Documentary Filmmaking School - Ywam Harpenden

About Documentary Filmmaking School - Ywam Harpenden

The DFS is a three-month course for people with basic skills in film-making, who are passionate about real-life storytelling through visual media. Visit us at www. /dfs /

Documentary Filmmaking School - Ywam Harpenden Description

The DFS is a three-month course for people with basic skills in film-making, who are passionate about real-life storytelling through visual media. The lectures and practical assignments will give you an in depth overview of documentary film and video production. You will write, shoot and edit projects using professional equipment. Individual and group projects will be screened and critiqued throughout. Industry professionals will teach and supervise in hands-on exercises. The school will emphasise excellence, relevance and effective communication. By the end of the three-month, you will have researched, written and learned the technical skills to produce and market a story.



The Invisible Heroes Project are 9 videos of 3 minutes that seek to promote the work that is being done by volunteers among the refugees in Lesvos. Our hope is to give people around the world just a taste of what it is like to give of yourself, of helping someone in need, and to spark the desire to make a difference in someones life near or far. Adel was a translator for the american forces in Iraq, his homeland. He had to flee his country to survive. Now he is a translator a...gain for the many organisations that work with the refugees, and is one of the people running the camp in the north of the island.
#projectinvisibleheroes #ywam #refugees #storytelling #hope #compassion
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In a traditional christian missions context, the term "mission field" has been defined as a physical place where a missionary works, sharing the gospel and serving the people there. But what about in business? What does it look like for you, to serve in your mission field? How can you share your faith, and also encourage people to become "comfortable in their own skin"?
This video series titled "Business and The Kingdom", was produced in partnership with YWAM Harpenden.
Inter...viewee: Alistair Bullen Produced by Michael L. Green Directed and Edited by Mikayla Shattuck Camera Operator: Paulo Carvalho Interviewer: Julian Campbell
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Having been a part of the DFS since the very beginning, this staff member is extremely passionate about seeing people develop the skills to tell stories through media. I give you, Noel Munyurangabo!
"My name is Noel Munyurangabo; I love food, I love music, I love people and parties sometimes. I am from Rwanda, and I did my discipleship training school in Rwanda in 2003. After that, I did the School of Video Production! I have a strong passion for story telling through and music. In 2010, I joined YWAM Harpenden to help pioneer the DFS. I am still here almost 7 years later!"
As a staff team, we are so excited to see this school launched again after almost 3 years! Come join us, and explore the world of documentary filmmaking! We are also offering a 6 week documentary filmmaking seminar. To find out more, please visit…/documentar y-filmmaking-seminar/.
#dfs #ywamharpenden #visualstorytelling #threemoreweeks
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Traveling all the way from Brazil to join the staff team for this year's Documentary Filmmaking School and Seminar, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Jonathan de Jong!
"My name is Jonathan de Jong, I am a media missionary living in Brazil serving at YWAM Vila. I love technology and I love working with people. I love to see other people get passionate about telling visual stories through visual communication. It’s a great privilege to be back at the DFS, being able to do... exactly what I am passionate about. I am dreaming of seeing the DFS be part of the UofN training in South America. I have great expectations looking at this new generation of storytellers we have at the DFS. I believe they will be the ones who inspire others with amazing stories. Stories that will connect, inspire, impact the nations."
Less than one month until this year's Documentary Filmmaking School and Seminar begin! If you are interested in either in the school or the seminar, but haven't contacted our YWAM Harpenden registrar, now is the time!
Email us at
#documentaryfilmmakingschool #ywamharpenden #dfs #visualstorytelling
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Continuing with our staff introductions, I present to you this year's Documentary Filmmaking School & Seminar leader, Paulo Carvalho! He's a hilarious ideas guy, who will champion you as a filmmaker and an individual.
"I define myself as someone who has good sense of humour and also a networker. I love to be with my family and eat popcorn."
We are all super excited for the start of the Documentary Filmmaking School and Seminar this September. 34 days and counting!!
... With questions and inquiries about the school and seminar, please visit
#ywamharpenden #documentaryfilmmaking #visualstorytelling #dfs
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DFS Alumni JD O'Brien shares how his experience during DFS impacted him and helped launch him into filmmaking. Check it out! #dfs #documentaryfilmmakingschool #ywamharpenden #visualstorytelling


Introducing one of our staff members for this year's Documentary Filmmaking School and Seminar! The brilliant and beautiful, Julian Campbell.
"I did my undergraduate studies in Mass Media Communication. I had the opportunity to work in different media outlets: print, radio, television and film. Based on the versatility of my personality, film is my first love and passion. I enjoy the company of diverse people group, hosting people and making all sorts of smoothies. But I... can be very introverted at times. I've been obsessed with the arts since childhood, but never have taken the leap to expand or grow in any. I enjoy being a part of effective team work. Two of my favourite quotes are: "Quality team work really makes the dream work.", and “Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success.”.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, where you go. (Ecc. 9:10)
#dfs #dfsstaff #ywamharpenden #documentaryfilmschool #visualstorytelling
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Are you interested in documentary filmmaking, but haven't done a discipleship training school with YWAM? Or maybe you are involved with YWAM, but don't have 12 weeks to dedicate to taking a full 12-week school. Starting the 13th of September, we will be running a Documentary Filmmaking Seminar here at YWAM Harpenden, alongside the Documentary Filmmaking School. With flexible options, you can get further equipped in one area of filmmaking through a one week seminar, or come for the full 6-weeks of the seminar. Share this opportunity with your friends, or come join us yourself! Accommodation on the Oval is available for those coming for one week, or all six! There are no prerequisites required to take this seminar. Send us a message!


#visualstorytelling #ywam #documentaryfilmschool #dfs #ywamharpenden

More about Documentary Filmmaking School - Ywam Harpenden

Documentary Filmmaking School - Ywam Harpenden is located at 6 Highfield Oval, AL5 4BX Harpenden