
About Bark2School

Dog Training for Gosport, Fareham and the Isle of Wight

Bark2School Description

Understanding more about your dog, how they learn and the most effective ways to train with them can help to ensure that they learn the essential skills needed throughout their life, in order to be relaxed, friendly and well behaved.
Dog training can also be a wonderful way to communicate effectively and consistently with our dogs, helping to create a strong partnership, based on them listening and working for us because they want to not because they are forced to.



What a great start to my day....
After many hours of studying I heard today that I passed my First Aid Course with Canine Principals - with a pass mark of 98% .Last year I did the practical First Aid Course, but thought it important to learn more about the health and wellbeing on dogs and to research and find out as much as I could about First Aid and the Dog. I was very pleased to receive my Certicicate from Canine Principles and from UK Rural Skills, and my “badge” which s...hows my achievements and commitment to learning.
Hey not only that I had more good news -wow can't believe it!!!
I am also furthering my studies and learning by working through a diploma on Canine Communications - which I study through the Centre of Excellence
I sent in my first Module (8 pieces) and was notified I had passed with a 96.3%
Must now continue The Canine Communications Modules only another 8 Modules (x 8/10 pieces) each to acheive my Diploma.
Wish me luck folks....
(bades, certificates and UK rural Skills confirmation letter should be included on my website for you all to see).soon.
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Thanks for this Mark brilliant videos - and again well done everybody


Day Time Obedience Training
Hello all - I am considering running some day time training classes either on a Monday or Tuesday morning - The classes will be slightly different to what I normally run in the evening i.e. 8 week training course.
Having worked and spoken to lots of my owners - some would like to concentrate on a particular exercise or two within one class rather than learning lots of exercises.
... So I thought I would run some day time classes working on a particular exercises, such as "recall" or "walking on the loose lead" - working on those exercises for a couple of weeks building in distractions. - Then owners go away for a week to practise, then return to demonstrate what they have taught their dog and what they have learnt- Then once achieved add in the next exercise i.e. the "wait".
There are lots of exercises we can consider over a period of time, so no course as such, but weekly classes (with a break in between now and again to practise)
Would welcome some views from you all -
What would you like to learn from an APDT Dog Trainer (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) ????
I want to be flexible and help owners and dogs as much as I can.
These sessions will be for dogs who are sociable around other dogs and other owners.
I don't want to turn anybody away - so if you have a particular problem with your dog and are unsure what to do, give me a call for a chat, I would be delighted to try to help
Look forward to hearing from you with your ideas and views.
You can private message me if you prefer.
E: T: 07485030978
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Big thank you to Jackie, and Belle for bringing Poppy along for me to work with at the bark2school dog day care centre. Poppy has developed separation anxities as she loves her owners very much! -I thought I would try Poppy at the dog day care to see how she interacts with the other dogs, and to see whether she missed her her owners.
Her first session was a great success, she was slightly nervous to begin with - but certainly wasn't as anxious that her owners had left her... - and she seemed to cope very well. Having spoken to Poppy's owners I have decided that small sessions (in terms of time) would benefit her more than just turning up for a dog day care day. Danny who owns the dog day care has been kind enough to understand how Poppy is feeling and is going to work with her owners (and work with me) on ensuring that Poppy is heppy and relaxed at the centre.
Lots of observations, care and undertanding will take place and I shall be following Poppy very carefully to see if she needs any further support (and her owners).
Here is Poppy (the black puppy) with her new friend Reggie.
Well done Poppy. and well done Jackie & Belle!!!!
(permission given by Poppy's owners and also permission given by Reggie's owner to use their photographs)>
Thank you
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Thank you for my new "likes" folks much appreciatedThank you for my new "likes" folks much appreciated


Sorryy for the delay in posting but I wanted to say a big thank you to all my lovely owners for joining me for the 8 week junior course . You were all amazing and it was such a pleasure to get to know you all and help you with your puppy's training. You all made such great improvements and from week 1- to the end week 8 amazing results.
Thank you for working so hard and I do hope that the training continues to be succesful.
Big thank you to
... Yvonne & Bailey Linda, Leigh & Cassie Jackie. Belle & Poppy Steve, Sue Amber and Alfie
Big thank you to Anthony for coming when he could - hope all is well.
Do keep in touch
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Good afternoon all
As some of you may know David and I moved the Isle of Wight - but as you probably know I also continue to run puppy and dog training classes, plus my 1-2-1's in obedience and My behavioural consultations, and our very popular agility classes still in Gosport
... I have set up a new facebook fmI. O. W. F.b (via my husband david) and would be so very grateful if you would take the time to "like" the f.b. page - and if you have left any reviews in the past on this f.b. page would you please re-review on my new Isle of Wight F.B. it will help build an audience for me.
Really appreciate your support and here is the link to the I.O.W. f.b. page
Rosx 00037233574306
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Hi all Just wanted to let you know that my business line 07485030978
is having some problems at the moment, so please email me if you can't get through... E:
Hopefully back on in a couple of days or so!!!
Thanks all
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How proud does this little dog look - achieving his goals for the past 8 weeks at the juniour 8 week obedience course.
Whiskey has worked so hard with the support of his owners Liam and Alex who in turn have committed to the course, worked hard, trained as much as they could and the results each week have been amazing.
Whiskey is an energetic happy little puppy full of life and its been a huge pleasure in helping and support Whiskey ad Liam and Alex.
... Hope you enjoyed the course and found it beneficial.
Please do let me know if you have any questions or eed further support now or in the future.
Take care~
Warmest wishes~ ~ Ros
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Another Junior Obedience Courses just finished.
I would like to thank all the owners and their dogs for joining me each week for the Juniour Course. All the owners worked so hard and achieved some amazing results.
A big thank you to Charli, Todd and little Luila for joining me - such a shame you had a 3 week break due to her being in season, but that didn't stop you - you still worked hard and continued your training.... In the last week you will see that little Lula enjoyed her balancing ball and didn't want to get off it. Well done Lula, Charlie and Todd with your training.
A big well done to Simon with Hudson, who was joined each week with his wife Delina and their son Nathan (who asked some very interesting questions, well done Nathan). Simon reallly came on in leaps and bounds with Hudson and showed some excellent final results. Thank you. You can see Simon and Hudson working away in the pictures below.
Still awaiting permission to post Gracie's pictures, but thank you Elloise, Jan and Gracie for joining us as much as you could, Little Gracie is a gorgeous, funny little and I am sure you are going to have lots of fun and happiness with her. Thank you.
Such a shame that Liam, Alex and Whiskey were not at the final class, but I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Such dedicated, hard working owners and Whiskey was certainly benefitting from the training. Good luck and hope to catch up soon.
Sorry James and Mila couldn't make a few sessions and indeed the final one. Hope you feel better James. Good luck with your training for the future and thank you for joning me.
Lovely to see Sarah & the gorgeous Tarley in class and my what a wonderful, intelligent, dog, practically knew the exercises, before I wanted to teach the. Well done to you two and good luck for the future.
Thank you all for coming and good luck for the future.
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HAPPY EASTER to you all.
Keep your pooches safe this Easter.....
Don't forget folks - keep those easter eggs in a cupboard high out of the reach of your dog (bring them out when you want to eat them).
... Make sure your hot cross buns are well away from your pooches grasps, as you know now they contain dried fruits, raisins, currants and sultanas which can cause kidney problems
Watch out for those Springflowers and plants
but above all have a lovely Easter with your family and dog (s).
Catch up soon
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