Bks Consultancy

Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Bks Consultancy

Providing marketing and IT solutions since 2012. Allowing you to focus on what really matters, growing your business.



at Walthamstow, United Kingdom working with Inner Circle Consulting on helping them develop their #Marketing #regeneration


#Marketing doesn't have to be expensive but standing out is important, especially if you're one of many. Saw this in London outside a pub and it caught my eye


View from my desk this morning. Working with Inner Circle Consulting, loving the sustainable office environment. #officeworking #Fridays


Watched this today, a real emotional advert which is done really well https://youtu.be/WjjhcdcBkK4
#greatadvertising #gillette


Very enoyable weekend. Kaleem indoor skydiving at iFLY Milton Keynes What did you all get up to this weekend?


It's that Friday feeling, time for some #chocolate and #relax for a bit.


Currently working with Ruby Rua Holistic Therapies helped @Aisling Irwin with getting all IT in order and now we're working on transforming Ruby Rua. Watch this space... #IThelp #branding #holistictherapies


Good #Athena meeting yesterday and great talk by Tracey Marshall on #Timemanagement. We all need a bit of that when we're #smallbusinesses. 9 tabs open today..not as many as I would have open normally. And NOT looked at my emails since this morning.


Do you have a Mac and want to test the quality of your internet speed? Find out how you can do a ping test.


Volunteering is a great way to develop yourself..you can do it abroad or locally whilst working. It really helps develop employee skills. #volunteering


In between client meetings met my fabulous friend Fozia Khan for lunch. Need to do more often.
#friends #flexibleworking


Computer running slowly? Tips on how to fix it..


Go England...Love this simple design by Kamran Akram
#Itscominghome #Worldcup


Great meeting at Athena Reading Central and meeting with @Vickie Randall. Great to be working outdoors in this weather.
#thisisthelife #outdoorworking #bksconsultancy #Athena


We are helping out at #Cippenhamcarnival today on Mercian way Recreation ground. Come along if you want a fun day of rides, boncy castle and games. And watch the game in the park. We are #facepainting #England flags, you can name the Berkshire bear and more. come along 12-5pm BerkshireVision Windsor Express #slough #berkshire #cippenham


Great network strategy meeting today. Met some great contacts. #theathenanetwork #athenaeastberkshire #athenareading


Now that's a great way of standing out from the crowd. lastminute.com #marketing


Buildings connections is priceless.. #connections #love

More about Bks Consultancy

Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -