Core Wellness Centres

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Core Wellness Centres

Core Wellness Centre is a state of the art wellness centre committed to helping you achieve your health goals through the way you eat, think, move and function.

Core Wellness Centres Description

Core Wellness Centre is a state of the art wellness centre committed to helping you achieve your health goals. Whether it be to loose weight, fix that chronic back pain, change your bad eating habits or even improve your daily energy levels - we can help you. Unique to our office is our comprehensive examination that will objectively asses your health - physically, chemically and emotionally. The examination allows us to effectively create a bespoke programme of care for you to achieve your goals. Exclusive to our office is our 8 Weeks to Wellness programme a comprehensive programme of exercise, nutrition, meditation, chiropractic and massage. This programme will improve your whole lifestyle changing your mind, body and soul! If you have any questions regarding our services at Core Wellness Centres do not hesitate to call the office on 01372 745772. We look forward to meeting you!
Dr. Joe-James Tilley D. C.



šŸŒŸCelebrating wellness warrior Irwanā€™s incredible @8weekstowellness results!šŸŒŸ
Such an incredible transformation inside and out!
šŸ˜® WOW check out some of his results below:
... Weight āš–ļø loss -29lbs Inches šŸ“ lost from waist -6.5inches Normalised blood pressure ā¤ļø: dropping from 98mmHg to 80mmHg Normalised šŸ“Ÿ BMI: dropping from 30.6 to 26.3 Fat šŸ„‘ Mass % Lost -7% Improved šŸ¤³posture, text neck reduction by 7mm
#weightloss #lifechanging #transformation #8WW #healthjourney #wellnessworks #epsom #surrey #chiropractor #chiropractic #personaltrainer #personaltraining #nutrition #mindfulness #massage #sportsmassage #changeyourlife
See More


First adjustment for this cutie this morning! We love Chirokids šŸ’—
#firstadjustment #socute #beautiful #chirokids #chiropractic #chiropractor #epsom


Celebrating National Fitness Day with these two warriors! šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Hey Core Wellness family! Sophie here with your core wellness tip of the day.. talking about how massage can help anxiety & stress šŸ’†šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Donā€™t forget to šŸ—³ vote!
Voting closes in 7 days, please help us by registering your vote for the Epsom & Ewell Business Awards šŸ’— nter/
... #epsom #businessawards #surrey #chiropractic #transformations #personaltraining #nutrition #massage
See More


8 Weeks to Wellness team training at Spinal Care Clinics - Brentwood this weekend!
šŸ’— love getting together with our 8WW family learning, growing and sharing amazing changes!


The quality of life you get back when you canā€™t walk or climb stairs...great results and awesome testimonial from Chris!


In 2017 we were so honoured to win 'Best Business for Customer Service' at the Epsom and Ewell Business Awards and we couldn't have done it without you!
As a team we have entered again for 2018 to celebrate the amazing transformations we have seen with our wonderful CWC family but we can't do it without you! Voting closes on 30th September and every vote counts. If you have had wonderful results with us and are happy to share your experience o...f CWC with the judges then please help us by clicking on the link below to vote. Simply choose the categories you would like to nominate us in and write a short message about why you feel CWC deserves to win.
We want to thank you in advance for taking the time to support us and helping spread the wellness message to the world! nter/
#epsom #businessawards #wellness #surrey #chiropractic #chiropractor #transformation #nutrition #8ww #personaltraining #personaltrainer #massage
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The first adjustment is always the most precious <3
"Baby Leo receiving his first Chiropractic adjustment with the incredible Dr Joe-James Tilley. So grateful our family have been ā€˜guidedā€™ to the Core Wellness Centre - every experience with this immensely knowledgeable and caring team of Wellness professionals has been truly life-changing."


Hey Core Wellness family this is Sophie here for your Core Wellness tip of the day.. Talking about the Doā€™s & Donā€™ts before and after a massage āœ”ļø āŒ


Celebrating Martikaā€™s amazing 8WW results!! Official Wellness Warrior!
#8WW #personaltraining #personaltrainer #nutrition #weightloss #pow #chiropractic #chiropractor #transformationtuesday #massage #sportsmassage #lifechanging #epsom #surrey @ Core Wellness Centres


šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼ Thank you Martika for your amazing review šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼
#8ww #weightloss #pow #personaltraining #functionalfitness #chiropractic #nutrition #transformationtuesday #epsom #surrey


CWC ladies šŸ’—
#8ww #teamcwc #epsom


Ingredients: Large thumb size piece of Ginger - peeled Handful of Frozen tropical fruit - Pineapple, Mango & Kiwi... 250ml Water 1 tbsp of coconut oil 1 tsp of coconut nectar or honey
Method: Blend and Enjoy!
See More


Wellness tip of the day- GLUTEN..


Causes and effects of sloppy posture aka the upper cross syndrome - get it fixed!


Forward head posture (TEXT NECK). Do you have it?


Is coffee good for you??? Interesting research...


We all have a vision and we all feel inspired by certain things but what is it that really makes us take ACTION? This video is the story behind the creation of Core Wellness Centres and why Joe and I made it our mission to ignite a wellness revolution...


Simply the best HEALTHcare you will receive. If you have a healthcare problem. Core Wellness Centres is your answer. They helped so many patients regain their health!


Not only is Dr. Joe an amazing Chiro but also a genuinely awesome guy! We met in the Maldives as I was working as a surf guide at the same resort him and his wife Zoe were staying at. After surfing for an average of 8 hours a day, there was nothing I was looking more forward to than my afternoon adjustment by the man himself. Following the adjustment I felt an immediate release of tension throughout my entire back, neck and shoulders. As a surfer himself he could target the the areas of need. Highly recommended!


Miracle workers - plain & simple!

As a video editor, I've racked up countless hours sat hunched at my desk over the last 10 years and, as a result, suffered from neck/shoulder/lower back pain. I'd been for various massages/treatments but nothing seemed to work and then I found out about Core Wellness Centres. I booked an appointment to see the guys there as I really needed help and, over the course of just 4 weeks, they've totally transformed how I feel. I honestly didn't think the results of my 'adjustments' would be so dramatic but they really have been.

Joe, Zoe and the rest of the team are some of the nicest people I've met. Joe is extremely passionate about his profession, easy to get on with and so good at what he does - I really can't thank him enough! Zoe captains the ship perfectly and always has a smile on her face - she's great to chat to, professional and has a serious talent for coming up with healthy recipes that make you feel great.

I'll continue to go back to Core Wellness Centres to ensure that I stay healthy and pain-free.


Iā€™m 4 months into a membership at core wellness and I canā€™t recommend it enough.

Itā€™s given me back my zest for life.

I came to see Dr Joe feeling down in the dumps and generally unhappy with my health and fitness. He advised me where I needed help and I can honestly say I havenā€™t looked back. Iā€™ve had some chiropractic sessions, nutritional advise and guidance on where Iā€™m going wrong and great support from the personal trainers in the gym. Iā€™ve never felt better.

I love the gym sessions and no day is the same. I would never have been up early on a Saturday to do a session at the gym! But Saturday games days are so much fun, itā€™s great to work out with so many lovely people.

Everyone at corewellness has been so helpful and encouraging. They genuinely care about what they do and that definitely shows in them all.

Thank you Corewellness x


I was referred to Joe nearly 4 years ago with pain in my hand and a swollen knuckle. As a programmer I was worried that the pain would affect my ability to work.

Within just a few weeks, the swelling and pain were gone and never returned.

Over the last few years I've returned to be regularly adjusted and I've always found Joe and Zoe to be friendly, professional and extremely knowledgeable.

I would recommend Core Wellness Centres to anyone.



I just wanted to say a big thanks to Joe and Zoe for helping me with not only my back but my health as well... You really did inspire me to be positive and to bring about change when I really felt at a loss with my health. It really is about positive thinking and changing your behaviours... But sometimes you just need a nudge in the right direction and you definitely did that for me. I think you guys are doing a great job with your work, and I'm glad to have been part of it


I initially visited the original centre in 2011 with an acute back problem which left me partially immobile. Joe looked at me as a whole and looked at my everyday life and ailments. It was so refreshing to be looked at as a whole person, not just for my acute back problem as I have a multitude of health problems and the medical profession looked at each individual problem. Since seeing Joe on average once a month since my original visit I have had hardly any headaches (compared to 3-4 times a week) and my health has improved. I have also changed my life considerably; given up smoking, attended a month long detox with my husband at corewellness, my overall eating habits and exercise regime have changed- all for the good and at the advice and help of corewellness. I am currently pregnant and Joe has been such a great help with the extra strain on my body causing a few issues. Now, Joe and chiropractic care is my first port of call with any health issue and I value Joe's opinion implicitly to let me know if I need to see another health professional. I will be bringing my baby here as soon as I can after the birth!


I found Dr Joe Tilley, Zoe and the marvellous team at Core Wellness Centre back in November 2014 as I was suffering from a prolapsed disc. I didn't know then that walking though Core Wellnessā€™ doors was the best health decision I would make to date.

After a thorough wellness exam, Joe explained everything so I was able to understand the issues I had and how to correct them. Joeā€™s clear passion for chiropracticā€™s & wellness enabled me to realise that prescription drugs are not the answer as they simply mask the symptoms but do not eliminate the cause of the problem.

I began a course of Chiropractic adjustments, the first adjustment provided instant relief from the intense back pain I was experiencing. Each further adjustment helped to realign my spine and solve problems caused by numerous hours spent hunched at a desk every day.

I believe it was after my second or third week of adjustments, Joe mentioned to me the benefits of following a Paleo lifestyle, and the links that had been discovered between healing an autoimmune disease and a Paleo diet. I had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis four years previously. I was told by hospital consultants I would be on prescription drugs for the rest of my life to manage the pain and inflammation. I left the practice that day buoyant with hope for the future.

I researched the subject and then researched some more. Everything I read lead to the same answerā€¦change what you eat, be free of the disease. What did I have to lose? Two weeks after committing to a Paleo diet & lifestyle, the rheumatoid pain was practically gone. After one month, I felt fantastic, better than I had ever felt before. Full of energy, happy, slimmer and best of all there was no rheumatoid pain or inflammation. I asked my doctors if I could come off of my medication, they were reluctant but agreed I could try.

It has been eight months since I last took prescription/over the counter drugs. Yesterday I had a check-up with my hospital consultant. He couldn't believe the difference in me. He said it is rare for him to see someone go into remission almost overnight and stay that way, I was lucky. I firmly believe luck had nothing to do with it. Regular chiropractic adjustments, a Paleo diet, exercise and overall wellness are the factors which have put me into remission and I have no doubt they will keep me there.

I have never met a team more passionate about what they do, I cannot recommend Core Wellness Centre enough. The environment at the practice is genuinely positive and happy. Whilst there it is like being in the company of good friends. You leave realising you are happy and smiling. I remember how I felt previous to my first visit and I compare that to how I feel now, they are worlds apart. Joe, Zoe & the team have changed my life for the better. Thank you all so much.


I first came to Core Wellness Centres about 2 years ago following some upper back and neck pain from playing rugby. Now 2 years on Dr Joe and the team have totally changed my life. Since discovering the true power of chiropractic care and it's importance as part of a healthy lifestyle am now studying to become a chiropractor at university. I still receive regular chiropractic care from Dr Joe and Dr Chris in order to maintain the health of my nervous system; my mum and sister also both receive regular chiropractic care from the team.

The team at Core Wellness are awesome, every member is caring and attentive to every individual that walks through the door. Each team member has a real passion for their work and genuinely care about getting the optimal outcome for each person. The team is made up of a range of fully qualified professionals in their respective fields who together give you the power to reach optimal health.

I really feel at home at Core Wellness and I am blessed to have these incredible people in my life. I cannot recommend this practice highly enough!


I donā€™t really believe in coincidences, I do believe in faith....

I discovered to have a hernia in my low neck 4 years ago, I had really bad moments: unbearable pain that didnā€™t even leave me to rest for sleep, I totally lost for a while my ability to use my right arm, (even the simple gesture to hold a glass of water was a very big deal back then!!) thatā€™s when I gave up my career as bartender, (small intro Iā€™m from a small Italian island and thereā€™s not much opportunity for a job during the year) so yeah it wasnā€™t a very nice situation: not much money, not really sure about my future career but I decided to put my health first I had Physiotherapy for about a month, and at least with that I got back my ability to use my right arm and less constant pain; I started seeing doctors in my island and in Sicily, unfortunately soon enough I realised that every appointment it was a disappointment: the doctors were just asking for new expensive exams and none of them was giving me some kind of hope to get better; the response was:ā€youā€™ve got an hernia and youā€™ve to live with it until it gets worse, when this will happen we will think about a surgery; Iā€™ll see you next year to check on it!!ā€ I was shocked and clearly upset so I decided to invest my last few money to start yoga, and that helped me a lot... I didnā€™t see another doctor since then...

I moved in Uk; started a new life but I still had this curiosity to know more about it, i just couldnā€™t accept that there wasnā€™t any solution that could possibly help my situation... so I started looking for a chiropractor consultation... thatā€™s when by ā€œcoincidence/faithā€ I found this centre.

I believe that it was meant to be, for me, to end up in core wellness centre.

I can say loudly that it truly changed my life, I didnā€™t realise how bad was my situation until (for the first time after a very long time) I actually felt no more pain at all on my shoulder and my neck; unfortunately sometimes we just get used to have pain or uncomfortable disease,just because itā€™s bearable we accept it as normal. Day by day I felt stronger and less afraid to do any kind of effort, I started considering to be finally able to work again behind the bar counter like I used to do, thanks to my plan and chiropractorsā€™ suggestions and advices my body naturally started to function again, I naturally stopped smoking, I experienced the desire to add some more exercise in my everyday life and improve my nutrition, like if my body was finally feeling fine and at that point it was sending me signals to feel even better... It takes me 90ā€™ to get to core wellness centre for each session of my 3months therapy, but I never regret to travel that long to reach this small BIG centre, I felt home since the first time, and as much as I improve, as much I canā€™t wait to go again, I believe this really is one of the best center I couldā€™ve find, and every single pence, every single minute spent to get there it is absolutely worthy! I totally recommend them. I wouldnā€™t be more grateful and probably my vocabulary is not rich enough to express how glad I am to have find them and decided to start my healing with them.

Thank you!


I became aware of the core wellness centre at a time when all aspects of my life were in freefall. I am 56. I had neglected my health for a very long time, morbidly obese at over 21 stones, degenerating spinal discs, arthritis, diverticuler disease, lethergy, immense stress, loss of memory, and great difficulty concentrating. Underperformance in my work as a professional engineer meant that my job was on the line. I have a 7 year old son and a highly dependant partner with her own immense health problems. I was getting no exercise at all, no longer socialised with my great friends, and seldom gave time to my wider family. There were other problems that i don't feel comfortable talking about here. I was in a very bad place, a vicious cycle in which each problem exaserbated the next, and i couldn't see a way out. Then i went to one of Dr Jo's lunchtime presentations, left with an 8 weeks to wellness leaflet and the seed of an idea that his inspirational talk made a lot of sense. Events then conspired to take over, i had an emotional breakdown at a school meeting, and at work. I was advised to see my GP who signed me off, not for the first time in recent months. I took the opportunity to get an assessment with Jo at the core wellness centre, and i just let it all out, i couldn't have been any lower, i was desperate. Jo didn't treat me with kid gloves, nor was he harsh, he saw the mess i was in and put it to me straight, treating me with respect and care but most importantly, getting me to believe his message that there is a way to turn things around. Jo encouraged me to buy into the 8 week program fully, which i did. My wellness score was very poor, almost all the measurements were in the red, i believe i could have expired at any time. I followed the program near religiously throughout. Jo's team were amazing, his delightful wife Zoe gave me great advice on making the paleo diet tasty and interesting, regular chiropractic adjustments by Jo made a difference straight away, the structured training sessions given in the gymn by Krish1, Krish 2, and Jenny were brilliant, pushing me just enough but not too much, very effectively building my core strength, and strangely making it fun. The massages by Molly were a great reward at the end of each week, and the positivity in the place was infectious, everyone smiled, everyone believed in me, and eventually i believed in me. I feel healthier, stronger, my waistline went from 47.5 inches to 41.5 inches, my wellness score improved massively, i now weigh 16.5 stones, 2.5 lost during the program. I am not there yet but i am getting there. None of the other problems have gone away but my health is more robust, and my hopeless attitude is becoming a bit more 'can do'. I owe a great debt of gratitude to Dr Jo, Zoe, Sarah, Joanne, Krish1, Krish2, Jenny and Molly. They are a great team, each one is on the top of his or her game, they make you feel a part of a very happy family, each one is so considerate, so positive, and they believe in what they are doing, and i love them! Also thanks to my partner Melanie for preparing rabbit food to look and taste delicious. Thank you to you all.


Had a lovely morning on Friday at corewellness Epsom. My bloods were taken , gently, by a lovely lady. Then I had a fab prescriptive sports massage to help my painful shoulder. I will definately be returning


Fantastic place with great staff! Currently doing the 8WW programme and I have lost 3 inches off my waist in just 4 weeks! Feel great and looking forward to seeing my results at the end of the programme


Dr Tilley and the team are great! So knowledgeable and welcoming! I highly recommend their practice and philosophy about core wellness! The whole experience is brilliant and you immediately feel that you've found professionals that actually care about your well-being and future outlook!


Dr Joe lights up a room when he speaks, bringing motivation and inspiration to every person he comes in contact with. The entire clinic is phenomenal and the adjustments I have had from both Dr Joe and Dr Antonio have been 10/10. This is a clinic which will not just get you out of pain, it will help you move better, eat better, live better and become the best version of yourself.


Core Wellness will change your life and never a truer statement was made. I started my 8 to wellness journey very hopeful but not entirely sure it was possible to achieve the goals set for me. Previously I had been going regularly to a normal gym for over 2 years and I only wish I could have put that wasted time into Core Wellness, the difference I saw in 8 weeks is phenomenal!

From the moment you walk through the door all the staff are friendly, accommodating, supportive and most of all genuine. Every member of the team gives you constant support and encouragement and go above and beyond to make your goals become reality.

As a person who was overweight and suffers from clinical depression it wasn't easy taking on a new course. After only one week I could already see the changes in both my physical and mental well-being, now 8 weeks on I have lost 2 stone and really do feel like a different person, my quality of life has changed dramatically as has my mental outlook.

The difference with Core Wellness is they look after your whole health, not just the physical activity side. They teach you the skills in nutrition, posture and mental well-being which will carry you through the rest of your life.

I cannot stress how much the team have changed my life and as testimony to that I have signed on to continue working with them as I really feel I am getting the support and motivation I need to change my body and mind.

I thank all the team from the bottom of my heart. I am sure they hear that a lot because they really do make the difference to your life, what you don't realise when you join is you actually start living with Core Wellness!

Thank you again everyone, your positive outlook and constant support has changed me into the person I always wanted the confidence to be and I cannot wait to see many more positive changes in the future. I would recommend to anyone in a heartbeat the amazing results you will get from this programme and lasting and life changing effects!


After moving to the UK in September last year, I came to Core Wellness Centre, originally for a massage as I had been suffering from back and neck pain and tightness due to the many hours of driving my new job entailed. Ashlyn was fantastic, she addressed all the areas I was concerned about and had me feeling ten times better by the time I walked out!

My next visit to CWC was to see Dr. Joe Tilley, in early December. I had been experiencing quite severe lower back pain due to a gym injury, and an array of other problems including constant headaches, migraines, hip pain (post op), shoulder injury, complete lack of energy, and the list goes on. I am only 21 years of age and have moved to London as a dancer - I knew my body was not heading in the right direction!

By the end of my appointment with Joe I could tell that he was the right person to approach and I had complete confidence in his ability to improve all my health issues.

I have been following the '8 Weeks to Wellness' program and have just finished week 8. I am constantly in awe of what a difference the adjustments make, and having also begun intense dance training 3 weeks ago, my body is under more physical stress than usual and I don't think I would be getting through it without the help of Dr. Tilley.

I now feel like I am in control of my own health - my headaches are much less frequent and no longer stop me from training or going about my day. I feel as though I now have a much deeper understanding of my back/neck and how it can affect everything in relation to my health.

Not only has the team at CWC improved my health, but they have also helped me to understand the things I am in control of, such as nutrition and posture. I'm confident that I am in the perfect place to be the healthiest that I can be.

I couldn't thank the Core Wellness Centre enough - they honestly light up my day every time I visit, and inspire me to take control of my health! The knowledge and passion within everyone at CWC is invaluable; I recommend them to anyone and everyone.


Absolutely brilliant! We started taking our son Jack to Core Wellness when his asthma got out of control. They were recommended by some friends of ours and I thought why not Iā€™ll give it a go. Well I can safely say Iā€™ll never look back. Dr Joe and his whole team are amazing! They are so caring and compassionate to everyone. They are all great with the children and make them feel so relaxed. The passion they have to make you better is fantastic. I canā€™t recommend them enough. I want to give them more than 5 stars they deserve it


A fantastic facility with caring and dedicated staff! Enjoyed 2 years here and would highly recommended to anyone. Dr Joe, Dr Antonio and Dr Jamie are fantastic wellness doctors who do there upmost to get you healthier.


Simply the best HEALTHcare you will receive. If you have a healthcare problem. Core Wellness Centres is your answer. They helped so many patients regain their health!


Not only is Dr. Joe an amazing Chiro but also a genuinely awesome guy! We met in the Maldives as I was working as a surf guide at the same resort him and his wife Zoe were staying at. After surfing for an average of 8 hours a day, there was nothing I was looking more forward to than my afternoon adjustment by the man himself. Following the adjustment I felt an immediate release of tension throughout my entire back, neck and shoulders. As a surfer himself he could target the the areas of need. Highly recommended!


Miracle workers - plain & simple!

As a video editor, I've racked up countless hours sat hunched at my desk over the last 10 years and, as a result, suffered from neck/shoulder/lower back pain. I'd been for various massages/treatments but nothing seemed to work and then I found out about Core Wellness Centres. I booked an appointment to see the guys there as I really needed help and, over the course of just 4 weeks, they've totally transformed how I feel. I honestly didn't think the results of my 'adjustments' would be so dramatic but they really have been.

Joe, Zoe and the rest of the team are some of the nicest people I've met. Joe is extremely passionate about his profession, easy to get on with and so good at what he does - I really can't thank him enough! Zoe captains the ship perfectly and always has a smile on her face - she's great to chat to, professional and has a serious talent for coming up with healthy recipes that make you feel great.

I'll continue to go back to Core Wellness Centres to ensure that I stay healthy and pain-free.


Iā€™m 4 months into a membership at core wellness and I canā€™t recommend it enough.

Itā€™s given me back my zest for life.

I came to see Dr Joe feeling down in the dumps and generally unhappy with my health and fitness. He advised me where I needed help and I can honestly say I havenā€™t looked back. Iā€™ve had some chiropractic sessions, nutritional advise and guidance on where Iā€™m going wrong and great support from the personal trainers in the gym. Iā€™ve never felt better.

I love the gym sessions and no day is the same. I would never have been up early on a Saturday to do a session at the gym! But Saturday games days are so much fun, itā€™s great to work out with so many lovely people.

Everyone at corewellness has been so helpful and encouraging. They genuinely care about what they do and that definitely shows in them all.

Thank you Corewellness x


I was referred to Joe nearly 4 years ago with pain in my hand and a swollen knuckle. As a programmer I was worried that the pain would affect my ability to work.

Within just a few weeks, the swelling and pain were gone and never returned.

Over the last few years I've returned to be regularly adjusted and I've always found Joe and Zoe to be friendly, professional and extremely knowledgeable.

I would recommend Core Wellness Centres to anyone.



I just wanted to say a big thanks to Joe and Zoe for helping me with not only my back but my health as well... You really did inspire me to be positive and to bring about change when I really felt at a loss with my health. It really is about positive thinking and changing your behaviours... But sometimes you just need a nudge in the right direction and you definitely did that for me. I think you guys are doing a great job with your work, and I'm glad to have been part of it


I initially visited the original centre in 2011 with an acute back problem which left me partially immobile. Joe looked at me as a whole and looked at my everyday life and ailments. It was so refreshing to be looked at as a whole person, not just for my acute back problem as I have a multitude of health problems and the medical profession looked at each individual problem. Since seeing Joe on average once a month since my original visit I have had hardly any headaches (compared to 3-4 times a week) and my health has improved. I have also changed my life considerably; given up smoking, attended a month long detox with my husband at corewellness, my overall eating habits and exercise regime have changed- all for the good and at the advice and help of corewellness. I am currently pregnant and Joe has been such a great help with the extra strain on my body causing a few issues. Now, Joe and chiropractic care is my first port of call with any health issue and I value Joe's opinion implicitly to let me know if I need to see another health professional. I will be bringing my baby here as soon as I can after the birth!


I found Dr Joe Tilley, Zoe and the marvellous team at Core Wellness Centre back in November 2014 as I was suffering from a prolapsed disc. I didn't know then that walking though Core Wellnessā€™ doors was the best health decision I would make to date.

After a thorough wellness exam, Joe explained everything so I was able to understand the issues I had and how to correct them. Joeā€™s clear passion for chiropracticā€™s & wellness enabled me to realise that prescription drugs are not the answer as they simply mask the symptoms but do not eliminate the cause of the problem.

I began a course of Chiropractic adjustments, the first adjustment provided instant relief from the intense back pain I was experiencing. Each further adjustment helped to realign my spine and solve problems caused by numerous hours spent hunched at a desk every day.

I believe it was after my second or third week of adjustments, Joe mentioned to me the benefits of following a Paleo lifestyle, and the links that had been discovered between healing an autoimmune disease and a Paleo diet. I had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis four years previously. I was told by hospital consultants I would be on prescription drugs for the rest of my life to manage the pain and inflammation. I left the practice that day buoyant with hope for the future.

I researched the subject and then researched some more. Everything I read lead to the same answerā€¦change what you eat, be free of the disease. What did I have to lose? Two weeks after committing to a Paleo diet & lifestyle, the rheumatoid pain was practically gone. After one month, I felt fantastic, better than I had ever felt before. Full of energy, happy, slimmer and best of all there was no rheumatoid pain or inflammation. I asked my doctors if I could come off of my medication, they were reluctant but agreed I could try.

It has been eight months since I last took prescription/over the counter drugs. Yesterday I had a check-up with my hospital consultant. He couldn't believe the difference in me. He said it is rare for him to see someone go into remission almost overnight and stay that way, I was lucky. I firmly believe luck had nothing to do with it. Regular chiropractic adjustments, a Paleo diet, exercise and overall wellness are the factors which have put me into remission and I have no doubt they will keep me there.

I have never met a team more passionate about what they do, I cannot recommend Core Wellness Centre enough. The environment at the practice is genuinely positive and happy. Whilst there it is like being in the company of good friends. You leave realising you are happy and smiling. I remember how I felt previous to my first visit and I compare that to how I feel now, they are worlds apart. Joe, Zoe & the team have changed my life for the better. Thank you all so much.


I first came to Core Wellness Centres about 2 years ago following some upper back and neck pain from playing rugby. Now 2 years on Dr Joe and the team have totally changed my life. Since discovering the true power of chiropractic care and it's importance as part of a healthy lifestyle am now studying to become a chiropractor at university. I still receive regular chiropractic care from Dr Joe and Dr Chris in order to maintain the health of my nervous system; my mum and sister also both receive regular chiropractic care from the team.

The team at Core Wellness are awesome, every member is caring and attentive to every individual that walks through the door. Each team member has a real passion for their work and genuinely care about getting the optimal outcome for each person. The team is made up of a range of fully qualified professionals in their respective fields who together give you the power to reach optimal health.

I really feel at home at Core Wellness and I am blessed to have these incredible people in my life. I cannot recommend this practice highly enough!


I donā€™t really believe in coincidences, I do believe in faith....

I discovered to have a hernia in my low neck 4 years ago, I had really bad moments: unbearable pain that didnā€™t even leave me to rest for sleep, I totally lost for a while my ability to use my right arm, (even the simple gesture to hold a glass of water was a very big deal back then!!) thatā€™s when I gave up my career as bartender, (small intro Iā€™m from a small Italian island and thereā€™s not much opportunity for a job during the year) so yeah it wasnā€™t a very nice situation: not much money, not really sure about my future career but I decided to put my health first I had Physiotherapy for about a month, and at least with that I got back my ability to use my right arm and less constant pain; I started seeing doctors in my island and in Sicily, unfortunately soon enough I realised that every appointment it was a disappointment: the doctors were just asking for new expensive exams and none of them was giving me some kind of hope to get better; the response was:ā€youā€™ve got an hernia and youā€™ve to live with it until it gets worse, when this will happen we will think about a surgery; Iā€™ll see you next year to check on it!!ā€ I was shocked and clearly upset so I decided to invest my last few money to start yoga, and that helped me a lot... I didnā€™t see another doctor since then...

I moved in Uk; started a new life but I still had this curiosity to know more about it, i just couldnā€™t accept that there wasnā€™t any solution that could possibly help my situation... so I started looking for a chiropractor consultation... thatā€™s when by ā€œcoincidence/faithā€ I found this centre.

I believe that it was meant to be, for me, to end up in core wellness centre.

I can say loudly that it truly changed my life, I didnā€™t realise how bad was my situation until (for the first time after a very long time) I actually felt no more pain at all on my shoulder and my neck; unfortunately sometimes we just get used to have pain or uncomfortable disease,just because itā€™s bearable we accept it as normal. Day by day I felt stronger and less afraid to do any kind of effort, I started considering to be finally able to work again behind the bar counter like I used to do, thanks to my plan and chiropractorsā€™ suggestions and advices my body naturally started to function again, I naturally stopped smoking, I experienced the desire to add some more exercise in my everyday life and improve my nutrition, like if my body was finally feeling fine and at that point it was sending me signals to feel even better... It takes me 90ā€™ to get to core wellness centre for each session of my 3months therapy, but I never regret to travel that long to reach this small BIG centre, I felt home since the first time, and as much as I improve, as much I canā€™t wait to go again, I believe this really is one of the best center I couldā€™ve find, and every single pence, every single minute spent to get there it is absolutely worthy! I totally recommend them. I wouldnā€™t be more grateful and probably my vocabulary is not rich enough to express how glad I am to have find them and decided to start my healing with them.

Thank you!


I became aware of the core wellness centre at a time when all aspects of my life were in freefall. I am 56. I had neglected my health for a very long time, morbidly obese at over 21 stones, degenerating spinal discs, arthritis, diverticuler disease, lethergy, immense stress, loss of memory, and great difficulty concentrating. Underperformance in my work as a professional engineer meant that my job was on the line. I have a 7 year old son and a highly dependant partner with her own immense health problems. I was getting no exercise at all, no longer socialised with my great friends, and seldom gave time to my wider family. There were other problems that i don't feel comfortable talking about here. I was in a very bad place, a vicious cycle in which each problem exaserbated the next, and i couldn't see a way out. Then i went to one of Dr Jo's lunchtime presentations, left with an 8 weeks to wellness leaflet and the seed of an idea that his inspirational talk made a lot of sense. Events then conspired to take over, i had an emotional breakdown at a school meeting, and at work. I was advised to see my GP who signed me off, not for the first time in recent months. I took the opportunity to get an assessment with Jo at the core wellness centre, and i just let it all out, i couldn't have been any lower, i was desperate. Jo didn't treat me with kid gloves, nor was he harsh, he saw the mess i was in and put it to me straight, treating me with respect and care but most importantly, getting me to believe his message that there is a way to turn things around. Jo encouraged me to buy into the 8 week program fully, which i did. My wellness score was very poor, almost all the measurements were in the red, i believe i could have expired at any time. I followed the program near religiously throughout. Jo's team were amazing, his delightful wife Zoe gave me great advice on making the paleo diet tasty and interesting, regular chiropractic adjustments by Jo made a difference straight away, the structured training sessions given in the gymn by Krish1, Krish 2, and Jenny were brilliant, pushing me just enough but not too much, very effectively building my core strength, and strangely making it fun. The massages by Molly were a great reward at the end of each week, and the positivity in the place was infectious, everyone smiled, everyone believed in me, and eventually i believed in me. I feel healthier, stronger, my waistline went from 47.5 inches to 41.5 inches, my wellness score improved massively, i now weigh 16.5 stones, 2.5 lost during the program. I am not there yet but i am getting there. None of the other problems have gone away but my health is more robust, and my hopeless attitude is becoming a bit more 'can do'. I owe a great debt of gratitude to Dr Jo, Zoe, Sarah, Joanne, Krish1, Krish2, Jenny and Molly. They are a great team, each one is on the top of his or her game, they make you feel a part of a very happy family, each one is so considerate, so positive, and they believe in what they are doing, and i love them! Also thanks to my partner Melanie for preparing rabbit food to look and taste delicious. Thank you to you all.


Had a lovely morning on Friday at corewellness Epsom. My bloods were taken , gently, by a lovely lady. Then I had a fab prescriptive sports massage to help my painful shoulder. I will definately be returning


Fantastic place with great staff! Currently doing the 8WW programme and I have lost 3 inches off my waist in just 4 weeks! Feel great and looking forward to seeing my results at the end of the programme


Dr Tilley and the team are great! So knowledgeable and welcoming! I highly recommend their practice and philosophy about core wellness! The whole experience is brilliant and you immediately feel that you've found professionals that actually care about your well-being and future outlook!


Dr Joe lights up a room when he speaks, bringing motivation and inspiration to every person he comes in contact with. The entire clinic is phenomenal and the adjustments I have had from both Dr Joe and Dr Antonio have been 10/10. This is a clinic which will not just get you out of pain, it will help you move better, eat better, live better and become the best version of yourself.


Core Wellness will change your life and never a truer statement was made. I started my 8 to wellness journey very hopeful but not entirely sure it was possible to achieve the goals set for me. Previously I had been going regularly to a normal gym for over 2 years and I only wish I could have put that wasted time into Core Wellness, the difference I saw in 8 weeks is phenomenal!

From the moment you walk through the door all the staff are friendly, accommodating, supportive and most of all genuine. Every member of the team gives you constant support and encouragement and go above and beyond to make your goals become reality.

As a person who was overweight and suffers from clinical depression it wasn't easy taking on a new course. After only one week I could already see the changes in both my physical and mental well-being, now 8 weeks on I have lost 2 stone and really do feel like a different person, my quality of life has changed dramatically as has my mental outlook.

The difference with Core Wellness is they look after your whole health, not just the physical activity side. They teach you the skills in nutrition, posture and mental well-being which will carry you through the rest of your life.

I cannot stress how much the team have changed my life and as testimony to that I have signed on to continue working with them as I really feel I am getting the support and motivation I need to change my body and mind.

I thank all the team from the bottom of my heart. I am sure they hear that a lot because they really do make the difference to your life, what you don't realise when you join is you actually start living with Core Wellness!

Thank you again everyone, your positive outlook and constant support has changed me into the person I always wanted the confidence to be and I cannot wait to see many more positive changes in the future. I would recommend to anyone in a heartbeat the amazing results you will get from this programme and lasting and life changing effects!


After moving to the UK in September last year, I came to Core Wellness Centre, originally for a massage as I had been suffering from back and neck pain and tightness due to the many hours of driving my new job entailed. Ashlyn was fantastic, she addressed all the areas I was concerned about and had me feeling ten times better by the time I walked out!

My next visit to CWC was to see Dr. Joe Tilley, in early December. I had been experiencing quite severe lower back pain due to a gym injury, and an array of other problems including constant headaches, migraines, hip pain (post op), shoulder injury, complete lack of energy, and the list goes on. I am only 21 years of age and have moved to London as a dancer - I knew my body was not heading in the right direction!

By the end of my appointment with Joe I could tell that he was the right person to approach and I had complete confidence in his ability to improve all my health issues.

I have been following the '8 Weeks to Wellness' program and have just finished week 8. I am constantly in awe of what a difference the adjustments make, and having also begun intense dance training 3 weeks ago, my body is under more physical stress than usual and I don't think I would be getting through it without the help of Dr. Tilley.

I now feel like I am in control of my own health - my headaches are much less frequent and no longer stop me from training or going about my day. I feel as though I now have a much deeper understanding of my back/neck and how it can affect everything in relation to my health.

Not only has the team at CWC improved my health, but they have also helped me to understand the things I am in control of, such as nutrition and posture. I'm confident that I am in the perfect place to be the healthiest that I can be.

I couldn't thank the Core Wellness Centre enough - they honestly light up my day every time I visit, and inspire me to take control of my health! The knowledge and passion within everyone at CWC is invaluable; I recommend them to anyone and everyone.


Absolutely brilliant! We started taking our son Jack to Core Wellness when his asthma got out of control. They were recommended by some friends of ours and I thought why not Iā€™ll give it a go. Well I can safely say Iā€™ll never look back. Dr Joe and his whole team are amazing! They are so caring and compassionate to everyone. They are all great with the children and make them feel so relaxed. The passion they have to make you better is fantastic. I canā€™t recommend them enough. I want to give them more than 5 stars they deserve it


A fantastic facility with caring and dedicated staff! Enjoyed 2 years here and would highly recommended to anyone. Dr Joe, Dr Antonio and Dr Jamie are fantastic wellness doctors who do there upmost to get you healthier.


Simply the best HEALTHcare you will receive. If you have a healthcare problem. Core Wellness Centres is your answer. They helped so many patients regain their health!


Not only is Dr. Joe an amazing Chiro but also a genuinely awesome guy! We met in the Maldives as I was working as a surf guide at the same resort him and his wife Zoe were staying at. After surfing for an average of 8 hours a day, there was nothing I was looking more forward to than my afternoon adjustment by the man himself. Following the adjustment I felt an immediate release of tension throughout my entire back, neck and shoulders. As a surfer himself he could target the the areas of need. Highly recommended!


Miracle workers - plain & simple!

As a video editor, I've racked up countless hours sat hunched at my desk over the last 10 years and, as a result, suffered from neck/shoulder/lower back pain. I'd been for various massages/treatments but nothing seemed to work and then I found out about Core Wellness Centres. I booked an appointment to see the guys there as I really needed help and, over the course of just 4 weeks, they've totally transformed how I feel. I honestly didn't think the results of my 'adjustments' would be so dramatic but they really have been.

Joe, Zoe and the rest of the team are some of the nicest people I've met. Joe is extremely passionate about his profession, easy to get on with and so good at what he does - I really can't thank him enough! Zoe captains the ship perfectly and always has a smile on her face - she's great to chat to, professional and has a serious talent for coming up with healthy recipes that make you feel great.

I'll continue to go back to Core Wellness Centres to ensure that I stay healthy and pain-free.


Iā€™m 4 months into a membership at core wellness and I canā€™t recommend it enough.

Itā€™s given me back my zest for life.

I came to see Dr Joe feeling down in the dumps and generally unhappy with my health and fitness. He advised me where I needed help and I can honestly say I havenā€™t looked back. Iā€™ve had some chiropractic sessions, nutritional advise and guidance on where Iā€™m going wrong and great support from the personal trainers in the gym. Iā€™ve never felt better.

I love the gym sessions and no day is the same. I would never have been up early on a Saturday to do a session at the gym! But Saturday games days are so much fun, itā€™s great to work out with so many lovely people.

Everyone at corewellness has been so helpful and encouraging. They genuinely care about what they do and that definitely shows in them all.

Thank you Corewellness x


I was referred to Joe nearly 4 years ago with pain in my hand and a swollen knuckle. As a programmer I was worried that the pain would affect my ability to work.

Within just a few weeks, the swelling and pain were gone and never returned.

Over the last few years I've returned to be regularly adjusted and I've always found Joe and Zoe to be friendly, professional and extremely knowledgeable.

I would recommend Core Wellness Centres to anyone.



I just wanted to say a big thanks to Joe and Zoe for helping me with not only my back but my health as well... You really did inspire me to be positive and to bring about change when I really felt at a loss with my health. It really is about positive thinking and changing your behaviours... But sometimes you just need a nudge in the right direction and you definitely did that for me. I think you guys are doing a great job with your work, and I'm glad to have been part of it


I initially visited the original centre in 2011 with an acute back problem which left me partially immobile. Joe looked at me as a whole and looked at my everyday life and ailments. It was so refreshing to be looked at as a whole person, not just for my acute back problem as I have a multitude of health problems and the medical profession looked at each individual problem. Since seeing Joe on average once a month since my original visit I have had hardly any headaches (compared to 3-4 times a week) and my health has improved. I have also changed my life considerably; given up smoking, attended a month long detox with my husband at corewellness, my overall eating habits and exercise regime have changed- all for the good and at the advice and help of corewellness. I am currently pregnant and Joe has been such a great help with the extra strain on my body causing a few issues. Now, Joe and chiropractic care is my first port of call with any health issue and I value Joe's opinion implicitly to let me know if I need to see another health professional. I will be bringing my baby here as soon as I can after the birth!


I found Dr Joe Tilley, Zoe and the marvellous team at Core Wellness Centre back in November 2014 as I was suffering from a prolapsed disc. I didn't know then that walking though Core Wellnessā€™ doors was the best health decision I would make to date.

After a thorough wellness exam, Joe explained everything so I was able to understand the issues I had and how to correct them. Joeā€™s clear passion for chiropracticā€™s & wellness enabled me to realise that prescription drugs are not the answer as they simply mask the symptoms but do not eliminate the cause of the problem.

I began a course of Chiropractic adjustments, the first adjustment provided instant relief from the intense back pain I was experiencing. Each further adjustment helped to realign my spine and solve problems caused by numerous hours spent hunched at a desk every day.

I believe it was after my second or third week of adjustments, Joe mentioned to me the benefits of following a Paleo lifestyle, and the links that had been discovered between healing an autoimmune disease and a Paleo diet. I had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis four years previously. I was told by hospital consultants I would be on prescription drugs for the rest of my life to manage the pain and inflammation. I left the practice that day buoyant with hope for the future.

I researched the subject and then researched some more. Everything I read lead to the same answerā€¦change what you eat, be free of the disease. What did I have to lose? Two weeks after committing to a Paleo diet & lifestyle, the rheumatoid pain was practically gone. After one month, I felt fantastic, better than I had ever felt before. Full of energy, happy, slimmer and best of all there was no rheumatoid pain or inflammation. I asked my doctors if I could come off of my medication, they were reluctant but agreed I could try.

It has been eight months since I last took prescription/over the counter drugs. Yesterday I had a check-up with my hospital consultant. He couldn't believe the difference in me. He said it is rare for him to see someone go into remission almost overnight and stay that way, I was lucky. I firmly believe luck had nothing to do with it. Regular chiropractic adjustments, a Paleo diet, exercise and overall wellness are the factors which have put me into remission and I have no doubt they will keep me there.

I have never met a team more passionate about what they do, I cannot recommend Core Wellness Centre enough. The environment at the practice is genuinely positive and happy. Whilst there it is like being in the company of good friends. You leave realising you are happy and smiling. I remember how I felt previous to my first visit and I compare that to how I feel now, they are worlds apart. Joe, Zoe & the team have changed my life for the better. Thank you all so much.


I first came to Core Wellness Centres about 2 years ago following some upper back and neck pain from playing rugby. Now 2 years on Dr Joe and the team have totally changed my life. Since discovering the true power of chiropractic care and it's importance as part of a healthy lifestyle am now studying to become a chiropractor at university. I still receive regular chiropractic care from Dr Joe and Dr Chris in order to maintain the health of my nervous system; my mum and sister also both receive regular chiropractic care from the team.

The team at Core Wellness are awesome, every member is caring and attentive to every individual that walks through the door. Each team member has a real passion for their work and genuinely care about getting the optimal outcome for each person. The team is made up of a range of fully qualified professionals in their respective fields who together give you the power to reach optimal health.

I really feel at home at Core Wellness and I am blessed to have these incredible people in my life. I cannot recommend this practice highly enough!


I donā€™t really believe in coincidences, I do believe in faith....

I discovered to have a hernia in my low neck 4 years ago, I had really bad moments: unbearable pain that didnā€™t even leave me to rest for sleep, I totally lost for a while my ability to use my right arm, (even the simple gesture to hold a glass of water was a very big deal back then!!) thatā€™s when I gave up my career as bartender, (small intro Iā€™m from a small Italian island and thereā€™s not much opportunity for a job during the year) so yeah it wasnā€™t a very nice situation: not much money, not really sure about my future career but I decided to put my health first I had Physiotherapy for about a month, and at least with that I got back my ability to use my right arm and less constant pain; I started seeing doctors in my island and in Sicily, unfortunately soon enough I realised that every appointment it was a disappointment: the doctors were just asking for new expensive exams and none of them was giving me some kind of hope to get better; the response was:ā€youā€™ve got an hernia and youā€™ve to live with it until it gets worse, when this will happen we will think about a surgery; Iā€™ll see you next year to check on it!!ā€ I was shocked and clearly upset so I decided to invest my last few money to start yoga, and that helped me a lot... I didnā€™t see another doctor since then...

I moved in Uk; started a new life but I still had this curiosity to know more about it, i just couldnā€™t accept that there wasnā€™t any solution that could possibly help my situation... so I started looking for a chiropractor consultation... thatā€™s when by ā€œcoincidence/faithā€ I found this centre.

I believe that it was meant to be, for me, to end up in core wellness centre.

I can say loudly that it truly changed my life, I didnā€™t realise how bad was my situation until (for the first time after a very long time) I actually felt no more pain at all on my shoulder and my neck; unfortunately sometimes we just get used to have pain or uncomfortable disease,just because itā€™s bearable we accept it as normal. Day by day I felt stronger and less afraid to do any kind of effort, I started considering to be finally able to work again behind the bar counter like I used to do, thanks to my plan and chiropractorsā€™ suggestions and advices my body naturally started to function again, I naturally stopped smoking, I experienced the desire to add some more exercise in my everyday life and improve my nutrition, like if my body was finally feeling fine and at that point it was sending me signals to feel even better... It takes me 90ā€™ to get to core wellness centre for each session of my 3months therapy, but I never regret to travel that long to reach this small BIG centre, I felt home since the first time, and as much as I improve, as much I canā€™t wait to go again, I believe this really is one of the best center I couldā€™ve find, and every single pence, every single minute spent to get there it is absolutely worthy! I totally recommend them. I wouldnā€™t be more grateful and probably my vocabulary is not rich enough to express how glad I am to have find them and decided to start my healing with them.

Thank you!


I became aware of the core wellness centre at a time when all aspects of my life were in freefall. I am 56. I had neglected my health for a very long time, morbidly obese at over 21 stones, degenerating spinal discs, arthritis, diverticuler disease, lethergy, immense stress, loss of memory, and great difficulty concentrating. Underperformance in my work as a professional engineer meant that my job was on the line. I have a 7 year old son and a highly dependant partner with her own immense health problems. I was getting no exercise at all, no longer socialised with my great friends, and seldom gave time to my wider family. There were other problems that i don't feel comfortable talking about here. I was in a very bad place, a vicious cycle in which each problem exaserbated the next, and i couldn't see a way out. Then i went to one of Dr Jo's lunchtime presentations, left with an 8 weeks to wellness leaflet and the seed of an idea that his inspirational talk made a lot of sense. Events then conspired to take over, i had an emotional breakdown at a school meeting, and at work. I was advised to see my GP who signed me off, not for the first time in recent months. I took the opportunity to get an assessment with Jo at the core wellness centre, and i just let it all out, i couldn't have been any lower, i was desperate. Jo didn't treat me with kid gloves, nor was he harsh, he saw the mess i was in and put it to me straight, treating me with respect and care but most importantly, getting me to believe his message that there is a way to turn things around. Jo encouraged me to buy into the 8 week program fully, which i did. My wellness score was very poor, almost all the measurements were in the red, i believe i could have expired at any time. I followed the program near religiously throughout. Jo's team were amazing, his delightful wife Zoe gave me great advice on making the paleo diet tasty and interesting, regular chiropractic adjustments by Jo made a difference straight away, the structured training sessions given in the gymn by Krish1, Krish 2, and Jenny were brilliant, pushing me just enough but not too much, very effectively building my core strength, and strangely making it fun. The massages by Molly were a great reward at the end of each week, and the positivity in the place was infectious, everyone smiled, everyone believed in me, and eventually i believed in me. I feel healthier, stronger, my waistline went from 47.5 inches to 41.5 inches, my wellness score improved massively, i now weigh 16.5 stones, 2.5 lost during the program. I am not there yet but i am getting there. None of the other problems have gone away but my health is more robust, and my hopeless attitude is becoming a bit more 'can do'. I owe a great debt of gratitude to Dr Jo, Zoe, Sarah, Joanne, Krish1, Krish2, Jenny and Molly. They are a great team, each one is on the top of his or her game, they make you feel a part of a very happy family, each one is so considerate, so positive, and they believe in what they are doing, and i love them! Also thanks to my partner Melanie for preparing rabbit food to look and taste delicious. Thank you to you all.


Had a lovely morning on Friday at corewellness Epsom. My bloods were taken , gently, by a lovely lady. Then I had a fab prescriptive sports massage to help my painful shoulder. I will definately be returning


Fantastic place with great staff! Currently doing the 8WW programme and I have lost 3 inches off my waist in just 4 weeks! Feel great and looking forward to seeing my results at the end of the programme


Dr Tilley and the team are great! So knowledgeable and welcoming! I highly recommend their practice and philosophy about core wellness! The whole experience is brilliant and you immediately feel that you've found professionals that actually care about your well-being and future outlook!


Dr Joe lights up a room when he speaks, bringing motivation and inspiration to every person he comes in contact with. The entire clinic is phenomenal and the adjustments I have had from both Dr Joe and Dr Antonio have been 10/10. This is a clinic which will not just get you out of pain, it will help you move better, eat better, live better and become the best version of yourself.


Core Wellness will change your life and never a truer statement was made. I started my 8 to wellness journey very hopeful but not entirely sure it was possible to achieve the goals set for me. Previously I had been going regularly to a normal gym for over 2 years and I only wish I could have put that wasted time into Core Wellness, the difference I saw in 8 weeks is phenomenal!

From the moment you walk through the door all the staff are friendly, accommodating, supportive and most of all genuine. Every member of the team gives you constant support and encouragement and go above and beyond to make your goals become reality.

As a person who was overweight and suffers from clinical depression it wasn't easy taking on a new course. After only one week I could already see the changes in both my physical and mental well-being, now 8 weeks on I have lost 2 stone and really do feel like a different person, my quality of life has changed dramatically as has my mental outlook.

The difference with Core Wellness is they look after your whole health, not just the physical activity side. They teach you the skills in nutrition, posture and mental well-being which will carry you through the rest of your life.

I cannot stress how much the team have changed my life and as testimony to that I have signed on to continue working with them as I really feel I am getting the support and motivation I need to change my body and mind.

I thank all the team from the bottom of my heart. I am sure they hear that a lot because they really do make the difference to your life, what you don't realise when you join is you actually start living with Core Wellness!

Thank you again everyone, your positive outlook and constant support has changed me into the person I always wanted the confidence to be and I cannot wait to see many more positive changes in the future. I would recommend to anyone in a heartbeat the amazing results you will get from this programme and lasting and life changing effects!


After moving to the UK in September last year, I came to Core Wellness Centre, originally for a massage as I had been suffering from back and neck pain and tightness due to the many hours of driving my new job entailed. Ashlyn was fantastic, she addressed all the areas I was concerned about and had me feeling ten times better by the time I walked out!

My next visit to CWC was to see Dr. Joe Tilley, in early December. I had been experiencing quite severe lower back pain due to a gym injury, and an array of other problems including constant headaches, migraines, hip pain (post op), shoulder injury, complete lack of energy, and the list goes on. I am only 21 years of age and have moved to London as a dancer - I knew my body was not heading in the right direction!

By the end of my appointment with Joe I could tell that he was the right person to approach and I had complete confidence in his ability to improve all my health issues.

I have been following the '8 Weeks to Wellness' program and have just finished week 8. I am constantly in awe of what a difference the adjustments make, and having also begun intense dance training 3 weeks ago, my body is under more physical stress than usual and I don't think I would be getting through it without the help of Dr. Tilley.

I now feel like I am in control of my own health - my headaches are much less frequent and no longer stop me from training or going about my day. I feel as though I now have a much deeper understanding of my back/neck and how it can affect everything in relation to my health.

Not only has the team at CWC improved my health, but they have also helped me to understand the things I am in control of, such as nutrition and posture. I'm confident that I am in the perfect place to be the healthiest that I can be.

I couldn't thank the Core Wellness Centre enough - they honestly light up my day every time I visit, and inspire me to take control of my health! The knowledge and passion within everyone at CWC is invaluable; I recommend them to anyone and everyone.


Absolutely brilliant! We started taking our son Jack to Core Wellness when his asthma got out of control. They were recommended by some friends of ours and I thought why not Iā€™ll give it a go. Well I can safely say Iā€™ll never look back. Dr Joe and his whole team are amazing! They are so caring and compassionate to everyone. They are all great with the children and make them feel so relaxed. The passion they have to make you better is fantastic. I canā€™t recommend them enough. I want to give them more than 5 stars they deserve it


A fantastic facility with caring and dedicated staff! Enjoyed 2 years here and would highly recommended to anyone. Dr Joe, Dr Antonio and Dr Jamie are fantastic wellness doctors who do there upmost to get you healthier.

More about Core Wellness Centres

Core Wellness Centres is located at 73-77 East Street, KT17 1BP Epsom
Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -