Ann-Marie Marchant

About Ann-Marie Marchant

I am a Spiritual Mentor, writer and facilitator, helping people who are on their spiritual awakening journey and who wish to be at peace and authentically love who they are. I offer one to one's, retreats and workshops.



My passion is to share all the great and good of our community - culminating in this wonderful day of love and heart. 💙 I do hope you can join me - either as an exhibitor or as a guest.
Much love Ann-Marie x x


"If you do not take care of your soul, the tide of karmic events will force you to do so. You will land in bed or the hospital or have a nervous breakdown, business failure, divorce or some other 'in-your-face' experience that requires you to address and heal your pain at its root. In that sense, such breakdowns are a blessing. If the breakdown leads to a breakthrough, it has served well. Such upheavals are the Tao announcing loud and clear, "What you have been doing has sepa...rated you from yourself, your loved ones and your life. Please receive the message so you can make a needed course correction and return to what really matters" When you finally listen, you will fall on your knees in humble gratitude that the universe was compassionate enough to not allow you to continue hurtling over a cliff into oblivion" Alan Cohen
Listening to your heart and nurturing your soul is the key to freedom, joy, abundance, ease and inner peace - and that is one of the reasons Helen and I created these retreats so we can all slow down, deepen our connection and open up to the vastness of the Universe...... Deciding to commit to yourself in this way is not fanciful, egoic or a treat - it is crucial to your well-being. Your heart will always guide you well.... so take time to listen and trust what you need.
Love and blessings Ann-Marie x x
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This totally resonates with me..... So simple but so important!!
Here's to aliveness 💜💛❤️🧡💚💙


One step at a time friends..... Enjoy each moment and allow the truth of who you really are to shine through without apology. Each time you stumble know you are growing. Each time you forgive know you are allowing LOVE to blossom. Each time you are kind to yourself or another, know you are in alignment with Source.... Each time you feel goosebumps, ripples of joy or butterflies , know it is your inner guidance system confirming the rightness of your path or decision. Each time you cry, know you are allowing someone to truly see you. Each time you smile know you are reaching out with love. Each time you let go, know you are closer to God.
Thank you for seeing me and thank you for being you! With love and appreciation Ann-Marie x x x 💚🙏💚
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Hi friends, Just sharing a quick video explaining a bit more about the course that is starting on 20th January in Lewes...... I'm feeling a great energy and momentum building and really looking forward to co-creating with those who feel drawn.
Namaste 🧡... Ann-Marie x x x x
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It is not your role to make others happy; it is your role to keep yourself in balance. When you pay attention to how you feel and practice self-empowering thoughts that align with who-you-really-are, you will offer an example of thriving that will be of tremendous value to those who have the benefit of observing you.
You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive or sick enough to help sick people get well. You only ever uplift from your position of strength and clarity and alignment.


Very happy to be creating this afternoon for those wishing to deepen their connection, to embrace life from an open heart, to celebrate and appreciate all of life and to open up to the infinite love, joy, pleasure, abundance and wellbeing that is 2019.....
If you feel drawn, listen to your heart and trust your own inner guidance.
With love and blessings... Ann-Marie x x xx 244636/
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I love this video of seeds emerging from the soil - stretching and reaching for the light. Each one of our desires, wants and dreams are just like these seeds - they need the right conditions to grow (love and appreciation) they need light (the source of who we all are) they need food (affirming self talk) and they need time and space to grow (trust and faith) and then and only then will they emerge from the darkness.
If you are feeling frustrated that some of your desires ar...e yet to blossom - be kind to yourself and trust the process. Walk away from the seed for a while and trust that the Universe will sort it all out on your behalf and low and behold when you least expect it a beautiful meadow will blossom! 🌼🌸🌺💐🌾🎋 Keep the faith friends 🙏 Much love Ann-Marie x x x
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Hi folks, after the great success of last years course I am running this new and updated course in the New Year at the lovely Open Door centre in Lewes. Do come and join me and tune into your natural state of abundance and discover for yourself how alignment and energy is all you need to focus on.....
There are still a few days left to qualify for the early bird rate of £225 saving you £25 - after 1st December the full rate of £250 is charged.
... Please get in touch if you have any questions at all. With love and sparkles Ann-Marie x x x
“The course content was very thorough and covered a lot of ground on related topics about abundance and wealth. It made me think about my own attitudes towards money and re-evaluate some old thought patterns. I felt the course exceeded my expectations and it was valuable to have the facebook page in between sessions to keep in touch with everyone.
For me the teachings of the law of attraction are a major part of my life now and I am enjoying the rewards in my home, work and personal life. You are an excellent teacher and facilitator and I felt honoured that you shared your own experiences with us in such a heartfelt way. I can think of lots of people who would benefit from learning in a similar environment about topics relating to law of attraction and I am hoping that you will be running more workshops so that I can send you some of my clients and friends.” Kris
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I love this time of year - retreating, slowing down and listening to the rhythm of nature. It's vital for our wellbeing to slooooow down....... x x
"We are approaching the threshold of winter. Life is being drawn into the earth, painlessly descending down into the very heart of herself. And we as natural human animals are being called to do the same, the pull to descend into our bodies, into sleep, darkness and the depths of our own inner caves continually tugging at our mar...row. But many find the descent into their own body a scary thing indeed, fearing the unmet emotions and past events that they have stored in the dark caves inside themselves, not wanting to face what they have so carefully and unkindly avoided. This winter solstice time is no longer celebrated as it once was, with the understanding that this period of descent into our own darkness was so necessary in order to find our light. That true freedom comes from accepting with forgiveness and love what we have been through and vanquishing the hold it has on us, bringing the golden treasure back from the cave of our darker depths. This is a time of rest and deep reflection, a time to wipe the slate clean as it were and clear out the old so you can walk into spring feeling ready to grow and skip without a dusty mountain on your back & chains around your ankles tied to the caves in your soul. A time for the medicine of story, of fire, of nourishment and love. A period of reconnecting, relearning & reclaiming of what this time means brings winter back to a time of kindness, love, rebirth, peace and unburdening instead of a time of dread, fear, depression and avoidance. This modern culture teaches avoidance at a max at this time; alcohol, lights, shopping, overworking, over spending, bad food and consumerism. And yet the natural tug to go inwards as nearly all creatures are doing is strong and people are left feeling as if there is something wrong with them, that winter is cruel and leaves them feeling abandoned and afraid. Whereas in actual fact winter is so kind, yes she points us in her quiet soft way towards our inner self, towards the darkness and potential death of what we were, but this journey if held with care is essential. She is like a strong teacher that asks you to awaken your inner loving elder or therapist, holding yourself with awareness of forgiveness and allowing yourself to grieve, to cry, rage, laugh, & face what we need to face in order to be freed from the jagged bonds we wrapped around our hearts, in order to reach a place of healing & light without going into overwhelm. Winter takes away the distractions, the noise and presents us with the perfect time to rest and withdraw into a womb like love, bringing fire & light to our hearth." •illustration by Jessica Boehman• •words Brigit Anna McNeill•
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Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes! Look for fun whenever, wherever and with whoever you are with and the Universe will deliver more of the same - simple!! 😋 x x


It's happening!!! Our next Soul Retreat from 1st April 2019. Five days to relax, explore, dance, meditate, express, connect love, play and dive deep into your beautiful heart.
The venue is the spectacular Mill Retreat Centre in Normandy, France where there is space to breathe in the beauty of nature - to be nurtured with delicious food and to be embraced with Vital Attractions desire for your best life!
... Do get in touch if you have any questions at all. Much love Ann-Marie x x x x
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Life is an ongoing series of connection, joy, love, pain, laughter, hurt - stuff!! Yes - I know this and I know you know this too..... but friends if you keep telling the old story you keep getting more of the same..... What story would you like to create? Then start telling that story - simple! I know it takes time to change the old story but all you need is a little willingness and a desire to show up in your life and say a BIG YES to you and what you desire.
So here is a m...oment of reflection on my beautiful walk today - sorry for the abrupt ending - I ran out of space on my phone.... perfect timing hey!! 😋 x x x x Sending boundless love from my heart 💗to yours 💗 Ann-Marie x x x x
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So simple, yet so challenging for most of us.... But for me the play button can also be used as a reminder to be playful in life, be childlike again with the eyes of innocence... this allows for present moment awareness and spontaneity…. letting go of the rigidity and having to be right all the time.....
Today are you willing to play? Are you willing to be real and raw?... Go on - give it a go! What have you got to loose?
Sending great love Ann-Marie x x x
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Hi folks,
For many stress is such a way of life - it strips us of our present moment and leaves us feeling disconnected, overwhelmed and frayed at the edges.
Meditation is a wonderful way to reset the craziness and find some inner stillness.
... There is no right or wrong way to meditate and I personally use a combination of techniques that works for me.
I love this 30 minute meditation from the wonderful Jeff Foster - give it a go and give yourself the gift of grace.
If you would like to join me at my meditation groups - just let me know or you can come along to the Steyning Holistic Fair on 17th November and give it a go!
With love and blessings Ann-Marie x
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Just a couple of spaces left at this years Winter Fair - please let me know if you fancy joining us too... Look forward to seeing you there. Much love Ann-Marie x


ANGEL READING PLUS! I have worked with Angels for many years and in fact they were my way into my spirtual awakening. I thought I had left the Angels behind and moved on .... but in actual fact I realise that their love is always guiding me and their messages are still strong and clear. And after giving an Angel reading a couple of weeks ago, I was guided to work in a new and different way. To incorporate the Angel's clear messages and wisdom but to also add in the awareness ...and principles I have of the law of attraction. A double whammy - and wow or wow what a powerful combination!!
So if you would like to experience this synergy for yourself and want clarity in any area of your life, then do let me know.
Special Offer for the month of October - £50 (normal price £65) Do get in touch if you would like more details.... Much love Ann-Marie x x / 07751158339
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We are born first with god's love then some hour we forget that love,we must have love to carry on with this life in earth before we go back home,positive is the best way,Amen.

More about Ann-Marie Marchant

Ann-Marie Marchant is located at 7 Downland Road, BN44 3JS Worthing, West Sussex