Ankita Healing

About Ankita Healing

Dedicated to your process of healing and awakening. Working with powerful ancient and modern wisdom to bring deep transformation.

Ankita Healing Description

I offer high quality healing services, motivated by a spirit of service and joy. I am committed to helping people find greater meaning and purpose in life, and to discover their own pathways to healing,

Prompted by my own search for healing, and deep curiosity about life, I have trained extensively, and am qualified as an Advanced Shamanic Healer, and a Focusing professional. I have also had a lifetime of spontaneous Shamanic experiences and initiations, which deeply inform my work. I was blessed to be initiated as a Curandera, in the Amazonian tradition, several years ago, which gave an added depth and power to my work. My Mecicine name is Ankita Paradisa Oceana, , which names me as a Sacred Prayer Carrier. If you're interested in Shamanic \healing, or the deep Transformative Listening that I offer, do please get in touch to explore work together.

I also spent many years working as a professianal Fundraisier and Finance Manager in the Charity sector, and my coaching skills were learnt and employed in the workplace, The Coaching I offer draws on my deeper understanding of energy dynamics and healing work, and brings a powerful approach to change and development.



Okay, so I practice this little known, life changing, totally amazing thing called Focusing. It's notoriously hard to describe. I've been offering it in private practice for several years now. And, embarrassingly, I've never found a way of really describing what it is or does. Apart from - let's you make better decisions, know yourself, resolve addictions, get out of depression, and find joy in life. Hmmm. Anyway, I found Wikipedia has a great description. Finally!


I've mostly ceased posting here ... although post publicly under my name. But I'm working and evolving beautifully, and am very much open for business. I was particularly sad to notice that FB has disappered the lovely reviews people left for me. You can see ;more on my website, but these were really heartfelt and gave a great flavour of my work. Not sure if it's possible to ressurect them? If anyone knows, HELP ME! Love and blessings xxx


Leaving my Airbnb for the last day of The Masters' shamanic training with Skie Hummingbird this sign had appeared in the doorway. That's pretty direct I guess???
Thank you to Skie, for everything. What a powerful and joyful experience.
The training was the culmination of many years' apprenticeship, and a new beginning as well. Watch this space for workshop and training plans!!! 💖


I'm just traveling now to begin the 'Master's' training with my teacher, Skie Hummingbird. This is the culmination of many years living within and traveling the great mandala that is the Medicine Wheel. I can't express my gratitude for these teachings and all the healing and blessings that have flowed from them. I'm sure this will be a profound and a challenging and an amazing week. Love and blessings to you all - may we all find the paths to living with peace, love and joy. 💖


I wanted to say also that the prices listed here, for the different healing processes, reflect the eye-wateringly high price of living in Oxford, UK. However, if anyone is really drawn to the work, and committed, and broke, so please get in touch. I do a certain amount of reduced rate work. I do this work from love and service. It's a miracle to me that it supports me, and a gift that people I work with find solutions to issues in their own lives, and go on to inspire and heal others in their lives. Such a blessing.


Coming to shamanic healing for the first time can be confusing. Terms like "soul retrieval" might not mean anything to most people. I've put up listings for some of the healing processes I do that work well via video link (as well as in person, of course). Some of this (like the ancestral work) is spirit taught, specifically for this era. But really, all the work is about returning lost energies, bringing greater balance, finding more meaning in life, I'm really happy to meet with people for an initial chat, assessment, connection - a sense of what is needed tends to emerge naturally from this. ❤️


I'm feeling deeply moved by the teachings shared here. If you want to deepen your relationship with water, and all of nature, watching this vid will be a few short minutes well spent. Thank you! Blessings!


Solstice blessings! May we all cherish ourselves in the dark times, rest deeply, and trust in the return of the light.


Don't miss out on this amazing FREE class. I know Facebook is totally awash with free webinars. Many of dubious quality. However ... I was fortunate to join in Sarah's last 9 month Empathy and Beyond intensive, and can testify that her work is unique, cutting edge and powerfully effective. It really can help transform relationships, with others and ourselves. Do Share 💜


Personally, I'm passionate about Shamanism and Shamanic Healing. I find it heartbreaking that many of the people who hold these precious teachings are experiencing persecution and the theft and destruction of their land, Survival International are the only global group that fights for Tribal peoples' rights. I think their work is amazing, but they need more resources. The task is immense! Check out their website below for more information. If you're following a shamanic path, I urge you to take action to support the rights of tirbal people. You can make a donation, and they still have lots of festive goodies, Celebrate this year and make a real difference. Blessings and thanks to you all,


I'm going to have an afternoon focusing on distant healing tomorrow (Sunday 3rd Dec). Full moon is at 1548. Let me know if you would like to be included..❤️


Plant Consciousness are offering free access to 17 video teachings from their last conference for 5 days. Looks to be some amazing sessions. Plant consciousness can connect us to ancient wisdom and deep healing, and offers a much needed and radical shift in perspective to a Western consciousness. Enjoy!!


I encourage you, and myself, this Samhain, to find time for mourning. The emotions that come with regret, loss, absence, can feel scary, a dark place, perhaps seeming endless. In opening loving space for them, we allow healing to arise, and a new vision to emerge. Today I will light a candle for those who have crossed the rainbow bridge, my ancestors and my friends, and sit in communion with them, and hear their guidance for the coming days. I'm calling in love, gentleness and compassion to light all our ways through dark times.


As some of you will know, my dear friend and fellow healer, Elise Levillain, recently committed suicide. I feel such a great loss, for her family, her friends, for me and for the world yet to be warmed by her beautiful and sweet spirit. Her funeral is this Tues, 20th June, 11,30 am,, in London. You are invited to send prayers and love at that time. Elise loved purple, and people are also inivited to wear purple on the day as well. Blessings


This may be the best Birthday present ever ... I've just seen an article of mine is being published in Sacred Hoop. This is personally exciting, not least because I feel strongly called to share my experiences and learning more widely. You can see the full list of contributors in Nick's post below. A very big thank you to Nicholas Breeze Wood for the passion and commitment you bring to the world of Shamanism. We are blessed to have you and your outstanding publication.


FREE RESOURCE!!! If you're training or working shamanically, you'll know how vital it is to keep your own energy field, and your working space, clear and orotected. I just had an article published helping psychotherapists and counsellors do just that. It's had a great response, and I'd love it to be of benefit to as many people as possible.. It has unique content, and is available to download from the Resources page on my website I'd love to hear what you think! And please feel free to share with clients and colleagues. Blessings and love xxx

More about Ankita Healing