Carly'S Childminding Service

About Carly'S Childminding Service

I am a newly registered childminder, offering care all year round 8am to 6pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I am located in Felpham, we regularly go out and about to the local library, parks, beach, woodlands, and Garden centres.



We all had a lovely time at Arundel this morning, feeding the ducks, walking round the lake, climbing up and finishing with a little bit of lunch in the sunshine :)


When it's horrid outside we bring the big tray in and do a big painting activity using our Easter eggs and stampers. Both children enjoyed using lots of different techniques and mixing all the colours to see what they could make.


Lovely time yesterday, exploring lots of different textures whilst singing and dancing at a toddler group. Then on to some number recognition with the older one whilst the babies slept. Them on to some physical time in the garden, bouncing on the tramp, playing chase, sliding on the slide and building big towers :)


We had a brilliant morning at hartbeeps, singing, dancing, copying actions and using fine motor skills to write a list and hang the washing out to dry :)


The little ones enjoyed seeing the ducks, climbing up the hills and having some fun in the park in the sunshine today.


Enjoying lots of different trays in the sunshine and even earing lunch outside:)


Lovely little walk in the woods this afternoon, exploring, making dens, swinging, looking for wildlife, climbing and splashing in puddles :)


We all had a great day at the farm today, looking at all the animals, playing in the park and in the sand and even having an ice cream in the sunshine. Three very happy worn out children now :) x


Today we started off with some football and ball skills, then where using balance and negotiating space going down the ramps on bikes, scooters and scuttlebugs. We then had a little to go in the park trying out various equipment before going home to warm up and have lunch. We then had some free play and ended off with the little one practising her letters and some lovely painting.


The children really enjoyed the sunshine the last couple of days. Exploring lots of textures in the messy trays, playing chase and going on the climbing apparatus. The children were playing nicely together, sharing and communicating, lovely little friendships emerging :)


The children have all enjoyed playing in the water and sand tipping and pouring using lots of different utensils. Also going on the slide and Mark making with chalks. Before coming in for some lunch, stories and naps. Then off to the park and back for some songs and play before dinner:)


The children wanted to make pictures for their mummys so we did. We looked at the different colours and the different marks we could make with the variety or brushes and sponges :)


Today was about balancing, jumping, running, throwing and catching- all the gross motor skills. I think they had a good time and are definitely tired out now! Back home for some stories and animal role play :)


Building snowmen in the snow this morning. Then bringing some in to observe what happens to it inside. The children wanted to add some beads and animals and then have spent hours engaged. Tipping and pouring, working together to fill to bowls, communicating with each other and taking turns. It's amazing watching them play and learn :)


Experimenting with some water beads, we put them in water and covered them. We observed then after a couple of hours and watched them grow, experimenting with the different textures of the beads. We are also using fine motor skills to tip, pour and fill containers using the pippetts.


We started off with lots of role playing at being doctors. We then had some fun but chilly adventures in the garden before coming in to warm up with some painting.


We had such an exploration day yesterday, in the garden using boxes as tunnels, building mark making and bouncing. We then had some dancing, singing and some interests in book reading. By this point it was nap time for the little ones whilst the big one climbed. Then back for some role playing, giggling and cuddles before tea and home time. I love watching the children grow and develop.


Experimenting with lots of different brushes, colours and paints in a big scale painting session. Children were all in there element and engrossed for a good period of time.

More about Carly'S Childminding Service