
About Communitas

Youth Work and Support for the young people of Leigh Park and Havant.

Communitas Description

Communitas values a passion for the community of Leigh Park working to a Christian ethos through local people bringing hope where there is despair and inclusion where there is risk of exclusion and disaffection. Our team of staff and volunteers seek to engage with local culture modelling grace, hope, compassion and forgiveness. We work for justice and peace in Leigh Park highlighting the importance of love and respect for all in our community. We value the uniqueness of each and every human being regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, creed or sexual orientation and celebrate diversity in our multi cultural society.



THANKS TO ALL WHO CAME LAST NIGHT!!! We had a great time celebrating all that Communitas, as a charity, has done with and for young people of Leigh Park and beyond. *A REMINDER* that while the name 'Communitas' will disappear (as will this facebook page in the next few days), youth work continues on Leigh Park. 4th September, youth club will be back at TOPS from 7-9pm - really hope to see you there :)


A message from Martin to all of you guys!


Well, today is the final day for Communitas charity - tonight will be the final Commuitas Youth club at TOPS from 7-9pm -why not join us to look back and celebrate all that has happened over the past years - we welcome back some of our past staff and volunteers and will have the chance to enjoy food, fun and lots of other things that donโ€™t begin with F ....


This is the link for the new โ€˜Leigh Park Youthโ€™ Facebook page. All info regarding youth club will be posted on the new page following the youth club closure next week. Do Make sure you like the new page so that you receive all of the necessary info for the new youth club in September and any other youth activities that may be on offer.


Photos from the day that the reptile man came to play! July 2018


TUESDAY 10th July - we will be taking a photo with as many wish to be in it that will be used in an article to be published in the Portsmouth News - this is an article about trying to keep the club open at TOPS in September - we know that as young people you are passionate about this so be ready to smile :) -
Anyone who is under 16 will need permission from a parent or guardian to be included in the photo so we may need to gain verbal consent via phone before going ahead - see you there tomorrow :)๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜Š


IS FOOTBALL COMING HOME?.......Well, as the semi-final is on Wednesday and we know lots will be watching, we will not be open at TOPS on Wednesday - instead, if you usually attend our 11-14 group you will be more than welcome to join us on TUESDAY from 7-9pm this week instead - if you will be going into year 10 in September, this will be a great opportunity for you to get an idea of the group you will become part of then. :)


THIS WEEK AT YOUTH CLUBS: Tuesday 3rd July - 7pm till 9pm England vs Columbia on the TV (with craft activities for those who don't want to watch ....but why wouldn't you?) - Wednesday 6pm - till 8pm we have the Reptile Man - all welcome :)


Unfortunately, due to illness, we will closed tonight - back next week ๐Ÿค—


Unfortunately, due to illness, we are not able to open club tonight - will be back next week :)


Due to staff absence & illness we will not be able to run youth clubs this Tuesday & Wednesday - we will be back next week as usual ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป - see you next week


Hi all - unfortunately we wonโ€™t be open tonight due to staff illness - apologies for any inconvenience - see you next week ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


This week at youth clubs we will be thinking about mental health with a visit from MIND - ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


If you are currently coming along to our youth clubs, would add a comment here about why you enjoy coming along :)


Great morning exploring the possibilities of serious play as a therapeutic tool. Facilitated by the marvellous Ben Mizen.


As we looked at stress this week at our youth clubs, I found this image that sort of sums up the need to โ€˜breathe deeplyโ€™ at times. Remember, when things are stressful and getting on top of you, take time out to be able to deal with โ€˜lifeโ€™ ......& breathe !!!


Wonderful work for wonderful youngsters by wonderful people


More about Communitas

Communitas is located at PO9 3SU Havant