of women. He fathered the greatest of children. He lived the greatest of lives. He was martyred in the greatest of months (Ramadan) on the greatest of days (Layla al-Qadr) after being struck whil...st he was in the greatest of places (Masjid) performing the greatest of worship (Salah) in the greatest of positions before his Lord (Sajda). رضي الله عنه
He is the leader of the faithful, the master of the warriors, the carrier of the flag, the conqueror of Khaybar, the Lion of Allāh, the door to the City of Knowledge, the Imam of the east and the west, the signpost of faith, the husband of al-Batul, and the beloved of the Rasūl. ﷺ
Al Fathia 🙏🏻
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The 17th Ramadan marks the date of the battle of Badr.
May Allah shower his blessings upon the warriors of Badr and grant the Muslim Ummah glory and victory once again. آمين
Note - Remember, believing that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was bestowed with at least some components of al-uloom ul-khamsa (mentioned in the Qur'an, 34:31) is a necessary component of the creed of the Ahlus Sunnah. Anyone rejecting this is a deviant because this is proven from narrations which are mutawati...r ul ma'naa (mass transmitted in meaning). (al-Fatawaa al-Ridawiyyah, vol. 29, pg. 414)
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Mujh Pe Bhi Chashme Karam Mere Aaqa karna


Jald Phir Tum Lo Bula🙏
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Daily Dhikr to do in the Month of Ramadān💚 ---------------------- 1. SubhānAllāh 100 times [like performing 100 Hajj] 2. Alhamdulillāh 100 times [like giving 100 horses as charity] 3. Lā ilāha illAllāh 100 times [like freeing 100 slaves]... 4. Allāhu Akbar 100 times [performed the greatest deeds]
(Ref: Mishkāt al-Maśābīh, vol.2, p. 346) ------------------------ 5. Astaghfirullāh 100 times [forgiveness of sins]
6. SallAllāhu 'alā Sayyidinā Muhammadin SallAllāhu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam 100 times [praying once: 70 doors of Mercy will open]
7. Lā Hawla Wa Lā Quwwata illā Billāhil 'Aliyyil 'Adhīm 100 times [treasure of Jannah, cure for many mental and physical diseases]
8. Sūrah Ikhlāś 100 times [praying thrice: equal to praying Qur'ān]
9. Allāhummagh-fir li Jamī'il Mu'minīna Wal Mu'mināt 100 times [praying once: reward equal to each believing man and woman]
10. HasbunAllāhu Wa Ni'mal Wakīl 100 times [protection/removal of calamities] ---------------------------- 11. After each prayer: -SubhānAllāh 33 times -Alhamdulillāh 33 times -Allāhu Akbar 34 times -4th Kalīmah once
-Ayat al-Kursī once
-Astaghfirullāhal Adhīm al-ladhī Lā ilāha illā Hu al-Hayyum al-Qayyum Wa Atūbu ilayhi 3 times -------------------------- •After Fajr: Yā 'Azīzu Yā Allāh (100 times) •After Dhuhr: Yā Karīmu Yā Allāh (100 times) •After 'Aśr: Yā Jabbāru Yā Allāh (100 times) •After Maghrib: Yā Sattāru Yā Allāh (100 times) •After 'Ishā: Yā Ghaffāru Yā Allāh (100 times)
[The 5 treasures]
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Ye Sunkar Sakhee Apka Astana ﷺ Hain Daman Pasare Hue Sab Zamana
Nawaso Ka Sadqa Nigah E Karam Ho Tere Dar Pe Tere Gada Aa Gaye Hain




Spot the difference!


السَـلاَمُ عَلَيــْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اللّٰهِ وَبَرَكـَاتُہ..! A very Beautifull short clip of #Salamﷺ ❤

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