Clarity Hypnotherapy

Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -

About Clarity Hypnotherapy

Hi, I’m Natalie. I work with you to overcome your fears, anxieties & negative beliefs. Are you ready to make positive changes and reach your goals?�

Clarity Hypnotherapy Description

Solution Focused Hypnotherapist based in West Sussex, taking you forward to where you want to be. My clinic offers flexible session times, is centrally located with free onsite parking.
How could Hypnotherapy help you?



What are you grateful for today? 💖


🎂 October birthday 3/5! 🎂 . . 🎂 . Today my biggest baby, Nicole, turns 10! I know every birthday I sit in disbelief at how fast each year goes but 10 seems very grown up! A decade of parenting and I’m definitely still learning the ropes 😂!!... . . 🎂 . I always find my children’s birthdays emotional, proud of how wonderful they are and sad at the fact they’re not my squishy little baby anymore! . . 🎂 . Nicole’s birthday is always poignant being so close to Brody’s. She is my Little Rock who got me through some very dark days. . . 🎂 . I’m so proud of the young lady she is becoming, with her super kind thoughtful ways.... although at times it’s scary to see so many of my traits 😬😬😬 .... the teenage years will be interesting!!! . . 🎂 @ Crawley
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Overthinking ...


Focus your thoughts on how you want things to be rather than how you don’t, by doing so you will notice how you attract good fortune and opportunities like a magnet. . . 🌺
... Have you ever had a 🦋or 🐝 fly in to your home? It becomes frantic trying to find a way out, banging against the glass. You’re there, frustratingly trying to show it a path to freedom.... Despite your best efforts it doesn’t see your help 😩... How many of us are like that 🦋/🐝? I know that’s been me before too🙋🏼‍♀️.... Trying really hard to figure something out but not finding a solution. . . 🌺
Often, when the answer does pop in to our head, it seems so glaringly obvious we can hardly believe we didn’t think of it sooner 🙈! Normally, this happens the moment we take a step back, calm ourselves down, allowing the opportunities/solutions to become more apparent or see the kind person trying to help us out the door😜😂. Would some time to calm your mind benefit you? Would relaxation allow you to find clarity within your thoughts? I offer relaxation sessions to my clients. These sessions give you 40minutes of hypnosis relaxation, leaving you feeling calm and tranquil, whilst being a great introduction to hypnosis. For more information or to book please email
. . 🌺
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Yesterday for me, was a day of reflection and remembering but also for thinking of the blessings I have.
It can be so easy to focus on a “lack of”, thinking about what we don’t want to happen, how we don’t want to feel, what we don’t have, etc. ... . .
❤️ . .
Showing gratitude for the things we do have, however small, allows us to be less self destructive and turn negative thoughts around. . .
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What things are you grateful for today? . .
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I’m often asked how I got in to hypnotherapy and why I’m so passionate about it. For me, it’s quite personal. This week being baby loss awareness week seemed a significant time to share my “why”. . .
On October 10th 2010, my beautiful son Brody was born prematurely at 24 weeks. Brody, passed away shortly after delivery. I felt like my world had come crumbling down around me. Leaving the hospital surrounded by new mums and babies was truly soul destroying. ... . .
You go through the same process during and after the birth as you would in more “normal” circumstances. When your baby isn’t with you however, there are no cards, flowers, no midwife checks. In fact people don’t know what to say and often say the most outrageous things, resulting in you feeling like a total failure.. which obviously couldn’t be further from the truth. . . 💙
Arranging your baby’s funeral is something no one should ever have to do. . . 💙 . I had to be strong for my daughter, Nicole, who turned 2, five days after Brody was born, in fact it was Nicole who got me through those dark days. . . 💙 . I found myself drawn to alternative therapies. Hypnotherapy was one of them... This started my passion for mental health support and the benefits of Hypnotherapy. . . 💙 . People often say “oh you’re lucky, you have 3 children” yes, I truly am so blessed and honestly understand this more than most, however, this comment always stings, not just because I have 4 children, of course they don’t know my history, why would they. It’s not something I always choose to share BUT the poignant message here, across the board is, “we never know what battle someone is fighting”. Just because someone may appear happy, confident etc, we never know what’s going on behind closed doors, therefore in a world where we can be anything, always be kind x
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I’ve taken today off to start holiday packing 😀😀woohoo, starting with the children, I find it easier to; ....
1) pack for one child at a time.
2) make a list of how many items you need and what they will wear each day.
... 3) Put each outfit together including socks and knickers etc in individual piles.
4) Put each complete, individual outfit in a large ziplock bag.
5) label the bag with the child’s name and the day the outfit is for.
This might sound a bit much BUT when you’re on holiday the last thing you want to be doing is finding outfits for each child to wear, rummaging about trying to find where everything is. This way you can just grab the bag and have everything ready.
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So how can hypnotherapy help with procrastination?? . .
My sessions work in two parts. The first part we talk about your goals, where you want to be, making things specific and creating a “doing picture” in your mind. Our minds don’t know the difference between imagination and reality, so just by thinking about how we want things to be, we naturally start heading in that direction.
... The second part we use Hypnosis.
hypnosis is simply a state of focused attention. In this relxaxed state your mind is more responsive to suggestion. The suggestions are designed to be beneficial, to help you change unhelpful and unwanted thought patterns and beliefs. .
Is now the time for you to take back control? If so then send me an email below and we can discuss further. . .
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Procrastination; the art of planning it, thinking about it, talking about it but actually getting f*** all done 🙈! Many of us are guilty of this... me included, in fact, I’m the procrastination queen 👑!! I can write an epic to-do list but find myself so easily distracted! I have to really discipline myself and make my list specific in order to get what I need to do done... one of the downsides to being your own boss!! .
My top 5 tips below can help break the procrastinatio...n cycle; .
1. Stop being a perfectionist ... Perfection is almost never needed, even champion athletes sometimes get things wrong. Do your best and no one can ask for anymore than that. . 2. Be specific.... What actually needs to be accomplished?? Make your to-do list specific. Having 20 items on the list might seem like a good idea but if just looking at the amount of items sends you in to a panic, then the likelihood of you actually getting started is slim to none!. Put the the most important tasks at the top then work your attention down the list. Less important tasks might be able to wait till tomorrow, don’t overwhelm yourself 😩!. .
3. Remove distractions.... turn off the internet, remove the social media apps on your phone, hide the biscuits, hide your phone!!! Take anything away from your grasp that is going to create temptation to “just to have a quick look, just for 2 seconds” 🙄. . 4. Time... ⌚️Set time limits for tasks. Break tasks down in to manageable time chunks... set a timer on your phone, make it realistic and when the timer goes off, move on. I use this for cleaning. I set a timer and the do a “power hour”... once the timer is up I stop. Yes my life is very rock n roll!! .
5. Rewards.... give yourself a reward for achieving your goals. Once you’ve accomplished certain tasks stop and make a coffee, go for a walk, give yourself 10 minutes to watch random crap on YouTube, whatever is your incentive allow yourself that short 10 minute window, then get back to your list.
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Have you’ve been thinking about improving an aspect of your life 🤔? Perhaps stopping smoking?🚭, finding a way to sleep better?😴, feeling more confident? 😀....
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... Hypnotherapy is simply a really effective tool 🔧 in helping you to take back control. I help you to focus your mind on how you want things to be and how you want to feel. The sessions give you the resources to cope better with life and tackle positively/confidently whatever comes your way. . . .
Is now the time for you to take back control and make those positive changes?
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If yes, then let’s arrange an initial consultation. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions and for me to explain in more detail how it all works. Together we can then work out an action plan to take you to where you want to be and how you want to feel. . .
Sessions are held at my office in Worth, Crawley or via Skype if you’re further afield. . .
Please email;
💻 💻
I look forward to hearing from you 😀
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Interrupt anxious thoughts gratitude...
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... You’re feeling anxious, your mind is racing at a million mph... one anxious thought leads to another, then another. You suddenly find yourself on a negative spiral of over thinking and catastrophising. . . .
Anxiety is caused by negative thinking, it’s not the events in your life but the thought process surrounding it. . . .
If you are feeling overwhelmed; . . 💜Stop . . 💜 Take 5 deep slow breaths. . . 💜 Then either write down, say out loud, or in your head, 10 things you are grateful for. . .
Think of all the little things and if you can get beyond 10 great. This will help to break the negative cycle of worry and tune your mind back in to a more positive frequency. . . 💜
Our minds don’t know the difference between imagination and reality, so just by thinking positively, focusing on the things we’re grateful for it can lift our moods back up. . .
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🚭 Stoptober! 🚭
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... What’s stopping you?? . . .
🚭The benefits of quitting smoking start to take effect from as little as 20minutes after smoking your last cigarette......🚭 🚭If the average smoker stopped smoking today, they would be saving approximately £3,181.00 per year!! 😱💰🚭 . . .
My popular smoking cessation sessions combined with your desire to quit are an effective way to help you stop for good!! How amazing would you feel knowing you’ve kicked this habit, made huge leaps towards benefiting your long term health, as well as having money back in your pocket? . . .
Sessions are held over two appointments,either at my office based in Worth, West Sussex or now, online via Video call!!!
. . .
To secure your place or find out more, email;
. . .
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💛🧡Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve” 💛🧡 . .
New Monday, new week and a new... month! .....
. .
October marks the start of “Birthday season” in our house, 6 birthdays in 6 weeks, well 7 birthdays actually including our dog Dotty!! 🎉🎁🍰🎂 . .
It’s is a poignant month for me, a mixed bag of emotions, a whirlwind of presents, cakes, celebrating and remembering. . .
Happy 1st of October, make it a positive and productive month 🙌🏼😀
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Monday 01st October marks the beginning of “Stoptober” a national stop smoking campaign.
🚭The benefits of quitting smoking start to take effect from as little as 20minutes after smoking your last cigarette......🚭 🚭If the average smoker stopped smoking today, they would be saving approximately £3,181.00 per year!! 💰🚭
My popular smoking cessation sessions combined with your desire to quit are an effective way to help you stop for good!! How amazing would you feel knowing you’v...e kicked this habit, made huge leaps towards benefiting your long term health, as well as having money back in your pocket?
Sessions are held over two appointments,either at my office based in Worth, West Sussex or now, online via Video call!!! What’s stopping you stopping?
To secure your place or find out more, email;
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Wow! With a busy job, two young children and a husband having a recent heart attack, relaxation for me was well needed!

I usually find it genuinely hard to shut my mind to life's stresses, but Natalie's voice was so calming, I was relaxed easily and quickly. I can't wait for my next appointment. Thank you so much. I highly recommend Clarity Hypnotherapy. X


With a hectic schedule of work, moving house and juggling family life things got overwhelming and anxiety took over. After an initial assessment Natalie helped me rebalance and redress my focus over a period of several weeks. It was a positive and forward thinking experience which was reinforced by the relaxing audio to play out of sessions.

Natalie is a natural people person and has a great balance of empathy and understanding. She is professional and friendly and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her services. Thank you Natalie - you are greatly missed!


What an amazing experience!First time at anything like this and I have never been more relaxed. My session was 5 minutes ago and I have already made decisions I never would have before. Instead of anger..I feel happiness, and that was just driving back!Thank you sooooo much. Just a note to say there is no pressure to re book or any sales pitch..this lady is genuine, honest, reassuring and her voice will take you to amazing far away places.


This was my first time experiencing anything like this. I struggle to relax on a daily basis as my mind is constantly busy and active night and day. But I did it and felt very relaxed. Really pleased with my first session and I have booked in for another one. Thank you. I have also recommended to friends and family.


I just wanted to say how lovely Natalie is!

She makes you feel so relaxed as soon as you meet her. I have seen her a few times for relaxation and for a fear of flying! I was very ill on a flight last year and was so worried about flying again. However,I have now been on four flights over the last few months and I was fine on all of them and didn’t feel anxious.

I honestly believe my sessions with Natalie and listening to her audio enabled me to fly without the worry and anxiety I felt last year.

Thank you so much x


Following on from a traumatic c section with my first daughter I was in fear of the same with my second, I had major anxiety and panic attacks with the thought of going through the same trauma again. I had a couple of sessions with Natalie who initially put my mind at ease with her friendly and warm personality, she provided me with techniques to focus my mind when it came to the day to the point where I can easily say I enjoyed the birth of my second daughter. I cannot recommend Natalie highly enough.


Wow! With a busy job, two young children and a husband having a recent heart attack, relaxation for me was well needed!

I usually find it genuinely hard to shut my mind to life's stresses, but Natalie's voice was so calming, I was relaxed easily and quickly. I can't wait for my next appointment. Thank you so much. I highly recommend Clarity Hypnotherapy. X


With a hectic schedule of work, moving house and juggling family life things got overwhelming and anxiety took over. After an initial assessment Natalie helped me rebalance and redress my focus over a period of several weeks. It was a positive and forward thinking experience which was reinforced by the relaxing audio to play out of sessions.

Natalie is a natural people person and has a great balance of empathy and understanding. She is professional and friendly and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her services. Thank you Natalie - you are greatly missed!


What an amazing experience!First time at anything like this and I have never been more relaxed. My session was 5 minutes ago and I have already made decisions I never would have before. Instead of anger..I feel happiness, and that was just driving back!Thank you sooooo much. Just a note to say there is no pressure to re book or any sales pitch..this lady is genuine, honest, reassuring and her voice will take you to amazing far away places.


This was my first time experiencing anything like this. I struggle to relax on a daily basis as my mind is constantly busy and active night and day. But I did it and felt very relaxed. Really pleased with my first session and I have booked in for another one. Thank you. I have also recommended to friends and family.


I just wanted to say how lovely Natalie is!

She makes you feel so relaxed as soon as you meet her. I have seen her a few times for relaxation and for a fear of flying! I was very ill on a flight last year and was so worried about flying again. However,I have now been on four flights over the last few months and I was fine on all of them and didn’t feel anxious.

I honestly believe my sessions with Natalie and listening to her audio enabled me to fly without the worry and anxiety I felt last year.

Thank you so much x


Following on from a traumatic c section with my first daughter I was in fear of the same with my second, I had major anxiety and panic attacks with the thought of going through the same trauma again. I had a couple of sessions with Natalie who initially put my mind at ease with her friendly and warm personality, she provided me with techniques to focus my mind when it came to the day to the point where I can easily say I enjoyed the birth of my second daughter. I cannot recommend Natalie highly enough.

More about Clarity Hypnotherapy

Clarity Hypnotherapy is located at worth park business centre, rh10 7SL Crawley
07984 186889
Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -