Avalanche Coaching

About Avalanche Coaching

Leadership Facilitator & Youth Career Coach

Facilitating leadership progression in small businesses & supporting students progress from education.

Avalanche Coaching Description

Work / Life Balance Coach, here to guide & support you, please check out my website for more info www. avalanchecoaching. co. uk or join my FB grouphttps://www. facebook.com/groups /worklifeforprofessionals /



A really great platform to help your kids with university choices.
Check this out and please share with anyone who is making those choices.
Tina x


Interviewing & Coaching all day today.
Recording for my Real Life Careers Series & catching up with my Princes Trust Mentees.
Going to be busy today & talking ALOT, coffee pot on


Love this and I’m so stealing this for my leadership training, you can probably already guess how I can use this.
Excited face 🤩


I know way too many people who feel like this.
There are thousands of jobs out there and thousands of people who wish they had your job, so let them have it.
If 30% of the population could job swap into something that would make them happier, then customer service would improve all over the globe.
... If you really hate your job, do something about it, you don’t just make yourself unhappy, it impacts everyone around you, coworkers, family, friends, customers.
😁 talk to your boss about why you’re demotivated 😁 find what’s making you miserable and try to change it or change your attitude towards it 😁 leave,
Because no one is irreplaceable and no one should be that unhappy.
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An article I wrote for Thrive Global about the importance of mentoring the 13-17 year olds around us and how such a small conversation can make a big difference.
Could you call bullshit and change a life
https://thriveglobal.com/…/mentors-need ed-for-13-17-year-o…/


Great news City & Guilds are PAYING 19+ to retake and pass their Maths & English.
If not getting the grades at GCSE level is holding you back or messing with your mindset & confidence, then have a look at this flyer I came across this week
There are a couple of restrictions & commitments but if you are considering a retake or a new career path means it’s something you need to do, then why not earn a little too
... I’ve done a lot of with City & Guilds & their functional skills tests and their simple techniques are the best I’ve seen so far.
I am not affiliated with them, I saw this flyer at the Natwest Hub yesterday and knew it would be helpful.
Please share to help someone considering a retake this year.
Tina x
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Real Life Career stories this week comes from the amazing De Clutter Expert Heather E Clark.
She shares her journey and why not knowing what you want to do until your 37 doesn't stop you being successful and happy at work
Watch her interview here
... https://youtu.be/qyRidYSaIiw
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First session today. Pen & coffee ready.


Work Experience Reality Check
Feeling very hard done by today. Real Life after Christmas is just draining.
However I am a grown up (mostly) and work doesn’t do itself, does it.
... I saw this quote and loved the sarcastic tone to it, much like my own motivational technique, I find analogies work best for me.
I find that a lot of the students I work with fit into this category, they ‘think’ they’re doing the hard work but really have no idea just how much effort is required. A great quote from one of my students embarking on work experience was ‘they want me to work 9-5 - why have I got to work longer hours then I do at school’ 🤦🏻‍♀️
Do our youth a favour, set the expectations early, making it ‘easy’ to start with gives them a false sense of ‘reality’.
If you have a 14-15 year old doing work experience with you in the next 3 months, be fair to them, let them experience ‘work’
#leadership #education #training #school #workexperience #notalleducationisacademic
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Flash back to one of my fav sessions.
Supporting a business studies class with recruitment & hiring, for their coursework, working with another group in January
Off work for another week though and thinking about all the amazing projects for next year......and reflecting on the amount of things I did this year.
... I need to work on my posing lol
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Last visit of the year done, it’s winding down to Christmas now
I want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who’s worked with me or supported me this year
2018 has been a fantastic year, winning awards, up-levelling my business to new heights & creating something I’m immensely proud of, none of which could have been possible, without my amazing family, friends, new business buddies & of course all your wonderful likes, comments & shares.
... I’m very grateful to move forwards even further next year & I’d love you all to continue to be part of my journey.
Merry Christmas & A Wonderful New Year To All O You x
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Off to Shenley Brook End school today for a Christmas Career Breakfast. (I’ll leave Santa here)
A chat with their students over breakfast about life outside of education, what makes these ones special is the kids put in some of their own time, so you know you’re talking to those who are committed

... Then off for a Christmas working lunch with a business buddy

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Back in Surrey today for a 3 hour study skills session.
Time for a coffee as made it in really good time 😜


Happy Christmas Jumper Day
Today I’m off to my old school. I’m working with year 11s at Leon (St Herberts now)
It’s going to be weird because I don’t think I’ve actually set foot in that school since the day I left.
... 1992 😱
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At Stephenson Academy today as part of Friends of Stephenson House and their career workshops.
Not a bad way to spend the afternoon


I was training at a business recently and saw this, (the tree is obviously going to be in the picture, this is me) but seriously love that they’ve taken the words that their employees and clients used to describe them, to decorate their reception. Such a cool idea
What words would your reception include, how would you ‘like’ your reception to look.


Today’s Real Life Career Story is with the truly wonderful Mark Kingston Jones.
He kindly gave me his time to talk about his journey to Team building, with BITE, from School and the hurdles and lessons he faced on the way
If his story will inspire your students, you can see the full interview here, don’t forget to subscribe
... https://youtu.be/a6ccR2GJcvE
#leadership #business #education #inspiration #teambuilding #schools #workingexperience #notalleducationisacademic
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A phrase I’ve used a lot this year to cope with people who have tried to make life difficult & so I thought I’d share.
We let people’s opinions affect us because we give their opinion power in our lives.
When you demote them to irrelevant, their opinion will no longer count and then it can’t hurt or upset you
... So my advice for 2019, consider those who aren’t good for you, demote them to irrelevant & enjoy your year with those who make you smile
Remember people can tell you you’re wrong, you’re making mistakes or you need to check yourself. When it comes from a place of kindness, it’s good for you, when the intention has any other motive to it, it’s not good for you.
Stop giving people the tools to hurt you, get your demotion pen out, promote those who lift you, demote those who hurt you
It really is that simple, life is better when you’re surrounded by honest, kind people.
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Here you go the first tease into my Real Life Career Stories Video Series coming in September 2018
More information to follow but here's a little sneak preview of what's to come - enjoy the trailer.
If you already know you want to sign up and receive the video interviews direct to your inbox then you can sign up here http://eepurl.com/dx0je5
... AND for those of you who fancy being part of it and sharing your Real Life Career Story, there'll be an opportunity for you to get involved too just sign up above and i'll be in touch.
Here's the trailer https://youtu.be/9f1Li0Qr9ns
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Tina is a wonderfully wise and practical lady who listens and dispenses no nonsense common sense advice on a whole range of business topics. I have found her input invaluable in helping me shape my business and deal with some difficult decision making! Can’t recommend her highly enough whether you are a new business or an established one like myself!

More about Avalanche Coaching

Avalanche Coaching is located at ., . Milton Keynes