Clear Space For Me

About Clear Space For Me

Clear Space for Me - Organising and decluttering your home

Clear Space For Me Description

I offer a professional organising and decluttering service to help people make the most of of their homes.

Keeping helpful things and making sense of how they fit into your life helps us achieve a sense of wealth no matter how much money we have coming in.

Being increasingly clutter-free helps us be more realistic about our choices and make good decisions about our home and working lives. No matter what our time of life or our lifestyle, it helps to know what is actually going on around us and our possessions give us direct feedback about that - if we're ready to pay attention.

Creating a comfortable resting place and a nurturing home is a starting place from which we are resourced to make more effective impacts in our wider lives.



I'll be chatting to Xenia Huntley on BBC Radio Oxford on Friday 4th January at 10.30 am. Excited already!!


Very cold and wet today, but Clear Space for Me found an outreach home at the East Oxford Farmers Market. Great to see so many people out here even in the chill weather - more EOFM sessions on their way in the New Year. See my website for details.


I find Julie Morgenstern's advice some of the best in the business. Here's a short chunk of it for time-pressed people.


Particularly pleased to share this article which features a colleague from APDO giving the best advice I've ever heard about Christmas. Think I'm going to get it tattooed onto me for the festive season this year. <3


I'll be at East Oxford Farmers Market on the 8th and 15th December from 10 am until 1 pm. Come and say hello!!


Pathological consumption has become so normalised that we scarcely notice it. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 11th December 2012
There’s nothing they need, nothing they don’t own already, nothing they even want. So you buy them a solar-powered waving queen; a belly button brush; a silver-plated ice cream tub holder; a “hilarious” inflatable zimmer frame; a confection of plastic and electronics called Terry the Swearing Turtle; or – and somehow I find this signifi...
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With regret, we have decided to postpone the Life.Bazaar event until next year. We decided that we wanted to get a really good lot of exhibitors and a lot have been too poorly to show. But we will be back!! Thanks for your understanding, and we look forward to welcoming you next year. Clear Space for Me, Harta Living and Frosty In The Cotswolds


Workshop this morning. Really looking forward to a group with lots of fellas in - an unusual combination of factors means we may have a men only group! Excited...


Getting ready for the off? See my quick guide to happy camping. And the great news is that official advice for campers is to Keep Your Tent Messy to make it harder for opportunist thieves. Hurray!


Yay! The next workshop will be on 14th September at 1pm, at the Friends Meeting House on St Giles, Oxford. During this 90 min workshop we will review some general principles, and then dive in to explore participants specific questions. Booking essential 07876 197485. Places £25. #Oxford #workshops


Declutter! Reduce, reuse, recycle!


wonderfully thoughtful creative approach, you bring such a human touch

More about Clear Space For Me

07876 197485