Cara Jordan, Doula

About Cara Jordan, Doula

I am offering my services as a Birth & Postnatal Doula during the current pandemic. My packages have been adapted and I am ready to support you in preparation for birth, through your birthing experience and in caring for your baby.



Summed v nicely by Sophie 😃


World doula week 🥰 It’s flipping cool being a doula. I love it.


A wonderful piece outlining effective breastfeeding support. By Maddie McMahon. 💜…/breastfeedi ng-support-whats-th…/


L.M. Testimonial
My amazing sisters gave me a voucher for and I’m so glad they did!
I’m a first time geriatric mum (hate that phrase) and had prepared as much as possible for the birth of our baby. However the little one was breech so all plans for a natural delivery were postponed and a C-section was planned. And it was wonderful – very calm and very lovely. However on day two, we were back in hospital as our little girl had developed jaundice – with some low sug...ars and salt levels too, we were admitted to neo natal. It was a pretty dramatic 4 days and nights and being away from my girl that first night was traumatic.
Once we got discharged and started to settle into regular family life, I realised I needed help. I reached out and met Cara. She came to our flat and I got to talk through the jaundice hospital visit. My sense of guilt at having caused it was greatly reduced by having a listening ear who understands births and women and ALL the emotions!
Cara also helped with my breastfeeding latch which proved transformative on our breastfeeding journey. And then continued to provide ongoing support with great articles and books after our meeting.
Although I’ve a brilliant and supportive husband as well as loving and caring family to help, I needed Cara to be the informed and unbiased listener to my story. After so many conflicting messages from a wealth of practitioners, Cara helped restore my faith in my own maternal instincts which had received quite a bashing. And that is her super power – listening and restoring. I’m so incredibly thankful for her role in my birth as a mum, my only regret is not having had Cara’s support throughout my pregnancy.
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Clear infant sleep guidelines 🤩


‘Toilets, which were described by one midwife as, “a place of total privacy and where you let yourself go” have their uses in every stage of labour’


Proud to say Zara at Doulabud is my mentor. 💘


As always, balanced well researched information from Sara Wickham 🥰


Latching demonstration. Thanks Maddie McMahon 💜


The below is a quote from the article, one woman’s experience of doulas.
‘There is predictable sniping about whether a “royal hand-holder” is strictly necessary, but having given birth three times — twice with a doula (one in America, one in the UK) and once without — I can only say that the doula births were massively more manageable.’


Doulas certainly aren’t just for royalty. 👸🏻 However, a doula can help a birthing woman feel royal. Royal meaning loved, listened to, central in her experience, with her needs both anticipated and met.


An informative, interesting read. Thank-you Sophie ❤️


Testimonial, R.K.
‘Cara has a gentle, empathetic and nurturing spirit about her. She cares deeply and her passion for birth comes across quickly. She would always respond promptly and would go above and beyond to answer any questions or meet any information gaps I had. She’s also an excellent educator with very helpful resources.’
‘Cara asked great questions to facilitate understanding and to align expectations. I never felt like I couldn’t be “me” with her.’
... ‘My husband felt hugely supported by her as well. This was one of my biggest desires for labor – that he would feel empowered, respected and supported so that me and him could have a connecting experience around the delivery of our child.’
‘I think because the 3 of us connected so well before birth, I was able to “shut off” and let the 2 of them navigate supporting me. I felt safe to ask for what I wanted and communicate what I didn’t want. I truly felt carried by them and like they had my back.’
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LOTS of ❤️ & energy for DOULA-ing ..... alot less for social mediaLOTS of ❤️ & energy for DOULA-ing ..... alot less for social media




What Zara said...

More about Cara Jordan, Doula