Bisley Village Hall

Monday: 08:30 - 23:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 23:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 23:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 23:30
Friday: 08:30 - 23:30
Saturday: 08:30 - 23:30
Sunday: 08:30 - 17:30

About Bisley Village Hall

Community facility, with 2 well equipped halls for regular use and private hire.

Bisley Village Hall Description

The Bisley Village Hall is a well-appreciated and well-used centre for the local community and a wide range of groups and interests. .

It is home to many local groups including the Almac Bisley Brass Band, Leanne Edwards School of Theatre Arts, Bisley Pre=School and the Bisley WI and an indoor Bowls Club. It used for a wide range of activities including concerts, parties, meetings, provision for the very young and the older members of the community and for a variety of sports and pastimes.

The facilities include a large Main Hall with a stage and audio-visual equipment and a large kitchen attached; the smaller Jubilee Room - a smaller with kitchenette and a Committee Room

For further details see the Bisley Village Hall website.



Christmas is coming to the Hall. Almac Bisley Brass Band's Christmas Concert is on Saturday 8 December and our Christmas Afternoon Tea is on 19 December. See posters for details.


Last Sunday crowds flocked to the Hall for a Heritage Open Day event. It was brilliant! As these pictures show the event included displays, interviews with some of the Old Boys from the original Bisley School and the unveiling of two blue plaques. And we learned even more about the story of a remarkable School and its Chapel which is now our Hall.


On Sunday 9 September Bisley Village Hall will be open from 1030 to 1.30 for one of the Heritage Open Day events promoted by Surrey Heath Museum and Heritage Services. Of course, we hope to see you at our Village Hall but you may be interested in the other things that are happening.


I know you haven't heard from us for a while. We have been quite busy!
The Strawberry Fayre, back in June, was a great success. As (nearly) always the sun shone and, despite or peehaps because of, a World Cup match taking place that afternoon, the crowds flocked to the Village Green. We'll let you know how much we raised soon.
On Sunday 9 September - a nationwide Heritage Open Day - a blue plaque will be unveiled at the mark the fact that the Village Hall is the for...mer chapel of the old Bisley Boys School. It is likely that there will be a second plaque to commemorate the Bisley (Shaftesbury School) boys who lost their lives in the two World Wars. That one will replace a memorial tablet that disappeared after the School closed in 1959. In addition to the unveiling ceremony there will be displays, presentations and refreshments.
Here is your invitation. If you are able to come it would help if you could let us know so that we know how many cakes to ask the WI to bake!
See More


Our Strawberry Fayre is next Sunday, 24 June, on the Village Green. We look forward to seeing you there. Funds raised will go to our rewiring project.


THE ASCOT EXPERIENCE at Bisley Village Hall this Friday, 1 June. Experience the fun of the races without spending a fortune.... However, anything you do spend will go to Hall funds. For tickets ring one of the numbers on the poster. look forward to seeing you.


We are holding a very informal get-together of former Bisley (Shaftesbury) School pupils and staff from 2pm at Bisley Village Hall on Wednesday 6 June. If you were at the School you will be very welcome to come for refreshments and to share memories and experiences. If you know other people who were at the School please tell them about it.
To say you are coming or for more information ring or text Graham on 07753 672778 or leave a message on Facebook


Almac Bisley Brass Band's Spring Concert at the Village Hall on 19 May is in aid of Hall funds. Please come and encourage everyone you know to come too.
Tickets are still available. To reserve yours ring the number on the poster; ring or text 07753 672778 or email If you decide to come at the last minute a limited number of tickets will be available on the door.


Thank you to everyone who came to Bisley Village Hall yesterday to help us to bring the story of the Hall to life.
We all learned more about the origins and history of our Hall; the achievements and activities of the Shaftesbury (Bisley) School and the people associated with it - a number of former pupils were there; and the heritage represented by the Village Hall (the former School chapel). It was a great way to launch our Heritage Project.
Look out for more information about the Heritage Project. The next event may well be a Heritage Day openinjg and display in early September We will let you know soon


Come to share your memories and/or learn about the story of Bisley Village Hall and the Shaftesbury School, at Bisley Village Hall on Sunday 29 April. See poster for details.


Our new profile picture shows the lantern which hung in the porch of the Shaftesbury School Chapel. It was made by pupils of the Shaftesbury School.
The former chapel, built in 1874, is now at the heart of Bisley Village Hall. As you will see from other posts on this site we want to bring to life the story of the history of the Shaftesbury School and its impact on Bisley Village, Please get in touch if you think you can help us Contact Graham Davey:
And if you know of anybody, anywhere, who lived in Bisley in the mid-20th century, before or around the time the Shaftesbury School closed (1959) and the Village Hall opened, please consider sharing this post with them and suggesting they get in touch with Graham


BBC Radio Surrey have invited one of the Village Hall Trustees and a former Shaftesbury School pupil for interview tomorrow morning. It's about our Heritage Project and our ambition to try to bring the story of the School and Bisley village to life. All being well, the interview is likely to be around 0850 .


This lamp - made at the School - once hung in the porch of the School Chapel. Tim Price - local historian, author of A Hundred Years Behind the Times: the History of Bisley, and member of the Heritage Project Committee - has restored light to it. The School closed in 1959 so this could well be the first time in around 70 years that it has been illuminated.
There's more where this came from and much of it will be on display at our event on 29 April (see previous post). You might want to cobnsider coming along. Contact Graham Davey (email or ring/text 07753672778) if you would like to be there and/or have stories to share.


Our Heritage Project is already uncovering fascinating artefacts, memorabilia and stories relating to the Shaftesbury School, Bisley Village Hall and Bisley village. We hope to publish pictures soon showing some of what we have found
We are building a picture of a School that was remarkable when it was founded in the 19th century, remained remarkable until it was closed in 1959 and had a profound impact on many people. Over the years the School offered thousands of boys a pl...ace to live, learn, develop skills and to have opportunities that they would not otherwise have had. Many of them went on to have successful and fulfilling futures
We are keen to get in touch with anyone who was associated with the Shaftesbury School in Bisley before it closed. We have traced a number of the people who were at the school or lived in the village in the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s. We want to find more of them. If you think you can help, contact Graham Davey on 07753672778 or email or email
We will be holding an information-giving and information-gathering event at Bisley Village Hall from 2pm to 5pm on Sunday 29 April. Let us know if you would like to be there.
See More


The Trustees of Bisley Village Hall would welcome your help in bringing to life the story of the Shaftesbury & Farm Schools. If you, or anyone you know, went to the school or were in any way associated with it or the early years of the Village Hall the Trustees would like to listen to your stories.
We are starting a heritage project designed to capture information and reminiscences about the building and its place in the history of Bisley. The present village Hall incorporate...s the chapel built in 1874 to accommodate the pupils and staff from both schools. The schools belonged to the charity known as Shaftesbury Homes and Arethusa (named after their training ship)
If you are interested in this project; have memories to recount and stories to tell; photos to add; lived in one of the school staff houses or just want to know more please contact us and/or come to this information giving and gatehring session on 29 April. Email, Ring or text Graham Davey ( / 07753 672778) or contact Sue Smith ( 01483 487843
If you know of anyone else who might be able to contribute please tell them about our project
We look forward to hearing your stories.
See More

More about Bisley Village Hall

Bisley Village Hall is located at School Close, GU24 9EG Woking
07773 121884
Monday: 08:30 - 23:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 23:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 23:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 23:30
Friday: 08:30 - 23:30
Saturday: 08:30 - 23:30
Sunday: 08:30 - 17:30