Drayton United Church

About Drayton United Church

Drayton United Church is a joint Methodist and United Reformed Church serving the local community. Whilst our building is shut please know we are still open as a church. Message us if you would like to receive worship ideas and church notices by email.

Drayton United Church Description

We have two services each Sunday, at 10. 00am and 6. 30pm.

There is an additional communion service on the first Sunday of each month at 9. 00am.

A Sunday Club, ‘Reboot’, for young people aged from three years to teenagers meets in the halls on Sunday mornings from 9. 45am. The club provides free-play activities, time to relax and age appropriate Christian teaching through games, activity and discussion.

After the morning service, adults and young people meet for coffee.

During the week, a number of groups meet. These include house groups, bible study groups in the church, led by the minister and pastoral worker, Women’s Fellowship and ‘Open Door’ groups, a Friendship Group and an active choir.

The church sponsors a range of Uniformed Organisations for all ages who meet throughout the week and a Playgroup that meets daily.

A variety of groups from the community also meet regularly on the premises.

The church entrance and foyer has recently been developed to include a welcoming coffee area, which is open to the community on Friday mornings.



The Message for Today
Whenever we think of Nike, we also think of their slogan, "Just Do It!" What does that mean? Well, since Nike is in the business of making sports equipment, it means that when it comes to sports, don't talk about it -- just do it! Don't just talk about running, go out and run. Don't just talk about football, go out and play the match. Don't just talk about...well, you get the idea.
One day Jesus was with his disciples and they asked him to teach them how... to pray. Jesus didn't say, "Well, first you get down on your knees, like this; then you fold your hands like this; then you close your eyes; and then you start to pray. After giving them an sample prayer, he said to them, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." In other words, Jesus told his disciples that the most important rule of prayer is -- "Just Do It!“
When we come to church, we talk a lot about prayer, don't we? When someone is sick, we say, "We need to pray for the sick." When someone is having financial problems, we say, "We need to pray for the poor." When there is war in the world, we say, "We need to pray for peace." We talk a lot about prayer, but what we really need is to "Just Do It!" In fact, I think we should stop talking about it right now -- and "Just Do It!“
Dear Father, we ask you to heal those who are sick, we ask you to provide food for those who are hungry, we ask you to bring peace where there is war. We ask these things because you are the one who gives us every good gift, and you have told us that everyone who asks receives. Amen.
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The Message for Today
The world today has many women and men like Martha. They volunteer at schools and hospitals and are active in community organisations. They work hard at their jobs, and do so because they want to make a difference. Much of what happens on earth that's really meaningful, that touches lives, happens because there’s a ‘Martha’ that gets in there and does it.
Yet today's Gospel does not show Martha in the best possible light. She is "distracted by her many t...asks", while her sister is just sat entertaining Jesus, and Martha loses her composure. "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself?"
It's the easiest thing in the world for the Marthas of today to become distracted by their many tasks. They are stressed out by the 101 things they need to get done. They may engage in outbursts like Martha, or try in other ways to throw their weight around. They may seem tired and frustrated that they never get any offers of help.
When Martha-type people are worried by many things and experience no calm in the midst of their busy existences, then other people can pay the price.
But we must have patience with these people just as Jesus had patience with Martha. He speaks gently to her. He tells Martha there's only one thing important. Rather than be at the mercy of her distractions, she must recognise her centre.
Instead of nervous energy, she can receive new strength; in place of weariness, a sense of wonder; rather than self-pity, humour about herself; instead of a deadening sense of duty, a lively, light-hearted joy. Martha, the unselfish hostess, must leave behind her distractions and welcome her own centre, the Christ who lives within her.
Jesus points to an example right at hand: Martha's younger sister Mary. Mary is dreamy, immature and a bit irresponsible. But she does have one thing right: she's in touch with her centre. She may be a bit absent-minded at times, but she's not distracted. Because she has welcomed her centre, whatever needs to follow in her life will follow.
It's not that Martha must imitate her sister in every respect. Something precious would be lost if she were no longer the hard-working person of strong character. Martha doesn’t need to set aside her work, only her distractions. She must find her centre, and let all that she does reflect that discovery.
In each of us there is that busy, competent Martha, all too often overburdened and distracted. The role she plays in the world is essential, but she stands in need of joy. Within each of us there is also Mary, a little dreamy perhaps, but in touch with that joy. The story of these two sisters is a story of one person who “sees and does” and another person who “listens and hears.” There should be this balance of both within our own lives. Each should coexist in peace, so that may Jesus bless our lives with his abiding presence…
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Mmmm. Lovely picnic!


Getting ready for our picnic after church today. Ploughman’s lunch provided... bring and share if you wish. Can you remember how to do French skipping?


Have a blessed weekend 😊 #weekendblessings #itsfriday #haveagreatweekend #behappy #blessings @draytonunitedchurch


The Message for Today
Jesus gives us a simple and yet powerful message, that is as relevant today as it was in his time.
There are so many divisions in today´s world that sometimes we can forget who our neighbor really is.
... Your neighbour is not just someone emotionally or geographically close to you. Your neighbor isn´t even someone of the same race or religion as you. If you want to know who your neighbour is, think about Jesus´s parable of the Good Samaritan…
Think about how you would like to be treated and treat others in that way. Being a good neighbour means showing respect, helping, and caring about others––working together to make this a better world.
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It would seem that the photos from Sunday's All Aboard didn't upload on the previous post...so here they are.


Here is a video of us all making a joyful noise at All Aboard last Sunday 🥁🎼


At All Aboard last Sunday we had a great time making a joyful noise. We had some musical items from the choir and musicians, everyone joined in with some improvised drumming, we played 'name that hymn in...,' and held our very own Drayton's Got Talent.
All Aboard is our monthly all age service in cafe style, with breakfast served from 9.30am. Hope to see you at our next one on the 4th August.


The Message For Today
National pride can be a popular and much celebrated thing. For some, patriotic enthusiasm can reach near-religious levels, in fact. Being a citizen has special privileges associated with it, and it’s fine to have pride in our country. Being a citizen is both a privilege and a responsibility. Sometimes people become citizens by where they are born, and other times they take special tests and classes to become citizens. Either way, being a citizen means th...at we have rights and can live and work in this country. It is a wonderful thing.
Did you know that we have another kind of citizenship, too? The Bible talks about being citizens of Heaven. That means that our lives on this Earth are only a temporary home. We belong to God’s family and have a home ready in His country someday. We should remember that important truth and have a delight in sharing it with others.
God has given us a special job to tell other people about that Heavenly home. We get excited about national pride, but we should get even more excited about Heaven. We should be so excited we want to tell our friends and people around us about it! In the Gospel, Jesus sent out disciples to share the news of the Kingdom with others. He warned them that some people might not receive them well or be as eager over the message, but that He tasked them with spreading the good news to everyone.
That is still our job today. If we are thankful for our Heavenly citizenship, we should demonstrate that by sharing our joy and Gospel knowledge with other people. We can do this through showing them love, and through telling them explicitly about Jesus and His work for us. We want to invite others to join the Heavenly citizenship, and the great news is we don’t have to do any tests or paperwork for it! We just need to trust God and the good news of His son. What a wonderful message to spread!
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All Aboard this Sunday will take a more musical theme as we think about the reason we sing. Join us for cafe style worship, with breakfast served from 9.30am.


Sounds yum! 😋


This week Jesus has a BIG ask of us...


Happy Sunday and whatever you’re doing, make it a good one 😊 #sunday #enjoy #weekendblessings #friendsandfamily #amen @draytonunitedchurch


Thanks for all the crisp packets you’ve brought to church so far. Please keep on munching and leaving your empty packets in the box in the photocopier room.

More about Drayton United Church

Drayton United Church is located at 282 Havant Road, Drayton, PO6 1PA Portsmouth