Cariad Mam

About Cariad Mam

Unique bespoke handmade items for little girls, boys and the home.
Please contact me for more information or to order. 2-4 week turnaround on orders.



Helo na! Dyma'r bynting fues i'n brysur yn creu dros y Pasg! Fe wnes I dri o'r rhain ar gyfer Ysgol Gynradd leol. Dwi'n hoffi'r lliwiau yn fawr! рҹҳҖ
Hi there! This is the bunting I've been busy making over Easter. I made three of these for a local Primary School. I do love the neutral colour of this one! рҹҳҖ


Rhain yw'r defnyddiau sydd gen I mewn stoc at hyn o bryd. Mae'n nhw'n ddelfrydol ar gyfer gwneud sgerti, ffrogiau pinafore, siorts, bagiau ayyb.
Cysylltwch os am archebu ar gyfer yr Haf!
These are fabrics that I have available at the moment. They are 100% cotton fabrics and can be made into skirts, pinafore dresses, shorts, bags etc!
... Contact me if you'd like to order for the summer months!
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Helo na! Gwylie Pasg bron iawn drosodd! Rydyn no wedi bod yn brysur iawn yn addurno'r ty dros y gwylie. Bach o siap yma rwan!
Pa fis ydych chi'n dathlu eich penblwydd? Mae fy un I ym mis Gorffennaf рҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҘӮрҹҘӮрҹҘӮрҹҘӮ.
Rhannwch un chi gyda ni!
... рҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖр ҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖрҹҳҖ
Hi there all. Well the Easter holidays are nearly over for us. It's been a busy one here, we've been decorating the house. It's getting back to some sort of normal now!
Just a bit of fun! Which month is your birthday? Is that what you're good at?!!! Mined July рҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҘӮрҹҘӮ True enough рҹҳӮрҹҳӮ
Share yours with us!
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Pasg Hapus I chi gyd. Beth byddwch chi'n gwneud dros y penwythnos yna? Byddwn ni'n treulio amser gyda'r teulu ac yn garddio tra bo'r tywydd yn braf!!
Joiwch yr wyau pasg 'na!
рҹҗҘрҹҗЈрҹҗҘрҹҗЈрҹҗҘрҹҗЈрҹҗҘрҹҗЈрҹҗҘрҹҗЈр ҹҗҘрҹҗЈрҹҗҘрҹҗЈрҹҗҘрҹҗЈрҹҗҘрҹҗЈрҹҗҘ
. .. Happy Easter to you all. What are your plans for the long weekend? We'll be spending time with family and doing some gardening while the weather is nice!
Enjoy all those Easter eggs!
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Bore da! Dechre yn gynnar bore 'ma ar fynting! Dwi'n hoffi'r lliwiau brown yma ar y bunting! Creu bunting gydag lliwiau niwtral oedd y nГҙd! Cadwch lygaid Allan am fwy o luniau!
Good morning! An early ish start this morning! Starting on making a bunting using neutral colours. I'm loving this brown colour for a bunting. Jeep an eye out for more work in progress photos!


Dydd Llun Hapus I chi gyd! Mae hi'n wylie Pasg yma rwan!
Mae gen I 3 buntings dwi eisiau gwnio a thrio patrwm newydd allan - dwi wedi gaddo siorts i'r man, a ffrog gwahanol I fy merch! Edrych ymlaen dangos nhw I chi ar Гҙl gorffen! Mi fydd hi'n braf gwnio eto ar Гҙl cyfnod o seibiant!
Gobeithio bydd y tywydd yn aros yn braf hefyd I mi gael mwynhau'r heulwen вҳҖпёҸ
... рҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈр ҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈрҹҗЈ
Happy Monday to you! It's the Easter holidays here!
I've got 3 buntings to sew up and I've been wanting to try out a few new patterns - I've promised my boy some shorts and a new dress for my girl! It will be nice to get back to sewing again after a little break - life has been do busy lately! Looking forward to showing you my new makes.
I do hope the weather will stay nice too so we can enjoy some sunshine вҳҖпёҸ
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Bore da! Sori dwi wedi bod yn dawel ar hwn yn ddiweddar! Mi fyddai'n nol ar fy mheiriant gwnio dros gwylie'r Pasg. Os ydych eisiau archebu rwan yn barod ar gyfer hynny mae croeso I chi wneud!
Dyma un o fy mhatrymau newydd sydd ar gael eleni! Sgert gyda siorts bach o dan!
Prisiau yn dechre o ВЈ15. Cysylltwch gyda mi am fwy o fanylion!
... рҹҳҖрҹ’•рҹҳҖрҹ’•рҹҳҖрҹ’•рҹҳҖрҹ’•рҹҳҖрҹ’•р ҹҳҖрҹ’•рҹҳҖрҹ’•рҹҳҖрҹ’•рҹҳҖрҹ’•рҹҳҖ
Good morning! Sorry I've been quiet on this lately! But I'll be back on my sewing machine during the Easter holidays and I can't wait!! If you would like to order then please get in touch soon so I can get busy making!!
This is one of my new patterns that's available this year! It has been tested by my little girl and she loves it! It's a skirt with shorts underneath.
Prices start from ВЈ15.00. Please contact me for more information!
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Sul y Mamau Hapus I bawb heddiw! Gobeithio y cewch eich sbwylio yn rhacs рҹ’•. Hefyd hoffwn gofio'r Mamau sydd ddim gyda ni heddiw I ddathlu'r diwrnod yma рҹ’”. Cofio'r atgofion hapus sydd raid. Mwynhewch рҹҘӮ
рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•р ҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•
. .. Happy Mother's Day to all of you today! I do hope you've been spoilt rotten рҹ’• I would also like to remember those Mother's that aren't with us anymore рҹ’”. It's so important to treasure those happy memories. Enjoy your day рҹҘӮ
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Who would like a SALE on selected Cariad Mam items?


Mae hi'n fore Sadwrn eto! Beth yw eich cynlluniau chi ar gyfer y penwythnos?
Dan ni am gael penwythnos tawel fan hyn!
Mae gen I ychydig o ddefnyddiau newydd dwi angen tynnu lluniau er mwyn dangos I chi gyd!
... Joiwch рҹҳғ
рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•р ҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’•
It's Saturday again! What are your plans for the weekend?
We'll be taking it easy and recharging after a busy week!
I need to take photos of my new materials too to show you all!
Enjoy your Day рҹҳғ
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Helo! Sut Mae pawb ar Гҙl dathliadau ddoe? Pwy fu'n gwylio'r gГӘm rygbi? Pwy oedd yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd drwy'r dydd?
Fe wnes i'r clip gwallt yma. Roedd y cwsmer eisiau clip gwallt ar gyfer yr Eisteddfodau! рҹҳғрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу Ғҝ Oherwydd rheolau hawlfraint nid oeddwn yn gallu creu symbol Urdd!
Fel busines bach mae'n rhaid I mi fod mor ofalus wrth greu unrhywbeth y dyddie hyn!
... рҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүр ҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺү
How is everyone after all the celebrations yesterday? Who was lucky enough to watch the rugby game? Who was in the Eisteddfod all day?
I made this hair clip for a customer who wanted something to wear to the Eisteddfod. Due to copyright laws I wasn't able to make an Urdd symbol but came up with this instead! What do you think?
As a small business I have to be so careful with copyright makes, it's just not worth it if you get caught! I'm sure many businesses out there will put their business at risk, but Cariad Mam is not one of them!
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Helo! Mi fues i'n defnyddio'r defnydd hyfryd yma diwrnod or blaen I greu sgert gyda bloomers bach office tani. Gret ar gyfer tombois fel fy un I!
Pwy sy'n hoffi'r defnydd morforwyn yma? Mae fy nefnyddiau newydd I wedi cyrraedd erbyn hyn hefyd. Edrych ymlaen at eu dangos!
рҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғр ҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғрҹҳғ
. .. Hi there all! I was creating something with this gorgeous material the other day! I made a skirt with a pair of bloomers under! Great for tomboys like mine!
Who likes this mermaid material? My new material stock has arrived too, can't wait to show you all!
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Helo Dydd Sadwrn! Beth 'dach chi gyd yn gwneud heddiw?
Pwy fydd yn gwylio'r rygbi 'pnawn 'ma? Pob lwc I Gymru! рҹҸҲрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу Ғҝ
Mwynhewch eich penwythnos
... рҹҸҲрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҲрҹҸҙу  Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҲрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу  Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҲрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у  Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҲрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу Ғҝр ҹҸҲрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҲрҹҸҙу  Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҲрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу  Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҲрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у  Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҲ
Hi there! It's Saturday!! What are you all up to today?
Hands up who will be watching the rugby games this weekend? I'll be watching the Scotland v Wales game! Good Luck to Wales рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҲ
Enjoy your weekend
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Mae hi'n dydd Mawrth Ynyd heddiw! Diwrnod crempog! рҹҳӢрҹҚӢрҹҘһ. Sut byddwch yn bwyta rhai chi? Siwgr a lemon I mi рҹҳӢрҹ’•
Mi fydden bob blwyddyn yn ceisio fflipio'r grempog! Faint bydd yn disgyn ar y llawr tybed рҹҷҲ.
рҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһр ҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһрҹҘһ
. .. It's Shrove Tuesday today or Pancake Day! рҹҘһрҹҚӢрҹҷҲ How do you eat yours? I prefer lemon an sugar, very traditional!
How many of you try and toss the pancakes? We always have a go! How many will fall on the floor?! рҹҷҲ
Enjoy your pancakes!!
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Adolygiad gwych gan gwsmer yn hoff iawn o'i bandiau gwallt! Diolch yn fawr am archebu вҷҘпёҸ
This is a fabulous review by a happy customer! Those headbands look amazing! Thank you for supporting Cariad Mam вҷҘпёҸ


Bore da! Mae wedi bod yn wythnos hyfryd o wylie yn tydi?!
Dwi wedi bod draw yn y Puppy Barn yn y Drenewydd I ychwanegu at y stoc o nwyddau cwn sy'n cael eu gwerthu yno ar hyn o bryd.
Os ydych eisiau coler, tennyn neu bandana plis gofynnwch am weld y casgliad sydd ganddi yno.
... рҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶рҹҗҫр ҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶
Good morning! Hasn't it been a lovely half term?
I've been re-stocking my dog accessories over at The Puppy Plus Barn in Newtown.
If you'd like a collar, lead or bandana please ask to see what Emma Stoker has in stock!!
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Bore da! Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus I chi gyd! Sut byddwch yn dathlu? Cawl I ginio? Cig oen I swper?
Dwi'n gobeithio cael amser I greu heddiw! Llawer o batrymau newydd ar y gweill! Mi fyddai'n creu rhywbeth ar gyfer y bois heddiw, ond mi fydd yn addas ar gyfer Merched hefyd! рҹҳү
... Joiwch eich dydd Gwener!
рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу  Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу  ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у  Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у  Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу  Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у  Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу Ғҝр ҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу  Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу  ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у  Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у  Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу  Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у  Ғ¬у Ғіу Ғҝ
Good morning! Happy St David's Day to you all! How do you celebrate? Will you be having cawl for lunch? Lamb for supper?! I'll be wearing my daffodil with pride today рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу Ғҝ
I'm hoping to have time to sew today! I've got a few new patterns that I want to try out! Something for the boys today, but it will be suitable for girl's too рҹҳү My boy feels left out when my daughter gets to be a model рҹҷҲрҹҳӮ.
Have a great Friday рҹҳғ
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Dyma ychydig or defnyddiau newydd sydd gen I ar gael. Mi fyddai rhain yn ddelfrydol ar gyfer creu ffrogiau bach pinafore neu sgerti haf.
Cysylltwch gyda mi yn fuan I archebu. Dim ond ychydig or defnyddiau yma sydd ar gael felly cyntaf i'r felin! рҹҳғ
Dyna beth sy'n gwneud Cariad Mam yn unigryw! рҹҳү
... рҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһр ҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһрҹҢһ
Just showing a few more fabrics that have arrived ready for the summer! These are ideal to make pinafore dresses or summer skirts!
Please contact me to order. I've only got a small amount of these fabrics available so it'll be first come, first served!
That's what's unique about Cariad Mam! рҹҳү
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Wrth fy modd efo'r bunting ac am ordro mwy eleni! Diolch x


I ordered some hair clips at the weekend and they arrived this morning in the most beautiful packaging, thank you so much will definitely be back again xxx


I ordered some business magnet clips from Gwen and the service and quality of them were just absolutely fantastic!! They are so much bigger than I expected and are perfect for keeping important lists to hand! Would highly recommend and will definitely be back! Thank you very much пҝҪ


I ordered a unicorn apron for my 5 year old niece, which was beautifully made by cariad mam she loved it. I also ordered a sewing bag for my mum which Gwenfair custom designed with, fabulous sewing print material , ordered especially it made my mums christmas. The quality of the products was 100% I would throughly recommended cariad mam. Thank you. Helen


I had an idea for some bunting that our elf can slide down that bunches all up, and as you can see I'm not very good at explaining but you know what, not only did Gwenfair get it she managed to create my idea and make it look fabulous!! Thank you so much x


I fear Cariad Mam may be my new local vice пҝҪ have some gorgeous Christmas bunting spanning the length of my sitting room, beautifully made and the bunting for my little girl's room is gorgeous, she's been eyeing up the skirts and aprons too пҝҪ

Fantastic service, lovely lady, nothing is too much trouble! great prices for Great quality handmade items.

Diolch yn fawr Cariad Mam xx


Gwenfair made me a little pouch for all of my sewing essentials, I told her roughly what I wanted and she came up with the design herself, I had 100% trust in her and she went above what I expected! Communication was excellent, her fabric choices were beautiful and the finished product came quick and very well packaged! Would definitely order again x


Gwenfair designed some awesome dinosaur peg magnets based upon my request. We love Them! My son takes them everywhere. He wont.take his dinosaur apron off. Amazing quality and superb customer service. 5*


Diolch o galon am y sgarff bendigedig! Defnydd lyfi ac yn gynnes. Diolch! X


Bunting Nadolig hyfryd. Diolch Cariad Mam пҝҪ


Bought numerous items, great quality handmade unique items. Great service too. Diolch yn fawr!


Wrth fy modd efo'r bunting ac am ordro mwy eleni! Diolch x


I ordered some hair clips at the weekend and they arrived this morning in the most beautiful packaging, thank you so much will definitely be back again xxx


I ordered some business magnet clips from Gwen and the service and quality of them were just absolutely fantastic!! They are so much bigger than I expected and are perfect for keeping important lists to hand! Would highly recommend and will definitely be back! Thank you very much пҝҪ


I ordered a unicorn apron for my 5 year old niece, which was beautifully made by cariad mam she loved it. I also ordered a sewing bag for my mum which Gwenfair custom designed with, fabulous sewing print material , ordered especially it made my mums christmas. The quality of the products was 100% I would throughly recommended cariad mam. Thank you. Helen


I had an idea for some bunting that our elf can slide down that bunches all up, and as you can see I'm not very good at explaining but you know what, not only did Gwenfair get it she managed to create my idea and make it look fabulous!! Thank you so much x


I fear Cariad Mam may be my new local vice пҝҪ have some gorgeous Christmas bunting spanning the length of my sitting room, beautifully made and the bunting for my little girl's room is gorgeous, she's been eyeing up the skirts and aprons too пҝҪ

Fantastic service, lovely lady, nothing is too much trouble! great prices for Great quality handmade items.

Diolch yn fawr Cariad Mam xx


Gwenfair made me a little pouch for all of my sewing essentials, I told her roughly what I wanted and she came up with the design herself, I had 100% trust in her and she went above what I expected! Communication was excellent, her fabric choices were beautiful and the finished product came quick and very well packaged! Would definitely order again x


Gwenfair designed some awesome dinosaur peg magnets based upon my request. We love Them! My son takes them everywhere. He wont.take his dinosaur apron off. Amazing quality and superb customer service. 5*


Diolch o galon am y sgarff bendigedig! Defnydd lyfi ac yn gynnes. Diolch! X


Bunting Nadolig hyfryd. Diolch Cariad Mam пҝҪ


Bought numerous items, great quality handmade unique items. Great service too. Diolch yn fawr!

More about Cariad Mam

Cariad Mam is located at Barnfields, SY16 2QD Newtown, Powys