
About Allaboutupoetry

All-About-U-Poetry creates personalised poetry for your family and friends for all occasions from Births to Eulogies.

Allaboutupoetry Description

We write Poems for all occasions whether it be a Birth, Anniversary, Eulogy, Death, Invitation, Wedding or any other event sad, serious or sentimental. We also write poems as gifts for said occasions. Framed or as a scroll.
All you do is Email us at Or by phone on 07549897789 with as many details about the recipient as possible. Relevant points may be hair and eye colour, age, hobbies, likes and dislikes and of course the purpose of the poem.
Prices are subject to poem length and of course frames are extra.
e. g
12- 20 line poem will be £15
20- 32 lines for £25
32-40 lines for £30

You may want some poems to be longer for speeches or Eulogies or the likes in which case the prices will be adjusted to suit.
A website will be available shortly where paypal payments may be accepted.



Holes in Our Hearts There’s a hole in the landscape where the buildings were seen Where the World Trade Centre should have been The horror that lasted beyond those 2 fate filled hours That sad day of destruction at the Manhattan Twin Towers... The deaths of the poor people on their daily routine Not knowing they’d become part of that terrible scene A scene that will remain with us till the day that we die A memory that to this day still makes people cry The dust and the smoke belched out from that site The people just ran in the panic and fright We can only surmise at what might have been If there were no hole in the landscape where the buildings were seen There’s a hole in the sky where the souls passed through 3,000 Souls that were taken too soon They were somebody’s Sister, Somebody’s Brother Somebody’s Father and Somebody’s Mother Each and every one of them had family who cared Who have one thing in common, the feelings they’ve shared The feelings of sorrow, of mourning, of hate Feeling they should have helped but they’d found out too late The emergency services literally fought for their lives And the lives of the victims, those husbands and wives It’s wasn’t their fault, there was nothing they could do To prevent the hole in the sky where the souls passed through There’s two holes in the ground where the Towers once stood Two holes that remain to remember the good The good of those people that passed away The good families who were affected by that dreadful day So many of us pray that that day won’t be repeated That fear and tyranny will soon be defeated But nobody knows where the terror may strike Evil seems to rise up wherever it likes Our transport, our buildings and even our beaches It seems nothing is sacred nor beyond the reaches So we must keep on fighting to honour the good The two holes at Ground Zero where the Towers once stood p.a.finch
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A Message Stand up this day England, stand up and be proud We won’t be defeated, so shout it out loud They think they can end us from having our fun By stabbing with knives and the shooting of guns... But they have misjudged us we will not be beaten Others have tried and have all been defeated The Romans the Vikings and even the hun They all tried to take us since time had begun But at least these I’ve mentioned that gave it a try Were brave strong warriors that looked us in the eye Not someone who hides in the crowds and the cracks Then sets off a bomb as their way of attack They go for the unarmed, our family our child They prey on the innocent because that is their style I’m not being racist, I’m just stating facts We’re hacked off and angry at these cowardly acts So if you want to fight in your sad evil way Go back to your country where they fight everyday We don’t want you in our land that we love We’d rather you leave now because we’ve had enough And don’t misunderstand, it’s not about religion It’s just a mindless faction that have made a decision To destroy and disrupt us in which way they can Their extremist fanatics that don’t give a damn They may make us sad by taking the lives Of our children our friends, our husbands and wives It does hold us up, but our routines will restart Cos our strengths in our soul and our loves in our heart So be strong my friends of this wonderful Nation Be strong and fight through this abhorred situation Let’s all stand up now, stand up and shout loud I’m British, I’m English and that’s why I’m proud
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These poems bring back some beautiful memories. They give a warm feeling, & leave a smile on my face.

Very well done.


I think you are a brilliant poet and that was why I asked you about your poetry page and we became friends. I have never regretted it. Your poems are all about real life except maybe for one or two of them.

I will be glad to see them published and would definitely buye one of them.

They are so good Paul, keep it up.

They are fantastic!


These poems bring back some beautiful memories. They give a warm feeling, & leave a smile on my face.

Very well done.


I think you are a brilliant poet and that was why I asked you about your poetry page and we became friends. I have never regretted it. Your poems are all about real life except maybe for one or two of them.

I will be glad to see them published and would definitely buye one of them.

They are so good Paul, keep it up.

They are fantastic!


These poems bring back some beautiful memories. They give a warm feeling, & leave a smile on my face.

Very well done.


I think you are a brilliant poet and that was why I asked you about your poetry page and we became friends. I have never regretted it. Your poems are all about real life except maybe for one or two of them.

I will be glad to see them published and would definitely buye one of them.

They are so good Paul, keep it up.

They are fantastic!