Benenden, Kent

About Benenden, Kent

Benenden is a village and civil parish in the Tunbridge Wells District of Kent, England. The parish is located on the Weald six miles (10 km) to the west of Tenterden. In addition to the main village, Iden Green, East End, Dingleden and Standen Street settlements are included in the parish. The parish church is dedicated to St George, and is a 19th-century building on the site of a medieval building destroyed in a fire. Benenden School, a private girls boarding school is located to the north of the village. Origin of nameThe place name of Benenden derives from Old English meaning Bynna's wooded pasture. Bynning denn became Benindene Binnigdaenne, Bennedene Bynindenne then the current spelling from 1610.

Benenden, Kent Description

Benenden is a village and civil parish in the Tunbridge Wells District of Kent, England. The parish is located on the Weald six miles (10 km) to the west of Tenterden. In addition to the main village, Iden Green, East End, Dingleden and Standen Street settlements are included in the parish. The parish church is dedicated to St George, and is a 19th-century building on the site of a medieval building destroyed in a fire. Benenden School, a private girls boarding school is located to the north of the village. Origin of nameThe place name of Benenden derives from Old English meaning Bynna's wooded pasture. Bynning denn became Benindene Binnigdaenne, Bennedene Bynindenne then the current spelling from 1610.

More about Benenden, Kent

Benenden, Kent is located at Benenden, Kent

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