
About 1Plus1Builders

We are reliable and care for our customers
Our finishing is a must



My heart is aching for any one who is self employed like me
If you don’t have premises - no £10k grant.
If you don’t employ staff - no 80% of their wage covered to retain them.
... We aren’t employed - no 80% of wages covered.
We can apply for universal credit and get a maximum of 300 odd quid, but if we live with a partner who’s lucky enough to have a wage then you’ll get nothing.
We haven’t been given a definitive direction to close, but all of our clients are cancelling and our industries are mounting pressure and shame on us to close - the same people who are getting grants and their staff are getting 80% of their wages paid.
We know we have to do social distancing. But we are a few days away from zero income.
All these people have built their businesses from zero with unimaginable amounts of blood, sweat and tears.
Please be compassionate and empathetic to your self employed friends, their world is crumbling around them and they haven’t been thrown the same lifeline as you. They are being forced to make horrendously difficult decisions and don’t need any more shame from anyone else.
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GOD HAS A PURPOSE FOR YOU. Your conception, birth and life are part of a DIVINE PLAN. You’re not here by accident; you’re here by ASSIGNMENT. The world needs you…YOUR DREAMS…YOUR WISDOM…YOUR GIFTS. Don’t bury your talent. Don’t bow to threats. You are on God’s mind. You are in God’s plans. HE KNOWS YOUR NAME. May He open your eyes to SEE WHAT HE SEES IN YOU. May He anoint you with wisdom to FULFIL YOUR DESTINY.
#1Plus1builders #EXCELLENCE #Exceptional #ALLOUT #Serviceisakey #Consistence #Bezalel


GOD HAS A PURPOSE FOR YOU. Your conception, birth and life are part of a DIVINE PLAN. You’re not here by accident; you’re here by ASSIGNMENT. The world needs you…YOUR DREAMS…YOUR WISDOM…YOUR GIFTS. Don’t bury your talent. Don’t bow to threats. You are on God’s mind. You are in God’s plans. HE KNOWS YOUR NAME. May He open your eyes to SEE WHAT HE SEES IN YOU. May He anoint you with wisdom to FULFIL YOUR DESTINY.
#1Plus1builders #EXCELLENCE #Exceptional #ALLOUT #Serviceisakey #Consistence #Bezalel




Building a load bearing pillar for the supporting beam to sit on as the main wall been taken out. #Allout #1Plus1Builders #Serviceisakey #Excellence #Exceptional #BEZALEL


https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fb id=2788843264495813&id=1000011050179 51


People will see the difference through the hand writing ✍️ 🙏🏿🔐📝🛠🧱🏗🏘 #Allout #1Plus1Builders #Serviceisakey #Excellence #Exceptional #BEZALEL 😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂https://y outu.be/S_AKjzdDoIc




Am coming on live in 5 minutes time for 5 minutes. If you have any enquiries, don't hesitate...


#BEZALEL #Serviceisakey


Merry Christmas to you all.
Booking for next year starts already and a %20 discount when you book before 20th January. Thanks


It’s not easy out there, People are always saying:
You can’t; you shouldn’t, it should be someone better than you.... they will do all they can to push it out your way.... You’re not smart enough, not good enough.
... This world, it beats you down again and again until you cannot get back up, most people they just stop trying.
Put your cry beneath your smile... Don't let everybody knows you are struggling.
Don’t be most people, DON'T give up to the fortunate and unfortunate situations nor the gate keepers, dont give up to the back bitters, don't give up to the pull him down syndrome.
There’s continual struggle to make it through the night before the day.
Fight the drawbacks and pray for the people that life uses to draw you back.
Life they say is war. We will be deprived of it eventually, but we fight till the end.
Fight till the last breath because. Life’s a beautiful struggle.
Keep pushing till your good service attracts your helpers. Service is a #KEY
Don't forget to be grateful to life and those that help you. Appreciation is a #KEY, respect is a #KEY
Most of all #praycontinually, #inspire, #encourage, #uplift
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More about 1Plus1Builders

1Plus1Builders is located at 162A Dallow Road, Lu1 1NG Luton