Deeper Life Bible Church, Milton Keynes

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 19:00 - 21:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: 09:00 - 14:00

About Deeper Life Bible Church, Milton Keynes

This is the Milton Keynes' Branch of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry founded by Pastor (Dr. ) W. F. Kumuyi with emphasis on holiness of life and maintaining a conscience void of offence toward God and toward men.



Allowing God’s peace and Christ’s word to rule your heart will turn your troubles into triumphs and trials into testimonies. All blessings


Our Lord will give you peace, make you perfect and perfect all that concern you in Jesus name. All blessings.


May blessings and favour be your portions this year in Jesus’ name. Amen. Have a blessed day brethren.


There is no impossibilities with our great God. This year the Lord God will do the impossible in your life and family. Have faith in God.


Come and receive the power to achieve breakthrough.


Our preoccupation this year should be to live impeccable holy life; do His will by all means and at all cost; fully surrender to Him and serve Him and His people. May you have grace to please Him always in Jesus name. Divine breakthrough year to you this year. All blessings.


Happy New Year brethren. This is your year of divine breakthrough in Jesus’ name. Amen.Happy New Year brethren. This is your year of divine breakthrough in Jesus’ name. Amen.


May the Lord remember you today in Jesus’ name. Amen.


The presence of God is what brings true peace into the life of a man. To have God’s presence, a sinner must repent and accept Jesus as His Lord and Saviour; a backslider must retrace his step and get restored. “My presence will go with you and I will give you rest” is a promise anyone can meet the condition. Have a blessed week brethren.


This is for you.


-JOSHUA 4:10-24 KEY VERSE: "And he spake unto the children of Israel, saying, When your children shall ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean these stones? Then ye shall let your children know, saying, Israel came over this Jordan on dry land" (Joshua 4:21,22).
... A large body of research indicates that visual cues help us to better retrieve and remember information. The research outcomes on visual learning make complete sense when you consider that our brain is mainly an image processor, not a word processor. In fact, the part of the brain used to process words is quite small in comparison to the part that processes visual images. Words are abstract and rather difficult for the brain to retain, whereas visuals are concrete and, as such, more easily remembered. That is why we, and especially children, learn faster through visuals. One of the most intriguing memorials was erected when Joshua led the people of Israel across the Jordan River. The water stopped flowing just as the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant stepped into the water at the river’s edge until the people crossed safely into the Promised Land. While they were crossing, Joshua told twelve men, one from each tribe, to select twelve large stones for a monument to teach their children how God cut off the waters of Jordan and brought His people across to the Promised Land. There’s the tendency to forget God’s goodness and provision in our lives while continually focusing on new challenges that require His intervention. Memorials like this give us opportunity to speak to the next generation about God’s faithfulness to us. It also helps our children to easily learn and understand the centrality of God to their overall success in life. Failure to pass on our faith to our children has led to the current youths’ disorientation. So, prayerfully teach your children the word of God, lead them in prayer to obtain salvation, sanctification and Holy Spirit baptism experiences, and live examplary godly life that affirm the truths of Scriptures you teach them.
Thought for the day: A man’s past helps to better understand his future. Bible Reading in one Year: GENESIS 4-7 (Daily manna 02/01/2018)
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Happy New Year friends and brethren. May the Presence of the Lord surrounds you and all that are yours in Jesus’ name. Amen. Happy New Year.


-PSALM 73:1-28 KEY VERSE: "Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee" (Psalm 73:25).
... A Scottish preacher, Andrew Bonar, wrote in his diary: "This day 20 years ago I preached for the first time as an ordained minister. It is amazing that the Lord has spared me and used me at all. I have no reason to wonder that He used others far more than He used me. Yet envy is my hurt... Lord, take away this envy from me!" The psalmist narrated in the text how he nearly abandoned his faith in God when he considered the prosperity of the wicked. He thought that if God was angry with the wicked, why do they prosper and appear to live well? The prosperity and progress of the godless who are not suffering any visible or immediate consequences for their actions affected his determination and consecration to follow the Lord. This continued until he went into the sanctuary and received enlightenment that the prosperity of the wicked, like a dream, vanishes, the same way their lives will suddenly end in eternal damnation. Knowing this, the psalmist renewed his consecration to follow God till the end. Focusing on the possessions of others is the quickest way to become envious and unhappy. It makes one lose perspective or vision of greater values of life which should be our priority and pursuit. God wants you to place priority on the spiritual above the physical, on the eternal above the temporal. The change that brings proper vision takes place in the inner life. How? Repent of all sins, ask God for pardon and cleansing in Christ’s blood and invite Jesus to live in you as Saviour. Salvation is the basic spiritual experience that opens the door for all other blessings (Matthew 6:33). Without it, earthly life will be full of needless hassles while hope of a blissful afterlife will be a mirage. The ultimate goal in life, you need to understand, is not prosperity or the absence of pain but living in His presence here and hereafter.
Thought for the day: Reputation is what you bring on arrival; character is what you’re remembered for upon departure. Bible Reading in one Year: GENESIS 1-3 (Daily manna 01/01/2018)
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-PSALM 114:1-8 KEY VERSE: "The sea saw it, and fled: Jordan was driven back. The mountains skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs" (Psalm 114:3,4).
... Once, while a man lay in bed reading a book, the Lord decided to teach him some sobering lessons. Momentarily, sleep took over, his book and pen dropped off. About a minute or so later, he woke up to discover that the book and pen he firmly held had broken loose from his grip. It dawned on him that at death or end of a race, there would also be an inevitable finishing line. Every activity would cease. No secular race is endless. One would have to let go of whatever he would be holding or doing. So it is with the fixed seasons of time. A year begins and ends. It was the same with biblical Israel. There was a period of bondage that appeared to be endless. But it did end on an eminent note for liberated Israel as Psalm 114 recounts. The elements saw the children of Jacob marching away from an old order into a new one and gave way at the commandment of God. The mighty Red Sea broke into two walls and created a dry expressway. So did the River Jordan. The mountains on the land followed suit. They "skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs" (verse 4). They all trembled "at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob" (verse 7). As the Christian also transits from the old to the new year, everyone should let go of the past and be confident of marching forward in the power of the Lord. If the outgoing year was full of the stress of the reckless race for survival, it will be good to concentrate your thoughts on what the new year holds while not forgetting the crown of life that awaits successful pilgrims in heaven. So, let inconsistency of the past be replaced with abundant life of victory through the new year. Let us embrace the Lord as our lifetime Partner as did the children of Israel when they came out of slavery in Egypt. We shall be guaranteed the same glorious outing they had when they depended on God for guidance into a new era. If we did not make the outgoing year count for Christ, let us make a reverential commitment to enable each day count for Him all through the incoming year.
Thought for the day: Don’t take the burden of the past into the New Year. Bible Reading in one Year: PROVERBS 30-31 (Daily manna 31/12/2017)
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-JEREMIAH 17:19-27 KEY VERSE: "Neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do ye any work, but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers" (Jeremiah 17:22).
... Sometime in the history of the children of Israel, the nation was so money-minded that they took to doing business on the revered Sabbath Day, contrary to the instruction of God which forbade it. It was not a legal code they were violating; rather they were in grave breach of centuries-old sacred pact God had made with their ancestors. As a loving God who would not want swift destruction to come upon His erring people, He sent His servant Jeremiah to warn them to amend their ways. God said in verses 21 and 22: "…Take heed to yourselves, and bear no burden on the sabbath day… neither do ye any work, but hallow ye the sabbath day as I commanded your fathers…" He asked Jeremiah to place himself strategically at the gates of Jerusalem to issue the warning. The point was that keeping the Sabbath was a sign that the nation and its people were obedient to God and His word. Not keeping the rules of rest from work on that day meant a rejection of God’s inviolable commandment or not having any relationship with Him and His blessings. It amounted to forfeiting the inheritance reserved for submissive children. Now, God would not allow His law to be trampled upon without punishment. He first spoke of the enduring blessings He would bestow on the people and their rulers if they obeyed Him concerning the Sabbath Day. However, should they continue to turn deaf ears at Him, He would consume Jerusalem with unquenchable fire. This is not at all uncharacteristic of the God of Justice who would not tolerate impunity. He rewards obedience and punishes disobedience. He rewards those who regard His mercy and love, but frowns at those who abuse His grace and lovingkindness.
Thought for the day: Disobedience begets the wrath of God. Bible Reading in one Year: PROVERBS 27-29 (Daily manna 30.12.2017)
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-JOB 32:11-22 KEY VERSE: "I said, I will answer also my part, I also will shew mine opinion" (Job 32:17).
... To soothe a grieving soul requires far more than the presence of sympathizers and their fair speeches. It takes more than the mere wisdom of man or a personal experience of loss, sorrow or death. The plight of Job reveals that his friends who came to comfort him did not help matters. Elihu, who joined the three older counsellors, equally did not succeed in alleviate the condition of Job. He called for attention as he rested on these aphorisms: "Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment" (verse 9). Thereafter, he also began to lash out at Job, accusing him of "drinking up scorning like water." He also charged Job with being "in company with the workers of iniquity, and walketh with wicked men" (Job 34:7,8). This judgmental attitude is far from the teaching of Jesus on the noble ministry of comforting the grieving. When His disciples began to be sad because the Lord told them that He would soon depart from them and go back to His place in heaven, He assured them that he would send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit to console them. He told them that the Comforter would abide with them and guide them into all truth. In John 16:33, the Lord restates His own great mission as a Comforter with this gratifying statement: "These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Elihu failed to comfort Job. There is obviously no peace and comfort in the world. Jesus is the Prince of peace and Source of real comfort. The world is grieving and sorrowing as a result of its disconnect from God and His laws. The believer must reach out to this world with a message of hope that all is not lost for those who can repent of their sin and come to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
Thought for the day: Jesus Christ is the Ultimate Comforter. Bible Reading in one Year: PROVERBS 24-26 (Daily manna 29/12/2017)
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-MATTHEW 5:21-26 KEY VERSE: "But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire (Matthew 5:22)
... A temperamental monk always passed the buck for his fits of anger: his habit was to blame his fellow monastery residents. Finally, he decided to go to a place of complete quietness in the desert. He assumed that if he was left alone, he would be free. One morning as he was alone to himself and solitude, the monk accidentally knocked over a pitcher of water. He ignored the incident. But when he ran into it again later, the pitcher fell on its side and spilled its contents. In anger, the monk picked up the water container and broke it into pieces. That was when the truth hit him: he could not be blaming others for his flare-ups. It was a problem caused by a storm within. It could only be tamed by a power from outside. Anger, says Jesus Christ, is only a step away from the danger of hell fire. God will not accept the work of a believer who is prone to anger and tantrums in his relationship with his brother, wife, friends or brethren. Indeed, the Lord says, if there is an offering of work for us in His vineyard, we should stay away from the service and settle matters arising from angry outbursts before appearing before Him. Back in the Old Testament, the Lord says in Proverbs 22:24, 25: "Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shall not go: lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul." The Lord does not desire the "leaven" of the sin of anger to swell the assembly of the saints, hence that warning. Jesus reveals that anger is related to murder which, God declares, we should not commit (Exodus 20:13). Anger violates God’s law on love and without which we cannot please Him. Genuine salvation and sanctification are the antidote to anger and make us possess Christ-like love and gentleness.
Thought for the day: Courting anger is an express passport to hell. Bible Reading in one Year: PROVERBS 18-20 (Daily manna 27/12/2017)
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-JUDGES 2:1-10 KEY VERSE: "And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall throw down their altars: but ye have not obeyed my voice: why have ye done this?" (Judges 2:2).
... The passage introduces us to the distressing life in Israel in the generations that came after Joshua following the settlement of the Israelites in the Promised Land. It was a cycle of sin, judgment and repentance, and then another round of transgression, punishment and remorse. These cases of recurring apostasy leading to oppression at the hands of their enemies were however not God’s plan because He made this agreement with their patriarch Abraham in Genesis 17:7: "I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee." While God kept His side of the pact, Israel did not. Rather than destroy the inhabitants and idols of Canaan whom they met there, they retained them. These became a snare unto them, leading them to disobey God, their Redeemer. The Lord commanded Israel to teach her children and future generations which would occupy Canaan all His statutes. But they did not comply and the consequence was clear: "And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the LORD, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel" (Judges 2:10). A generation guided by the laws of God ought not to depart without passing His word to the next generation. Christian families must not leave the duty of imparting biblical values in the hands of the society or schools. It is the primary responsibility of believing parents to relentlessly teach their children the ways of God. The home should be their first Church where they learn about the love of God and how to reverence Him. When they see their Christian parents, they will see the love of God radiating in them and be convinced to emulate them.
Thought for the day: Parents are the representatives of God in the family. Bible Reading in one Year: PROVERBS 15-17 (Daily manna 26/12/2017)
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-JEREMIAH 28:1-9 KEY VERSE: "The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him" (Jeremiah 28:9).
... The emergence of two prophets claiming to be of God but issuing contradictory messages was an embarrassing spectacle in the Bible which the Lord never failed to resolve decisively to teach us not to play pranks with His name. In this case, we have the false prophet Hananiah challenging Jeremiah, the true prophet and servant of God. Hananiah, claiming to report what God had told him, said the king of Babylon who had invaded Judah and exiled the children of Israel while desecrating the temple with the seizure of the holy vessels, would return all these in two years. Now, this contradicted an earlier prophecy of God in Jeremiah 25:11,12 and later in Jeremiah 29:10 that the captivity would last 70 years. But strangely, Hananiah in announcing his own prophecy said: "Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel." What an audacity! The difference emanated from the fact that Hananiah sought to please the people and the king with his popular but untrue declaration while Jeremiah’s sole objective was to deliver the Lord’s message even if it was bitter and unpopular. The true messenger of God would cease to be representing the Owner of the message the moment he submits to the whims and caprices of his audience and forges lies. As it was at that time, so it is today. Many false prophets are out there deceiving and being deceived. They lure unsuspecting people, including believers, away from the truth. Many of them are motivated by what to eat and allure of earthly riches. But they will never escape the judgment of God. Even so, these so-called prophets are sustained by the gullible with itching ears who prefer error to sound doctrine. If there arises a people whose devotion to the true word of God is sacrosanct and treat those who peddle falsehood with disdain, surely, the ranks of false prophets will dwindle.
Thought for the day: It’s foolhardy to walk and work against God. Bible Reading in one Year: PROVERBS 12-14 (Daily manna 25/12/2017)
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Powerful church.


Place of love, care and holiness.


Living church where the Word of God is being preached with heavenly vision.


I believe God is doing great things


God bless His Church and keep her unspoted from this world


Five Star Church

More about Deeper Life Bible Church, Milton Keynes

Deeper Life Bible Church, Milton Keynes is located at Monkston Community Centre, St Bartholomews, Blanchland Circle, Monkston, MK10 9FJ Milton Keynes
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 19:00 - 21:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: 09:00 - 14:00