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So here is what my deficit diet will look like for the next week a couple more weeks then we will going into a surplus for a sustained period.
I’ll post everything I can on here so you can see one example of deficit and surplus any questions just ask


The latest video from my road to finals series.


Get some nuts?
Nuts I am only snacking on healthy stuff why am I not losing weight or worse gaining it. You will hear this a lot in particular in the workplace when someone has just started yet another diet. SO... In my previous post I have spoken about energy in vs energy out and being in a deficit, maintenance or surplus, well, guess what even too much “healthy” food can make you gain or at least not lose weight if you have to much of it, which brings me nicely to nuts. Now this is a great snack but is something needs to be carefully monitored. Nuts come packed with protein and good cholesterol as well as providing a good source of fibre. HOWEVER they are extremely calorie dense lets take cashew nuts 100grams of these have a whopping 553 calories in. That’s more than 2 mars bars! Now nutritionally from the 100g of cashews you are gaining more benefit but in terms of calorific content and being in your preferred state of maintenance, deficit or surplus they need to be measured. Sitting and eating a bag of nuts is not healthy for you however a small portion would provide a good nutritional benefit to your body. So when you are snacking regardless of what it is, think portion control!!!!
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Here is a sample diet for one of my clients who doesn’t do any training at all, they wanted to drop 4lbs before holiday but have no interest in training at all. Have we succeeded? Of course


A caution to Coffee breaks I can’t function without my morning coffee, I couldn’t live without coffee, I live for coffee. Now for some (I am not one) they consider themselves coffee connoisseurs and will tell you all about the bean and how to make the best coffee, this article isn’t aimed it you it is aimed at the people who function day to day by consuming copious cups of coffee and then complain they have issues sleeping or energy ucrashes. Now I am not stupid nor do I wa...lk around with blinkers on, what goes well with coffee, you got it, biscuits or cake or chocolate. Now I am not saying having a cheeky biscuit once a day with a coffee is going to cause you to gain weigh and completely throw of your nutrition and by getting rid of this one treat you complete change your body. However I am saying lets be aware of what we are consuming with the coffee, if at work you have 3 cups a day and with each cup you have two biscuits (which is easily done I know I can do a whole packet no drama) you have then consumed an extra 540 calories in your day! Now that’s the equivalent of 1.5 decent meals or a meal and a glass of wine. So my caution for today is be aware, don’t necessarily cut them all out but beware what you are consuming in your breaks.
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#success #inspiration #tailorbrands


A deficit can be as severe or as moderate as you want. This was quite a severe deficit but achieved everything I wanted to with now for a period of maintenance then surplus, it’s not dieting or transformations it’s lifestyle changes the foods I eat in prep are the same as those out of it just in different combinations and quantities


Blog of my deficit 2 days out from the ibfa midlands


What is it 3bl is offering, check the latest flyer below


These are the kind of results possible with a deficit and training. 3BL is not all about hardcore training and deficits, you don’t even need to to train to make changes it’s about a better body and better life


Latest flyer for our services let me know thoughts


The evolution of my deficit, consistent sustainabale Work, very shortly we will moving to a period of maintenance then surplus #health #fitness #fit #TFLers #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #fitspo #workout #bodybuilding #cardio #gym #train #training #photooftheday #health #healthy #instahealth #healthychoices #active #strong #motivation #instagood #determination #lifestyle #diet #getfit #cleaneating #eatclean #excercise


Diet Drinks Let’s talk fizzy drinks, can you drink them, are they bad for you, what are my thoughts.
So you are probably following the trend now, YES no food or drink is off limits but we need to be making sensible choices. A can of diet coke carries next to no calories 2 or 3 at a push, full fat coke carries 140. To put that into perspective my morning smoothie only has 150 and is far more filling and nutritious or it’s the equivalent of half a mars bar. So the smart choice... is the diet drink.
Now some research and some peoples belief is that the sweeteners in diet drinks are just as bad if not worse for you than full fat drinks. For me and when I have been trying to achieve my goals this is simply not true. I have never had any issues being in a deficit and the scales moving down whilst drinking diet drinks. I base my thoughts on what has worked for me and my clients and I tell mine diet drinks are fine. In simple terms for me 2-3 calories for can of pop is fine, 140 is also fine but something elsewhere in your plan is going to give.
So in conclusion, research is inconclusive as to being scientifically good or bad for you, practically i love diet coke and have never seen adverse effects from drinking it.
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Always good to get feedback especially nice ones like this. Easy to follow and sustainable are my building blocks #health #fitness #fit #TFLers #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #fitspo #workout #bodybuilding #cardio #gym #train #training #photooftheday #health #healthy #instahealth #healthychoices #active #strong #motivation #instagood #determination #lifestyle #diet #getfit #cleaneating #eatclean #excercise

More about 3Bl

3Bl is located at Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom, Oxford, Oxfordshire