A-Mia Nutritional Beauty

About A-Mia Nutritional Beauty

VISIT US AT www. a-miabeauty. co. uk

A-Mia Nutritional Beauty Description

Instead of using a preservative, the A-Mia Brand uses an antimicrobial system, combining a glucose oxidase enzyme with (glucose) and oxygen. Incorporated at low percentages, this is an effective alternative to chemical preservatives.



Happy New Year - belatedly. Mr. Knightly joins me in the greeting - he has been intending to write a "blog" because he was ill at Christmas - me for nurse and a big op. He is now very well again and has a clean bill of health. He is complaining because I have been using the PC so he has not had a chance to write!!! He will make up for it soon.


As ever, Mr. Knightley joins me in wishing you all a very happy Christmas and an excellent 2019. For us it is a time when we take a traditional break of 3 weeks, giving us a time to recharge our batteries, think laterally and plan for the year ahead. Our holiday is from the 14th December to the 7th January, 2019. It is also a time when we hear news from around the World from many friends, some of whom we have known for decades. It is great fun and good new...s to keep in touch and hear lovely positive stories from you all.
This year has been busy for me with lots of thinking and new formulations emerging from my exciting and interesting years of experience in creating skin care. This promises to open out in the new year and create intriguing new paths. It is good to be busy but I have learned to pace myself as well.
We started the year with several heavy snow falls and low temperature, so when the spring arrived, I thought that the borage had been killed. However as May dawned, I was delighted to see new growth appearing from the surviving roots. The borage had been thriving and self-seeding from one packet of seeds about 7 years ago. It has never had a better year. It decorated several glasses of Pimms and Prosecco during the hot dry summer. When at last the late heavy rains came, there was an enormous benefit with a huge harvest of fruit – first the cherries and plums, followed by hundreds of figs, apples, pears and grapes. I even managed to beat the squirrels to a good share of the walnuts for a chnge, which pleased me very well.
This year Eddie and Karolina’s brood increased. More chickens arrived, 3 lame ducks, 2 day old lambs all added to Mr. Knightley’s work load as he helps Karolina on her daily rounds. He is such a good boy and a great friend. He was nine this August and had to be subjected to a successful diet. The lambs were hand reared and like all the other “rescued” animals they have settled in as a lovely family. The poultry come here having retired from their jobs in the factory farms. It is lovely to watch them blossom into friendly chums. Their eggs have always been good but during their second summer here, the quality of the eggs has improved as they enjoy our fantastic organic pastures, which have been traditionally farmed for centuries. The three lame ducks are enjoying life on our old farmyard pond, have grown amazingly and despite one being one legged and another blind in one eye, they have grown up into handsome girls and now each lay one egg a day.
Very best wishes, for a peaceful, enjoyable festive season and let us look forward to a good 2019. Thinking of you.
Katie & Mr. Knightley
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THE FRUITS OF THE EARTH PROVIDE DYNAMICS FOR HEALTH Years ago, when I started to formulate with a purely plant and pH4,5 policy, I realised that fruit oils and juices combined with fermentation was the key. Coconut oil (the richest plant oil on our planet) was chosen as the important carrying oil. Its essential acids are caprylic, deconoic, myristic, palmitic, oleic and most significantly Lauric Acid at 48%. The plant kingdom is very clever, providing us with our needs in ...a “whole” way, so that we do not need to compromise them with chemicals to achieve the best results for skin care. The relatively small molecular structure allows for easy absorption into the skin giving it a soft, smooth, and supple texture. It strengthens skin’s underlying connective tissues warding off lines and wrinkles.” DETOX WITH (pH4,5) A-MIA EXFOLIATING CLEANSER Modern cleansers are detergent which are very alkaline and therefore harmful to skin. I devised a way to use a little coconut oil in a lot of spring water with acidophilus, apple juice, essential oil of sweet orange and elixirs of crystal. This cleans deeply into the skin, removing toxins, without disrupting the acid barrier. The skin is the biggest organ of the body and it is the biggest eliminator too – bigger than the bladder and the bowel. Cleansing should not stop at the chin but should include the entire decolatage – all around the neck and down to the breast bone. It is best to use the Exfoliating Cleanser on cotton wool until the last piece remains white. Tissues scratch and damage the skin and wet flannels attract germs. If used, they should be boiled and dried after every use. It is surprising to see how much little dots of impurities are removed onto the cotton wool. This cleanser is a tremendous cure for a HANG OVER THE FOUNDATION OF SKIN HEALTH This cleansing is the essential beginning, it should be followed by the A-Mia Nourishing Toner and an appropriate skin conditioner or skin food. You can read about all the A-Mia Beauty products at www.a-miabeauty.co.uk. We can delivery to you anywhere in the world for a delivery charge of £2-00 per order.
Katie May - formulator A-Mia Beauty 13TH August, 2018.
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POTENTIAL OF HYDROGEN 4,5 It was with great surprise that I recently learned from my Cousin Sarah, that the majority of skin care purchasers, were completely unaware of the biochemistry of the skin. It has so long been the very essence of good skin care (for me) to use products that have a pH (potention of hydrogen) that is the same as a healthy dermis (pH4,5). It is 45 years ago that I realised the importance of using ingredients that had the mild acidity of a sweet ap...ple and I began to create products using organic fruit juices and oils to maintain the skin’s perfect healthy condition throughout life. APPLES, ORANGES, COCONUT, WHEATGERM OIL & FERMENTED SOYA These were among the ingredients that I chose because they all shared the important acidic protection. Nature is profoundly clever, we have an acidic skin, so that our body is protected from invasions of insects, who would love to feast on our skin. These ingredients also have the advantage of being edible and nutritious. I was surprised when I realised how chemical and alkaline many of the cosmetic ingredients were. So I determined that A-Mia beauty is created upon these principles TO KEEP THE SKIN AS YOUNG AS POSSIBLE FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. When I started to use the products, I began to understand what it meant to have a glowing clear skin and soon found a loyal band of followers who use the products to this day and often tell me how pleased they are with the products that they have used successfully for 40 years. THE FOUNDATION OF SKIN HEALTH My favourite “must have” is the A-Mia Exfoliating Skin Cleanser. It contains no alkaline detergent, which is the basis of most cleansing products. A detergent can be as alkaline as pH11.5, which destroys the skin’s protection qualities, prevents regular daily exfoliation and allows alkaline dead skin cells to accumulative. This can trap the skin’s own moisture under these dead cells, causing a lumpy dry mess that can develop into acne very easily. This good cleansing is the key to good skin. It is only when the skin is perfectly cleansed w that it can benefit from a good quality low chemical vegan cream or lotion.
Katie May - 20th July, 2018.
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A couple more Mid-Summer pictures. Mr. Knightley was resting after a previous busy day when there was a fox among his wards (the rescued chickens). Another fence has now been put in place to make the chickens safe, so he can relax!!


HIGH SUMMER We are enjoying a “Mediterranean-like” summer this year and, although we could do with some rain, after the severe winter, we are making the most of it. this means slapping on the A-Mia Rich Wheat lotion when gardening, but Mr. Knightley despite his sleek (Staffie) coat just sun bathes without it. He is still busy looking after the chickens, ducks, lambs (2) and sheep. At the end of last winter, I believed that all the borage had been wiped out but found one sh......
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Image may contain: plant and outdoor
Image may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoor
HIGH SUMMER We are enjoying a “Mediterranean-like” summer this year and, although we could do with some rain, after the severe winter, we are making the most of it. this means slapping on the A-Mia Rich Wheat lotion when gardening, but Mr. Knightley despite his sleek (Staffie) coat just sun bathes without it. He is still busy looking after the chickens, ducks, lambs (2) and sheep. At the end of last winter, I believed that all the borage had been wiped out but found one sh...
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Image may contain: plant and outdoor
Image may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoor
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This year I treated myself to a new David Austin Rose. It is Jacques Cartier, which seems appropriate - seeped in the fashion and beauty business. The whole garden smells divine this June with all the roses and orange blossom blooming at the same time.


Created with Nokia Smart Cam


Hello - its me again MR.KNIGHTLEY. SHE has given me a new important job as Chief Assistant to Karolina, who has been creating a lovely sanctuary for animals to enjoy semi-retirement, after their busy life on commercial farms. My responsbilities are to go round checking that every one is safely here, several times a day. There are a couple of dozen chickens, a white cockeral (Mr. Shelbey) three ducks and 2 lambs called Blodge and Beau, who are about my size at the moment and great fun. My special chicken friend (Teapot who SHE and I have nicknamed CHUCKLE) has been in quatantine next to our door because she was very ill and had been hen pecked. NOW SHE IS BETTER she has the privilege of being alowed to roam anywhere. The others are in a nice field together - they tend to flock around together at great speed.


Pictures of the proposed new aluminium packaging to replace our existing A-Mia bottles. We are turning the tide on plastics as our existing bottle supplies run out. I rather like the new stylish tops, which still retain a little plastic. Perhaps the suppliers will soon find a way to remove that too.


TURNING THE TIDE ON PLASTICS We have all been made aware that we are killing our planet with plastic. It is down to us all; manufacturers, distributors and consumers to change our habits. There are many practical reasons why this is not easy – but nothing is easy, so it must be confronted to save us all. So, as a first responsible step, as our current plastic bottles and jars are used up, we will be replacing them with aluminium bottles and small glass jars. April is... traditionally a good time to refresh one’s skin care routine and I have reminded myself to make more use of the Rich Wheat Lotion now that the summer is not too far away. LOOKING FORWARD TO SPRING The winter has been savage on top of our hill in The Cotswolds. I have lost count of exactly how often we have been snowed in – but I think it has been five. Mr. Knightley and I are used to it and make the best of it – with the help of a large freezer and a good pantry. Despite that the there are lots of signs of new growth emerging in the garden. Fruit blossoms are out, there are lots of small figs and the grape fine is budding. The geranium cuttings from last year are going well on a south facing window sill and one has a bud already. The herbs of course are flourishing as usual – and I have already done a little pruning of the Rosemary and Lavenders. This morning the sun is out, the winds have dropped, I have invested in a new wheelbarrow and plan to spend some time weeding and preparing for the new seeds, which are on order.
Katie May 5th April, 2018.
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Here I am enjoying the snow. SHE has written a January NEWSLETTER about me and THE TRUTH ABOUT LOOKING GOOD. You can read it on the post just below!!


The Science of skin care does not have to be chemically derived
NEWSLETTER HAPPY NEW YEAR Very best wishes for a really good 2018. Life sends us many different years and sometimes they feel like real challenges, so it is important to look after ourselves as well as each other and maintain our positive energy. It is important to smile and be optimistic about the future. Mr. Knightley constantly reminds me about this with his happy smile – even in 12 inches of snow.... THE TRUTH ABOUT LOOKING GOOD It was with great interest that I watched the programme “The truth about Looking Good” on BBC this week. Cherry Healey with her group of independent scientists, conducted an experiment that put everyday cosmetics and beauty products to the test. Having been involved closely with the industry, for 47 years (formulating, producing and marketing) I could relate to it and agreed with much of it. My initial motive was to look after my own skin as well as I could, using edible, organic plant ingredients without animal testing. There seemed no point in this as to improve human skin one had to test on human skin. I found out that the human skin was mildly acidic – and this was at a time when p H was glossed over – almost ignored. I chose acidic fruits, oils, fermented proteins and pro-biotics and rejected ingredients which one would not eat – and there were and still are many of these in the skin care industry. Miss Healey’s team concluded that most skin damage is caused by sun exposure and smoking rather than lack of moisturising. Retinol was the ingredient that could improve damaged skin most affectively. Interestingly low percentages were recommended as stinging and redness could be experienced when first trying the products but after the first week improvements would be seen. I experienced this with some clients, when I started testing but was encouraged to continue because of the results and the ingredients were pure, edible and full of vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids. Wholefoods are not “extracts”, collectively they contain a full spectrum of essential nutrients. Retinol is a derivative of Vitamin A and it is important for skin health as well as vision, bone & tooth development, reproduction and the respiratory tract. The trial concluded that if a product was effective, clients would come back for more and I do agree with that and I am glad to say that I frequently speak today with users who have enjoyed my products for more than 40 years. I give the credit to dynamic yet gentle plant acids – and call it “skin nutrition”. Look after yourselves and enjoy 2018.
Katie May 15TH January, 2018.
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We have been snowed in this week - here I am playing in the snow - had a wonderful time. We have 2 new friends - Lady and Maggie - they are friendly hairy cobs!!


SHE has written a NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER and we are having 3 weeks of gardening time between the 15th December and the 8th January. I am looking forward to it - going out to play in the fields. We have got some more chickens - but I am avoiding them because one pecked my nose when I went to make friends!!


The Science of skin care does not have to be chemically derived NEWSLETTER
REFLECTIONS ON A DIFFERENT SORT OF YEAR 2017 has seemed to pass by rather strangely - although neither quickly or slowly. This year has seen the passing of three influential people from my life. They include my brother and my Aunt Margaret, who was also my God Mother. Aunt Margaret was my very first visitor, when I was born in the Wingfield Nursing Home in Wokingham. It was also the place ...
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More about A-Mia Nutritional Beauty

A-Mia Nutritional Beauty is located at Beechgrove Farm, Beech Grove, Fulbrook, OX18 4DE Burford