Connor Grover - Trim & Tone Specialist

About Connor Grover - Trim & Tone Specialist

I help people get the fastest weight loss and muscle tone results possible and maintain them for life.



So you want to lose weight?
You want to “tone up”?
... You’re sick of feeling rubbish and not looking as nice as you know you can…
But despite the endless free workouts out there online, you have no idea, what to do, why to do it and how to structure it so you can get the results you want…
Am I right or am I right?
So, here’s the deal…. I’ll share with you a simple way to structure your workouts and if you find it helpful you have to like it and share it with either your friends on Facebook, forward it to a friend in Instagram or E-mail it to someone who’d benefit from reading this.
I help you get in shape, you help me get the word out that I know my stuff and I can help others struggling…. Deal?
Right then so the easiest way to structure a workout that covers almost the full body, delivers cardio benefits, fat-loss, muscle tone and reduces risk of injury is this…
Step 1 pick 5 exercises: Not just any exercises, pick 2 lower body exercises, ideally targeting different muscle groups, 2 upper body exercises, different muscle groups and one cardio type exercise or core exercise. You can simply google a list of upper/lower/cardio exercises to choose from (so much effort I know) and pick those. The reason we pick these is so we get a good mix and balance, we don’t want to focus on the exact same muscles repeatedly as that is how we get injured, balance is key.
Step 2 execute back to back: Doing all these exercises in a row without rest will not only work the selected muscle groups (delivering toning benefits) but it will also get your heart rate up and increase the metabolism without having to jump around like a nutter as you see in a lot of these “HIIT” workouts these days.
Step 3 rest for a minute and repeat 3 times: By allowing suitable rest periods and doing multiple round you allow yourself to get some more reps in which is key for toning up, the more reps you bang out, the better and stronger you’ll get!
That’s pretty much it really, obviously make sure you can do the form correctly, having friends to do it with can be more encouraging and fun or even having a super cool and funny trainer (like me) doesn’t hurt either… If you want those extras you can always come to our sessions!
That’s how I do my workouts, how I set up my clients workouts and probably how i’ll keep them unless I find a more effective way. It’s quick to do, fun, makes you feel great and delivers results very very effectively so I would recommend trying it!
If this was helpful to you hit the like, share the post where you can and if you want any extra help drop me a message!
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Lost All Hope With Losing Weight....


How Gemma Tightened & Toned up in 8 Weeks
This story comes from Gemma who over the past weeks has seen significant improvements in her fitness, how her clothes are fitting and her muscle tone!
Prior to starting Gemma had lost 4 stone all herself but needed to take things to the next level and start seeing some more shape.
... Over the weeks Gemma has been staying consistent with lifestyle choices, showing up to sessions and improving and it’s paying off… she’s starting to use heavier weights in class, seeing the muscle tone she wants and overall seeing that shape she wants.
There is no secret to getting result, it’s just a case of focusing on the basics and doing them over and over and Gemma is yet another great example!
And seeing her overall results you can clearly see a bit of determination helps too, awesome work Gemma!
Here is a little bit she had to say about the program and the changes she’s seen so far:
“I decided to start doing connors classes as i found the gym where i was going couldn’t offer me what i was looking for anymore .Working through the day and busy with kids hobbys .Starting a new class i was very nervous but there was no need to be everyone was so friendly and classes are very laid back. After losing 4 stone and having 4 children i knew i needed to tone areas i was unhappy with after doing 8 weeks with connor i can see a difference in my body shape .”
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How to Be in the Best Shape of Your Life October 2019.....


Case Study: How Tracey Dropped Inches Off Her Waist in 6 Months
This blog highlights the story of one of the most inspirational ladies I know, Tracey.
Tracey, 46, from first sight seems like any ordinary person, hard-working, loves her family, enjoys walking her dog, the simple things in life.
... But her story is EXTRA-ordinary, in 2011 she was diagnosed with kidney failure and was told she will have to face dialysis treatment until she has a match for a kidney transplant.
Fast forward a couple of years, when I started my fitness classes, Tracey started attending my sessions unsure what to expect,after never really doing anything like a fitness routine in her life.
After a few sessions, SHE WAS HOOKED!
Within 4 weeks she had lost a tonne off her waist (we do not obsess over measurements & numbers) and within 1 YEAR she looked like a totally different woman! She could do over 20 full push-ups straight off and would put any 20 year old to shame.
Not to mention the fact all this was achieved WHILST she was battling kidney failure!!
She could of made excuses about her busy life and responsibilities, but she chose to put her health first, and it paid off. Her healthy eating and exercise pro-longed her condition giving her more time before requiring dialysis treatment.
We focused on 3-4 workouts a week with nutrition protocols of just limiting processed food.
Here is a few words from Tracey herself about her journey:
'Well initially I started to attend the sessions to support Connor. But after a few sessions I became addicted to how good it made me feel after a workout. Even if I was tired or had a bad day a workout would resolve those feelings so there was no real reason to make excuses, I WANTED to workout. Living a more healthy lifestyle made my situation easier because having a healthy heart makes life easier when your other organs are failing. We can all make excuses, but you still have to get off your a** and do something'.
Tracey is not only one of the most inspirational and courageous people I know, she is also my mam!
Whilst she had to stop attending the sessions a while back due to her condition deteriorating, she’s now had her transplant and continues to stay active and eat well - following the principle of focusing on what you can do!
Gather inspiration from this story, stand up and be the hero in your own story. Drop the excuses, drop the pounds!
Proud of ya mam!
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Toning the Thighs
Toning the thighs and glutes

... Are you happy with how your lower half looks?

But you wouldn’t mind a bit more shape to that area of your body.

Question is how do we do this?

First you need to make sure your body-fat % is low enough to see the shape, just like ab muscles or any other muscle.

In terms of definition, it’s important to get a good balance of exercises working the different areas of the lower body and then making sure we have enough tension on those muscles.

So to target all the thighs you want to make sure you have exercises that work the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus & gluteus minimus.

Some exercises great for this are squats, lunges and side lunges.

In terms of tension you want to make sure you are doing plenty of these exercises to add volume, doing them in a slow and controlled motion to keep the tension there and then potentially adding weights into the equation to add a little extra resistance.

From there it’s just a case of plenty of protein for recovery and repetition repetition repetition. You can not substitute staying consistent.

Of course there are many many variations of exercises that we can apply, but by sticking to the core 20% of what matters will deliver 80% of your results and progress.
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Find a good enough reason to exercise and you’ll never struggle to find motivation; love of how you feel, look, to impress someone or the fear of what others may think or the fear of being ill like other family members/friends.
My first ever motive 8 years ago was to look better in hope I’d be more confident... these days the goal posts have moved and I just like the headspace it puts me in for the rest of the day. Find your reason why.


Pumpkin Cookies

... Ingredients:
- 1 handful sliced pumpkin.
- 1 banana (optional).
- 2 handfuls of oats.
- 1 egg.

- Blend pumpkin slices (add water).
- Place pumpkin mixture in a large bowl.
- Crack egg in the bowl and stir.
- (Optional if you want more thickness) Add chopped banana and mush/mix together with mixture.
- Add oats.
- Mix together and form into cookie shapes.
- Place on a tray (I coated mine in coconut oil to avoid sticking).
- Bake for 10-20 minutes.
- Allow to cool and enjoy!
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Case Study: How Emma Lost Weight, Inches, Transformed Her Health & Life
This story comes from another member of my F.I.T. Classes, Emma. Emma initially won a competition to have 8 weeks of free sessions. Now I will be honest, when I have gave away free things in the past, not everyone takes it as serious, so I was not sure what to expect.. Emma however blew all of those doubts away. Dedicating herself to 2-3 sessions a week, attending the workshop I held & focusing on eating ...
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Fitting in that 👗 this Christmas 🎄......


Lose the Day With Grace
Take the L With Grace

... Ever had one of those days where it’s you vs life and life has your number?

It’s like one disaster after another.

So to make yourself feel better you might buy something expensive, eat a whole tub of ice cream or just get bladdered.

Then you feel twice as worse because you’ve made your circumstances worse, you’ve gained a extra few lbs and you’re skint.

Or even worse you start taking out your emotions on the wrong people because of things that may have ruined your day.

If this is you you’re going to struggle big time to make the changes you want like losing weight, having the dream job, partner etc.

Why? Because you spit your dummy out when you lose!

Which is okay to do for a split moment, I’m so competitive whenever I lose I HATE IT! Whether it’s football, video games, jiujitsu, MMA even if it’s dodgeball at our kids classes I hate losing!!

And for a moment sometimes i’ll be down about it... but after a minute or so i’ll hold my hands up and say fair play you got me/us this time and look to improve next time round.

Rather than the alternative which is brew with anger all day… not cool. That’s like swallowing poison expecting the other person to be sick.

Same goes for when life wins against me, before I would get so down about having a bad day, but now i’ve learned to say “fair play life, you had my number today. But wait until tomorrow i’ll get you back”.

Accept that you can’t always win, you just can’t. You’re going to lose at times and it hurts bad sometimes. But you have to lose with grace, you have to do it with a smile on your face and not let life know it’s got in your head.

If you can lose with grace your ability to bounce back from a bad day of eating/not exercising etc will improve dramatically I promise you that.

Seriously, take it from someone who would binge eat like crazy when ever I had a bad day. It was such a destructive habit and it set me back so much.

Take the L and aim for that W tomorrow!
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Key to success: learn the basics, repeat the basics, master the basics.
All the exercises you see me do are pretty much the same just different variations/weights/reps etc. Nothing fancy just basic stuff repeated over and over


Toning the Tummy
Do you get a bit self conscious about your midline?
Maybe you opt with clothes that cover up these areas…
... So that when you go out in public you can actually relax without feeling the need to suck your stomach in.
I know that feeling.
Then when you go to search how to flatten your stomach you get about 9 million different articles.
Here’s the straight up truth.
No exercise flattens your stomach, nor does any shake or one meal.
It comes from lowering your bodyweight progressively over time.
So how do we do that? We create an energy deficit without starving ourselves or having no energy.
This is done by resistance training 2-3x a week to get the metabolism kicking, eating enough protein to fill us up and cause gluconeogenesis to burn some extra cals, then eating natural fats to give us energy and suppress cravings. Not to mention making sure we don’t exceed carb intake.
It’s as simple as that really, so the ab wheel, the twistmax 900 or whatever gadget you bought, waste of money i’m afraid. Same goes for the shake diet you tried! It’s all rubbish designed to make you thinner for a week and fatten their wallets.
The basics fundamentals are called the basic fundamentals for a reason, hence why I repeat them so many times!
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Carbs or No Carbs 🤔🍕?


Say it how it is 😂


How Verena Dropped 6 Inches off Her Waist & 2 Clothes Sizes in 60 Days
Here is Verena's 60 day results. The challenge involved the following
For the next 60 days focus on the following, you can pick one at a time or go all in with everything in the list, just make sure however many things you do you know you are not going to overwhelm yourself:
... Increase vegetable intake. Reduce grains, sugar and carbohydrate intake. Limit gadget use. Get more time outdoors/being active. Getting more cold baths (optional). Within 60 days Verena completely transformed her health and life, here is what she has tp say about the experience and her results....
"I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed doing this challenge, it has inspired me motivated me and I am so pleased with the results I have had in such a short space of time, I have lost 6 inches off my waist, 3 off my hips, 2 off my thighs and 1 inch off my arms.I have lost 1 stone 5 llbs and dropped 2 dress sizes. I couldnt believe the difference the before and after pictures showed.I have learnt that its ok to still have a pizza or that slice of cake and that its not the end of the world and give up completely but to carry on and eat healthly the next meal or the next day. It certainly helps to have a plan and to be prepared, my downfalls were purely down to not planning and when tired its easy to lose your way.I feel great, I have more energy, my sleep is better, my skin is better and my motivation is so high thanks to Connor and this challenge and all the other people who took part who helped me along the way.Connor is a huge inspiration and has helped by being so helpful with advice, encouragement and motivation. His classes are great, well informed, fun and cover all abilities. I would like to say a huge Thank you to you Connor for everything you do and also for running this challenge I feel great and will continue to eat healthily and work out as It has changed everything for the better 💪💪💪💪😁Onwards and upwards with a new challenge".
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... - 1/2 pumpkin.
- 3 handfuls of peas.
- 3 handfuls of chopped carrot.
- 3 handfuls of chopped onion.
- 1/4 tin of chopped tomatoes.
- 1 vegetable stock cube.
- 1 small handful of pumpkin seeds.
- 4 almonds.
- Sea salt.
- Garlic powder.
- Mixed herbs.
- Cinnamon.

- Chop & roast pumpkin in the oven at 180 degrees for 1 hour.
- Boil stock cube in water and stir lightly until dissolved.
- Place pumpkin, peas, carrot, tomato & stock in a pan for 10 minutes at a medium heat, adding sea salt, garlic, cinnamon & herbs whilst stirring during this time.
- Fill a blender beaker with what should now be like a broth & blend for 20 seconds.
- Place mixture in a bowl, sprinkle with pumpkin seeds & crushed almonds, serve & enjoy!
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Love it! Very friendly and a great work out every time!


I've worked with loads of coaches and fitness trainers over my lifetime playing numerous sports and Connor is up with the very best. His passion and warm personality are infectious and energizing. Would recommend him to anyone wanting to think about fitness for life, not just as a fad.


I've been following Connors Facebook page for several months and find his page really informative. Ive tried several recipes and shakes. Me and my hubby joined the classes and we love them. Connor is very knowledgeable and a great motivator. His classes are great and the extra information given like red flag foods and food diaries are also very good. I'm 50 this year and doing my first cruise. I'm hoping that the advice and classes will help me achieve the 2 stone I want to loose for my holiday . I've tried every diet club and several gyms but this is the first time I've felt motivated. We have taken up the 12 week challenge program which I also think is good as it motivates you to continue the classes.


Have been having 1-1 personal training sessions with Connor for a few weeks now and already starting to see a difference, along with feeling much better! Connor is friendly and very knowledgable in what he does. Thank you!


Great personal training sessions, very informative with all of Connor's knowledge of routines that have been best to suit me and also diet, and really good at people you motivated!


Great classes, very approachable. always there to give advice and encouragement. Thank You!! will be back once the busy season ends with work x x








Love it! Very friendly and a great work out every time!


I've worked with loads of coaches and fitness trainers over my lifetime playing numerous sports and Connor is up with the very best. His passion and warm personality are infectious and energizing. Would recommend him to anyone wanting to think about fitness for life, not just as a fad.


I've been following Connors Facebook page for several months and find his page really informative. Ive tried several recipes and shakes. Me and my hubby joined the classes and we love them. Connor is very knowledgeable and a great motivator. His classes are great and the extra information given like red flag foods and food diaries are also very good. I'm 50 this year and doing my first cruise. I'm hoping that the advice and classes will help me achieve the 2 stone I want to loose for my holiday . I've tried every diet club and several gyms but this is the first time I've felt motivated. We have taken up the 12 week challenge program which I also think is good as it motivates you to continue the classes.


Have been having 1-1 personal training sessions with Connor for a few weeks now and already starting to see a difference, along with feeling much better! Connor is friendly and very knowledgable in what he does. Thank you!


Great personal training sessions, very informative with all of Connor's knowledge of routines that have been best to suit me and also diet, and really good at people you motivated!


Great classes, very approachable. always there to give advice and encouragement. Thank You!! will be back once the busy season ends with work x x







More about Connor Grover - Trim & Tone Specialist