
About Babysleepthenight/Beckygoman

Sleep solutions for babies and toddlers that really work. . . . . . FAST! ! !
Visit my website TODAY to book a free, 15 minute evaluation of your child’s sleep.



In a few days the clocks go back and whilst we all love the idea of an “extra” hour in bed, for us parents the reality is starting your day an hour earlier and a grumpy over tired child at bedtime!
Here are a few tips to get you through the first few days following the change.
If I had it my way, there would be no Daylight Savings Time. I think not only does it really affect children’s sleep patterns, but adults as well. In fact, statistically there is an 8% increase in traf...
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I have realised I take a lot of things for granted...we all do sometimes!!! Today my husband was unexpectedly taken into hospital and has had to stay for a sleepover! (He’ll be fine btw!) Every day I help families help their child to sleep. Yet the fact that my own child is (now) am amazing sleeper, I often take for granted, until today. After a busy day working, visiting hospital, school run, street dance, feeding time etc, tonight I had to attend a phonics workshop at the s...chool. Not only did my in-laws not waver in their offer of help it my son to bed but I arrived home at 7.20 to a sleeping child. I don’t like being by husband, my son and I are a bit of a team, but I took for granted that there was once a time I’d have dreaded coming in at 7.20 to spend the next however many hours (especially alone) convincing the boy to sleep, and I know I can now go to sleep, knowing that until that bunny clock says it’s morning, I won’t be disturbed unless it’s an emergency! Sometimes life throws things at you that you haven’t bargained for, but dealing with that with sleep deprivation, it’s just too hard and totally unnecessary! Book a free 15 minute call to see how I can help you and your child get a great nights sleep! 😴 (picture for attention!) xx
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And here it is!! Tip number 7 - The last (but definitely not the least!!) in the series - these steps are all you need to know to TEACH YOUR BABY TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT! Tip 7 - Keep your baby awake whilst feeding. If you are feeding your baby in the night try really hard not to let him/her fall asleep at the breast or bottle, even with young babies. Keep feedings low key and quiet but awake and engaged. If it really is hunger that your child is waking for then they shou...ldn't fall asleep within minutes of a feed starting, they should feed hungrily and awake! If they drop off within minutes of starting it wasn't hunger that was waking them (even if they guzzle a whole bottle or empty both breasts in their sleep which can clearly be very deceptive - confusing right?!) They should remain awake for the entire feed and go back into the cot aware of their surroundings. This is super important to avoid confusion and prevent a feed-to-sleep association. The latest research shows that 84% of children who are experiencing sleep problems by their 1st Birthday will continue to have them for up to 5 years without intervention. This is a very long time for a family to function on a reduction of sleep and a long time to fight bedtime battles. It is never too late to start changing your child’s sleep situation. It can be hard but there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel and in the long run making changes will make everyone feel better and well rested and, in my experience, a whole lot happier!! If this is your first time viewing a post from me then click on the logo and LIKE the page, you'll see the first 6 in this series of tips along with a whole lot more advice on your child's sleep. Sweet dreams Becky
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Tip 6 in the series - these tips are all you need to know to TEACH YOUR BABY TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT!
Tip 6 - Exhausting your child will not make them sleep any better! Skipping naps or late bedtime will affect the next 24 hour cycle. Do not let anyone tell you that naps are not important, or that skipping them will help your baby sleep longer at night. Sleep begets sleep, and makes for far happier babies too of course. Unless you child is at an age where it is actually ...ready to transition to a lesser number of naps, then if you skip a nap just hoping for a better nights sleep it will likely have the opposite effect and you may also end up with an early morning wake too! If you've been following all of this series you'll have already seen that when a person is overtired, our fight or flight reflex kicks in as a primal protection instinct a leftover from the days when if we fell asleep we'd be eaten by dinosaurs and the like! When that fight or flight kicks in it's all about hormones and we get a rush of adrenaline which is clearly going to make it become more difficult to settle down and fall asleep. When sleep does come, a person is then a lot more restless with more tossing and turning and more night time waking and also far more likely to wake early the next day (seems back to front I know! Lot's of things with sleep are, particularly in children).
Tip 7 , the final one In the series will follow in your news feed tomorrow to those who like and follow my page. Be sure to hit the LIKE button on the page, not just the post if you want to see this, and other regular child sleep advice and tips.
You can also book a free 15 minute consultation if you visit the website
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Tip 5 in the series - these tips are all you need to know to TEACH YOUR BABY TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT! Tip 5 - Naptime routines. A short nap routine will help cue your baby’s body and brain that it is time for a nap. It need only take 5 minutes or so and might involve pulling the curtains in baby’s room together or saying goodnight to some toys in the room, then a short cuddle and a song. Tip6 will follow tomorrow!! If this page is new to you, then to see the rest of this s...eries of Tips to help you all to a better night's sleep in your news feed over the next few days then be sure to 'LIKE' and follow the PAGE, not just the post. (And do share for your sleep deprived friends!) And if you want help now then go straight on over to the website and book a completely FREE 15 minute consultation and i can help you solve your sleep issues within a matter of days!!
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Next on the list as promised - Tip 4 in my 7 Top Tips Series. Remember these tips are all you need to know to TEACH YOUR BABY TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT! Tip 4 - Routine - This is the one thing that most families have in place by the time they come to us for help, (but they get it slightly wrong!) A bedtime routine is something you can start at a very early age and is there as a cue to the body and brain that it is time to settle down and get ready for sleep. Routines should ...last from 20 – 30 minutes and at least some of it should take place in the child’s room. You can include whatever you like in your routine but be very sure that it doesn't stretch on too long and become 'part of the day' and that the steps are EXACTLY the same every night for the steps to be predicable. Your routine might include a bath, pyjamas, feed and maybe a song or book. The bath is the perfect first step to the routine as it's so different than anything else we usually do in the day so is a really good trigger for your child that night time is approaching. (Note that I said earlier on that it's the end of the routine where parents tend to go wrong, your routine should not involve your baby falling asleep at the end of it anywhere other than in their cot/bed!) Step 5 will follow tomorrow!! If this page is new to you, then to see the rest of this series of Steps to help you all to a better night's sleep in your news feed over the next few days then be sure to 'LIKE' and follow the PAGE, not just the post. (And do share for your sleep deprived friends!) And if you want help now then go straight on over to the website and book a completely FREE 15 minute consultation. I can help you solve your child’s sleep issues within a matter of days!!
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Sorry for the’s been one of those days but here it is! Number 3 in my 7 Top Tips Series. Remember these tips are all you need to know to TEACH YOUR BABY TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT! Tip 3: Early bedtime! This is vital to ensure that children do not become overtired. When a person is overtired, our fight or flight reflex kicks in as a primal protection instinct a leftover from the days when if we fell asleep we'd be eaten by dinosaurs and the like! When that fight... or flight kicks in it's all about hormones and we get a rush of adrenaline which is clearly going to make it become more difficult to settle down and fall asleep. If I had a £ for every time a client has described their baby as a Duracel Bunny or Pocket Rocket approaching bedtime, this is the reason your baby or toddler goes a bit loopy at this time! When sleep does come, a person is then a lot more restless with more tossing and turning and more night time waking and also far more likely to wake early the next day (seems back to front I know! Lot's of things with sleep are, particularly in children). Try to pick a bedtime somewhere between 6.30 and 8pm based on last nap of the day and your child's age. Bedtimes do not have to be set in stone, you can always move bedtime a bit earlier if your child seems tired or cranky – just try not to make it later. Tip 4 will follow tomorrow!! If this page is new to you, then to see the rest of this series of Tips to help you all to a better night's sleep in your news feed be sure to 'LIKE' the page, not just the post. Those of you who already like the page then please do SHARE this for your friends, many may be suffering in silence! And if you want help NOW then go straight on over to the website and book a completely FREE 15 minute consultation with me. I can help you solve your sleep issues within a matter of days!!
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The promised next in the 7 Top Tips Series... these tips are all you need to know to TEACH YOUR BABY TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT Tip 2: Be consistent. CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY! Any of my well rested past clients will tell you it's everything when teaching your baby to sleep well. Whatever is happening at one sleep situation needs to be happening at ALL sleep situations to send a clear message about what is expected, and that includes every time your baby or toddler ...wakes in the night. If you are doing something different to settle your child to sleep at bedtime, than you do in the middle of the night, or vice versa you create a really confusing message. And confusing messages result in...? You guessed it, confused babies! Tip 3 will follow tomorrow!! If this page is new to you, then to see the rest of this series of Steps to help you all to a better night's sleep in your news feed be sure to 'LIKE' the page, not just the post. Those of you who already like the page then please do SHARE this for your friends, many be suffering in silence! And if you want help now then go straight on over to the website and book a completely FREE 15 minute consultation. I can help you solve your sleep issues within a matter of days!!
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Get ready for 7 tips in 7 days.....Tip 1: WHEN SHOULD MY BABY BE SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT...?? The old saying of someone ‘sleeping like a baby’ is all too often one only spoken by those who have never had one! In fact in a recent survey it was reported that less than half of parents - 45.8 % - say that their child never wakes in the night, leaving over half of parents in the UK struggling with sleepless nights. The same survey showed that over three fifths of parents – 6...
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Need help with your child’s sleep? Soooo tired you are struggling to be the parent you want to be? 😴 I can help you get to where you want to be in less than 2 weeks! Get in touch today to find out how! #mumlife #babysleepexpert #toddler #needmoresleep #tootiredtofunction


#mumlife #sleep #sleepexpert #baby #toddler


#Sleep #babysleepexpert #saturdaynight


Interesting article about the effects of sleep deprivation! Although it’s focused on people working too hard, the effects are the same if it’s due to your little bundle of joy causing you sleepless nights (and with less chance of catching up on the weekends!) If you want to stay healthy and get enough sleep for you and your family then get in touch today! A


#needmoresleep #babysleepexpert #motherhood #mumlife


#needmoresleep #childsleep #baby #babysleepexpert #motherhood #mumlife #icanhelp


THOUGHT FOR THURSDAY! Once upon a time (last week) I was asked to write an article about the importance of the bedtime story by a local children’s author. I have loved doing the research and am really pleased with the end result, but it has got me thinking about how in this modern, technology fuelled society we live in, the bed time story has suffered somewhat. Whether books are replaced with tech or tv replaces story time as it seems to calm the children more. I always rec...ommend a story (or two) as part of a consistent bedtime routine. Story time should be fun, and also gives intimate, one to one time with your child, sometimes during the working week, the only time we get to have that connection. There are so many benefits to reading with your child and it helps to feed their imaginations, helping them get a good nights sleep. Sweet dreams! The End x
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THOUGHT FOR THURSDAY! With school out for Summer for the older children and the heatwave no looking to let up anytime soon, it seems everyone I am speaking to lately is off on holiday (I'm not jealous, honest!) Here are some tips for getting through the holidays without disturbing your child's sleeping habits! The good news is that you do not have to cancel all travel plans and confine yourself to the house for the rest of your child’s life. It is possible to have children w...
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#needmoresleep #motherhood #baby #babysleepexpert


We had a consultation with Becky back on the 22nd April. Our little boy (20 months) would wake for anywhere between 2 and 4 hours every few nights and would scream unless he had cuddles and a bottle. Becky's guidance was great, and apart from on the very first night I have not had to go in to his room at all. He now sleeps from 7pm until usually about 6am (but I don't go in and get him up and out of his cot until 6.45) and if he does stir in the night he settles himself back down fairly quickly. It's really made a huge difference.x


I've known Becky for years and always remember her own son sleeping so well whenever I was there. My daughter started waking every hour, refusing to nap, it carried on for almost a month before I thought to even seek help, we were all so exhausted we were falling asleep eating, it wasn't until one day when I collapsed on the floor after FINALLY getting her to sleep and woke up 40 minutes later to my daughter crying I realised we needed help. I wish I had asked for it sooner- with Becky's gentle and understanding support we came up with a unique and personalised plan- we have been able to carry on attachment parenting, respectful parenting but Alice now sleeps 11 hours a night, has 2 naps and is a much happier baby which means a much happier mummy and daddy!


I have just come to the end of my second week with Becky and I honestly thought she would not crack my pickle of a 2 and a half year old daughter.

My daughter would often take an hour plus to get to sleep and would wake at around 1am every night, didn't matter what time I got her down. I thought I had tried everything, gradual retreat, letting her cry it out but it often resulted in me sitting with her until she had fallen asleep.

Becky was always so approachable and even thou I knew I had hadnt made it easy for my self, Becky never judged me as she understood how I was feeling.

So my daughter did have her nights of regression as Becky did explain she would so it wasn't a surprise but she gave me strategies to cope with this so made me feel like I was back in control which I honestly thought I had lost and I use to dred bedtimes.

My daughter now settles really well and is sleeping through the night so I now have my evenings back to spend with my husband.

Thank you Becky


Having a clingy, breastfed and co-sleeping baby, I would never believe this could work, but it DOES. I used to spend my evenings up and down the stairs responding to my baby and sometimes not bothering to attempt to sneak back downstairs. My husband was in the spare room due to me having to feed every hour throughout the night. I used to have to have him on me for nap times and was stuck for sometimes hours.

Now my little one sleeps in his own room, from 6.45-6.45 and for 2 naps during the day.

Becky listened to my concerns and completely understood mine and my babies needs. She is there throughout the process providing support and advice responding to emails, texts and calls which shows she cares about what she does.

Our family life has now changed for the better and most importantly everyone is sleeping!

More about Babysleepthenight/Beckygoman

Babysleepthenight/Beckygoman is located at Wellers close, Po22 8fs Felpham