Compassion Uk

About Compassion Uk

Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name.

Compassion Uk Description

Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name.



When I sponsored my first child with Compassion I thought it would be good to help a child and ‘do something’ for Honduras which I had just visited with Tearfund. Little did I realise that it was to be the start of an amazing journey which has so far taken me to several countries in Latin America, India and Kenya. It has led to some wonderful friendships, transformed my marriage and my walk with God. Thank you Compassion UK


We've been sponsoring through Compassion for over 15 years now and it is such a great organisation. I love being able to correspond with the children we sponsor and it's even easier now that you can do everything online. I also know that Compassion handles the money we donate with great integrity and in this day and age that's important. If you're thinking about sponsoring a child, don't hesitate just do it. I wish I'd done it sooner as I know this organisation makes a significant, life changing difference to the lives of the children sponsored. I've visited their projects so i know it to be true and now we are involved in working as volunteers as often as we are able.


We have been supporting Kaleab in Ethiopia. It’s great to get news letters and to know that you are helping some body on the other side of the world. Compassion is something every body should be supporting.


We have been sponsoring a child for 2 years now and have been able to see the real benefits of this sponsorship. The charity has demonstrated God's love and care which has impacted this child's life and many others!


So proud to work for this amazing organisation, and with such servant-hearted, wonderful people! :)

Being a sponsor brings so much joy to my life, receiving and writing letters to my sponsored children is the highlight of my day!

Please do sponsor a child - it's such an incredible Kingdom thing to do!


My Compassion child, Didas recently wrote to say that my small financial gift to his family of 14, allowed his mother to buy some corregated sheets to repair the leaking roof, some chickens, and some SWEETS! You cannot imagine how such a small gift can make such a difference to his and his families life. Thank you Compassion, for making me feel like a better person.


I used to sponsor years ago. Ive just started. Are you still alloweded to wtite and ( children write back uf they want) Can you send smalll birthdsyy donations?. You used to be able to help the families in hardshiop? Does that still happen.? If theres any online info id greatly receive it. Thank you


I have been sponsoring children through compassion now for well over 10 years and I can honestly say it's very rewarding! I get regular letters from the girl we sponsor at the moment and she also sends us pictures. I love hearing about what she's up to and how well she's doing at school. We have even named our youngest daughter after her as their birthdays are very close.


I have been sponsoring Luz Elena from Honduras for so many years and just received the letter to say that she is now 18 years old and is graduating from the Compassion project! I'm so proud but really sad that I won't hear from her anymore but what a wonderful, God filled project and I'm glad I was a small part on it �


I feel blessed to have been sponsoring through Compassion for around 6 years now


I can not tell what compassion international is for me in true words but thru my sponsor it has truly nurtured and groomed me and today i am somebody, a father of 2 but a life mover for many! With nothing like enough of faith, i say Amen for this mission. It least God knows what you do and shall always reward you for it.

My son who is 4 years now is called Roy a name that originally belongs to a son of the family that sponsored me; this is my remembrance despite being out of contact with my sponsor for quiet a number of years now.

The hope, life and heart this family created for/in me is a long life package that will always keep me moving.

If at all, anyone can reach out to 'Adam's Family" (This was my sponsor) can deliver my message of thanks. I can only remember the names of their children who were: Roy, Joan and Kelvin who worked in a quarry. I was registered under UG-107 and my number was 145.

I will be thankful reconnecting with my parents - the Adam's family



I Sponcer a 5yro boy name Dan, He is the only child with his mom & Dad, He is 5yrs old, He need's to learn about life, have plenty of thing's like food for him & his mom & Dad, Hopefully get to know Jesus who is the only one to help him live & see what Jesus can do for him & family.. There's so much love that he need's. Also to know what Jesus can do for him, at the moment he is one of the hundred's of children that are poor & starving, & to know about Compassion he wont want for any thing from them who help him, I love this child Dan.


Compassion are fantastic. We sponsor 2 boys in Uganda and it not only changes the boys lives how it helps the whole family is amazing. Teaching the whole family about Jesus through children is just the greatest.


Compassion is just wonderful ..they do what they say they do and radically change many many childrens lives all over the world .........


Changes the lives of the vulnerable giving hope where there was none. I've sponsored a child for several years and both she and I love getting news from each other. It gives me an insight into her life and I've seen her blossom. This is God obviously working through Compassion Uk.


Beyond Awesome how they help the poorest of the poor and have such a skill in giving Hope :) opportunity to prosper my 84p a day sponsorship had been such a great investment and I get such joy when a letter comes in. have been to India and Our sponsorship £ is so well invested and Not wasted on admin.

They are such a Joy to volunteer with,not enough room for All the stars **********


Amazing charity doing life changing work! Very exciting stuff :D


Amazing Charity,real heart for the children


It's great that Compassion is doing this work.

But we're very disappointed that this year we've only received one letter from our little girl. I know there's been problems in her country but I thought that was sorted as far as Compassion letters are concerned.

Btw, we really don't want emails of letters from her. Holding a piece of paper that she has written on herself is so very moving.

More about Compassion Uk

Compassion Uk is located at Compassion House Barley Way, GU51 2UT Fleet, Hampshire
01932 836490