Brazil'S Britain

About Brazil'S Britain

Showing Britain's beauty, culture and history in videos and photographs from an unusual personal angle.

Brazil'S Britain Description

Photos and videos of Places of Interest in Britain viewed from a unique personal angle.



The Annual Fete at Whitchurch Hill in Oxfordshire, England is typical of many such events that occur across the length and breadth of Britain helping to make up the tapestry of our nation's life.


Hardwick Hay Meadow Walk 2018


Behind the beauty of the Isles of Scilly 28 miles off Lands End lies a dark history of shipwrecks. Over the centuries countless vessels have come to grief on the treacherous rocks of these islands. This short documentary tells their story.


In May 2017 the ancient Tollbridge at Whitchurch on Thames was yarn bombed. For a couple of weeks it was covered with beautiful works of art created in such mediums as wool yarn crochet and needlework. It caused a sensation. "The overwhelming reaction from the public was one of joy," Gill Williamson its originator explained.


A visual celebration of the ancient windmill and those dedicated enthusiasts who have brought them back to life


The Picts were a remarkable grouping of ancient Scottish tribes. Their name was given them by the Romans and comes from the latin Pictus or painted people.


An eclectic collection of images of this beautiful land.


Britain has many ancient and mystical sites whose origins are shrouded in mystery.


Britain's Churches - Spiritual and historical jewels


A journey of discovery down the Upper Thames showing the river's many secrets that are often missed


Some of the many faces of British Agriculture


The story of Jethro Tull the far sighted eighteenth century agriculturalist whose seed drill ushered in modern agriculture.


After the Romans left Britain in the 5th Century virtually all traces of their extensive society and culture disappeared. But did it? This video shows how you can find Roman Britain still hiding in plain view from the lost city of Silchester deep in the hampshire countryside to beautiful mosaics, roads and ruins.


Celebrating Britain's culture, history and beauty in photos and videos.

More about Brazil'S Britain

Brazil'S Britain is located at The Mount, Hardwick Road, RG8 7HW Reading, England
0044 (0) 1189 841 602