Catching Rainbows

About Catching Rainbows

A Haven of fertility advice, therapies and support that combines medicine with holistic approaches. Downloadable support kits and 1-1 available. x

Catching Rainbows Description

Combining the magic of science with the science of magic



Father’s day is really tough when you are still waiting to be a Dad. Our men have to cope with their own sorrow and also constantly try to understand how we are feeling and thinking too.
So this is a shout out to all the amazing men who are also doing all the work and taking the time and care to put the steps in to find a way to their child and to support their partners during the brutal struggle of infertility. Xxx


Arvigo Training comes to Dorset!
I’m so excited that it’s coming to this area and available to therapists to bring even more of this work to people in this neck of the woods. My experience of using it to support women going through fertility challenges has been very amazing 💗
What I’ve seen is it helping both natural fertility and IVF, calming and balancing the nervous system and switching off the fight / flight response, helping women feel safer in their bodies again 💗
... Comparing the difference in cycles where we haven’t used it and cycles where we have, it also feels like it’s played a part for some ladies in helping more follicles develop and higher numbers of eggs be collected during stimms, and also helping to build thick, healthy, juicy linings to nourish implantation 💗
It’s been sacred work too, in helping to release old emotions & trauma, especially grief and fear that sometimes seem to block fertility and are often held in these parts of our bodies, helping to open up space for new energies to come in💗
It’s not only fertility that it supports, but it’s been a joy to see it work it’s magic with this especially.
If anyone’s interested in the training or in the treatments, feel free to message and I’m really happy to chat it through in more detail any time.
Cath xx
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More about Catching Rainbows

Catching Rainbows is located at DT10 2RU Dorchester, Dorset