Blt Deals Film Reviews

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This page will highlights my favourite movies from all time that i reccomend you as a must see as well as the film stinkers that i reccomend you miss.



This is not a film but a UK Sitcom that many people missed at it was screened late on the BBC but i hope they make a film version," Cradle to the Grave" starring Peter Kaye in a cockney role which he plays brilliantly, Good cast well acted with great comedy story lines , i hope they make more series of this as it could be another Only Fools & Horses.


This is probably the best Comedy film that came from a UK sitcom, stands head and shoulders above the rest , and still as entertaining today as it was in 1976, if you havant seen it make the effort it well worth it 9/10 great comedy its a shame they don't make then like this anymore.


Another Comedy Classic from Peter Cook & Dudley Moore, Peter Cook plays the Devil outwitting the diminutive Dudley Moore as he sells his soul in exchange for several wishes that all dont have the outcome that Dudley expects, Good Sunday afternoon family movie with laughs all round.


SINFUL DAVY -One the got away that you may have missed, Really entertaining movie starring a young John Hurt, playing a deserter of a Scottish regiment and the various entertaining scrapes he gets in .typically good British film that has you rooting for the bad guy.Also has a haunting theme tune.


A very Funny film for all the family which shows the comedy brilliance of Walter Mathau as Mr Wilson, pure entertainment if you dont laugh your dead.


Great Sunday Afternoon film , Peter Ustinov & Maggie Smith great offbeat comedy crime caper with a good twist at the end,brilliant acting , great story ..pure entertainment dont miss it 9/10


One of the very best war war 2 film and Frank Sinatra best role , Ageless film with excellent acting and realistic plot.if you have not seen it make sure you do you wont be disappointed.


This is a very funny film , Ray Winston is brilliant and with an all star cast the mix of violence and absolute comedy is unsurpassed in recent films , a film to watch over and over again and i gaurantee you will find a laugh you missed the first time .... This will be a true classic like the Lavender Hill Mob.


Rita Sue & Bob Too - Great working class comedy - laugh a minute - don't miss this a s.tunner from the 1980's , good cast well acted the full deal


ABSOLUTE STINKERS _To date i have only featured films that i believe are great and would recommend, these films featured below are absolute stinkers that don't do the stars and the directors justice. AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE YOU WILL NEVER GET THE TIME YOU WASTE WATCHING ON THESE FILM BACK.
1. Bronco Billy Clint Eastwoods worst film with love interest Sandra Locke -bad story , bad acting , what a waste of film.
2.Battleship Rhiannas first acting role , this film is 90% CGI so di...dn't need actors , Rhianna's talents were wasted they may as well just have used CGI characters, Absolute rubbish , if this is what CGI is going to do for the movies god help us all,
3.Sexy Beast Ray Winstone's worst film and hour and a half of being yelled at , i can get that at home , Gangsta movie my arse , the film was downright depressing, Just avoid.
4Trapeze, labelled a classic this must be both Tony Curtis and Burt Lancasters worst film, Boring Boring must be locked in the film vaults never to be seen again, both have done much better, why they did this is beyond me and is an embarrassment to them both.
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Clint Eastwood is definitely nothing but excellent in his cowboy roles but he also very adept at playing Harry a hard nose detective in a host of action movies , Dirty Harry is the best but look out for the rest , Clint as a hard man makes great movies ,pure entertainment.


Cary Grant stars in one of his funniest roles as the the Filthy Beast plane spotter on a remote island and all is good until a goody two shoes school teacher and her class of girls arrive , dont miss what is a great Sunday afternoon film for all the family.


Soldier Blue. A good number of critics in 1970 believed that Soldier Blue had set a new mark in cinematic violence, as a result of its graphic scenes of Cheyenne women and children being slaughtered, and had thus lived up – or down – to its U.S. poster boast that it was β€œThe Most Savage Film in History.” Not for the weak hearted , wont be shown on TV much , a damn good western that should not be missed and it has a haunting theme tune to boot.


Tough Guys- A Very funny film with two stars in the last days of there careers, funny film about two ex cons being imprisoned for life being a released into a world that has changed immensely from the days when they were imprisoned , I don't ever remember this being shown on TV , well worth hunting wont be disappointed , one for young and older generations to enjoy


The Good The bad & The Ugly , Clint Eastwood is the best cowboy ever, gritty all action western with fantastic soundtrack, 10/10 brilliant, the rest of Clint Eastwoods spaghetti westerns are not far behind you should watch them all.


The film title says it all. some really funny gross out moments,bad story, bad acting , stupid costumes but it will make you laugh out loud and reach for the sick bucket,its so bad its good shouldnt miss it


Quadrophenia- Great soundtrack- great coming of age movie, Mods and rockers battling it out in Brighton, one of the best youth films ever.. pure nostalgia


Really underrated war film that's not shown too much on tv, well worth a look , love the race to safety in no mans land, Well made war film with proper actors and not special effects.

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