Boost Your Fertility With Rachel Langford

About Boost Your Fertility With Rachel Langford

Have you been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant, but been told there is nothing wrong? My Programme will make all the difference. Email or phone me I'd love to hear from you



I have a suggestion that you may not have taken the time to properly consider before. Is it time for you to consider trusting yourself, your mind and your body to find the solution, rather than abdicating responsibility to doctors who are trained to treat symptoms not causes?


Your subconscious programmes are running 95% of your life. What messages did you unknowingly download about pregnancy, birth and parenthood in your childhood? Contact me if you want to find out!


You did your best in that moment, where you were, with what you had 💛 Remind yourself of that often and let go of regret.


Listen to your intuition it has important news! Its so easy to ignore that nagging feeling, especially if we don't like what it's saying, but it's there for a reason. We all have it to guide us if we would only listen 🙈


When your sweatshirt sums it up 😀
I'm feeling lucky to be on the planet 🌍 💛 I'm here, I have choices, I have free will! Lucky isn't really the right word though, grateful sits easier with me. I'm grateful that I'm cultivating my bravery and making the choices that feel right for me and that light me up.
We really do have only one go at this life and in the past I've wasted too much of mine, but not any more. Life is good when you let yourself see it!
... Practice getting your head out of the past and out of the future and check in to NOW. Tune in to yourself, how do you feel now this minute? Now is all we really have. The past is gone and the future hasn't arrived so why are you wasting time in those places when you have now. Enjoy now, this minute you have now, its yours don't waste it!
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Also make sure that your partner understands that he shouldn't be using heated car seats. The testicles are outside the body for a reason! They are "designed" to stay about seven degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the rest of the body. If the testicle temperature rises above that level, the sperm assembly line slows to a crawl apparently.


Allow yourself to believe because without belief there is no reality


IVF is 40 years old this week. It's been the gateway to parenthood for over 300,000 couples in the UK apparently but the average success rate is still only 30%. When you consider it can cost around £5K to £10K a cycle it is a costly gamble 70% of the time!
If IVF is something you are considering, wouldn't it make sense to maximise your chances of success? Hypnotherapy has been shown in studies to increase the success rate of IVF from 30.2% to 53.1% 💡Why wouldn't you!
I can help you to identify and remove any blocks to pregnancy, birth or parenthood, reduce stress and cope well with procedures, injections and the 2 week wait, so that you are in the very best physical and emotional state to achieve a full term pregnancy. Contact me and lets have a conversation..


Remember this one big takeaway: It is your choice whether you perceive something as stressful or you perceive it as exciting!
Constantly elevated stress levels provide a hostile environment that isn't helpful for implantation during IVF and indeed natural conception. Stress is an inevitable part of life that helps us to grow and evolve throughout our lives, but we need to learn to manage it.
The important thing is that you give yourself time to rest and recover after a str...essful time or situation in your life. This gives your cortisol and adrenalin levels a chance to return to normal in between stressful events as nature intended.
Hypnotherapy has been proven to help women manage stress during fertility procedures and shown to vastly improve implantation rates. Contact me to find out more
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Unexplained Infertility? To get a different outcome do something different! Your mind controls your body so learn to control your mind. The mind body connection is powerful, your reproductive system doesn't work isolation. Contact me to find out more or book online at 💛


If it is good enough for royalty!


It's easy to fall into the trap of spending our days wishing for and focusing on what we don't have. Start the climb out by every night before sleep, searching your mind for 3 things that day to be grateful for. Some days it will be easier than others but every day we have our lives, most of us have our limbs, we have the capability to be in control of our own thoughts, we have the power of choice 💛

More about Boost Your Fertility With Rachel Langford

Boost Your Fertility With Rachel Langford is located at 3 Mount Pleasant road, PO12 2HP Gosport