Butterfly Beauty - Longniddry



Just to say I’m on holiday today and will reply to any messages tomorrow x


I know it’s not even been Halloween but....... I can’t stress enough how quickly the week beginning mon 17th Dec is filling up. I finish up for Christmas on fri 21st so please get in touch ASAP to secure your appointments. Thurs 20th is already pretty full but still some spaces available 🎅🏻


Been trying so hard not to post this as it seems too early but..... The diary IS filling up already for December! If you have planned your Christmas nights out or just want a pamper for Christmas please get in touch now to secure your date xx 🎅🏻🤶🏻🎄⛄️


That me back to work today. Will be working through messages throughout the day x


That’s me taking the second part of my holidays. Be back to work next Thursday and will reply to any messages then x


Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely weather! Just a quick message to say that if possible can you please book your next appointment before you leave to avoid disappointment. I try and be as flexible as I can and work mornings, afternoons, evenings and some weekends to accommodate. However I also have a young family and can’t always manage last minute appointments. Most regular clients do book in advance but holiday periods are always extremely busy and booking in advance guarantees your space. I am now fully booked until mon 20th August. Many thanks x


Just a wee reminder that I am still on holiday until Monday. Will reply to any messages when I start back. Many thanks x


Just a little reminder that I am now full until Mon 23rd July. If you require an appointment can you please message my business inbox as any WhatsApp or personal messenger messages may get missed when I’m on holiday. I will reply to any texts and calls when I’m back to work xx


I will get round to replying to all messages tomorrow. I haven’t had a chance today due to a very busy day with holiday appointments and some family commitments. Please bare with me I will get back to you all soon xx


That’s me now fully booked until Monday 23rd July! Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine ☀️


That’s me now fully booked this week. Still some spaces left next week. Please get in touch asap if you require an appointment then x


I will be on holiday from Sat 14th July until Mon 23rd July so please get in touch for any appointments as I will not be replying to messages when I’m off. My last working day is 13th July x


Apologies for the lack of posts lately! You lovely clients have been keeping me super busy and as a treat to mark the Summer holidays coming up (woo hoo!) here’s the first of some special offers coming up. Please book any appointments quickly as holiday time is always extra busy xx


Apologies should have posted this on Friday but just to say I’m closed for the back holiday weekend and will be open again tomorrow. Will reply to any messages then. Many thanks xx


That’s me FULL until 10th April. Remainder of April is looking quite busy too so please get in touch before tomorrow evening to secure any dates as as from 5pm tomorrow I am on HOLIDAY and won’t be able to reply to any messages until I start back on 10th April. Thank you for keeping me nice and busy and hope you all have a wonderful Easter xx


Few spaces remaining next week. Completely full this week. Please get in touch ASAP for any last min hol appointment’s!


Limited availability before I take some holidays so please get in touch ASAP xx

More about Butterfly Beauty - Longniddry

Butterfly Beauty - Longniddry is located at 4 Glassel Park Road, EH320NY Longniddry