
About Dyslexia&I

Creative learning methods based educational consultancy that replaces confusion with certainty. Based in Kent, but willing to travel.



Tomorrow is the big day! Come along to our talk on our relationship with learning at Apotheca, Faversham! Cannot wait to see everyone 🤗


Incredible student, Anya explains what a difference the Focus Tool has made for her ability to read and write!
Tiny changes to our relationship with learning, giant leaps to our skills, ability and confidence.
Go Anya!


A happy Monday to everyone! Please see our next event:
A talk on how we can change our relationship with learning in order to find the joy that we so desperately crave!
Imagine going to school with excitement! Imagine being able to read for hours and hours being thrilled by every moment! Or watching your children immersed in homework because they are so intrigued by what they are learning. Imagine being an adult who could organise themselves with ease, or manage their accoun...ts with confidence!
Come along to Apotheca, Faversham on Wednesday 12th June at 7pm! Free admission
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What a fantastic turn out at Apotheca Open Day yesterday! Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed the healing practices!What a fantastic turn out at Apotheca Open Day yesterday! Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed the healing practices!


Don't forget to come along this Sunday for our wonderful Open Day and discuss any questions or thoughts you might have on learning, creativity, tutoring and specific learning needs such as dyslexia!
Apotheca Open day will also be a chance to come and have a taste of the wonderful healing practices offered to everyone!
Open Day| Sunday 12th May | 10am - 5pm.... For bookings call the shop on 01795 227 423
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Child genius Nishi, who has an IQ higher than the famous Albert Einstein, discusses her TOP TIPS for doing well in exams.
"Don't compare yourself to others! Everyone learns differently. Find your strength and use it to your advantage"
Couldn't have said it better myself, Nishi!
... There are no short cuts for exam revision, and everyone who wants to do well must work hard. But there are differences in styles and methods for revision that could make all the difference in the world.
Push yourself using your strengths and preferred learning style, feel the enjoyment in the process of revision mastery and make success a habit!
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Exam Anxiety is on the rise, and young people today are more vulnerable to it than ever before in history.
What can be done about it? Plenty.
Internal healing and management tools can relieve the pressure within. Guided visualisations can support development of resilience as well as direct expectations. Focusing mind tools can support hard work without mental strain or pain.
... Imagine what you could achieve if you weren't constantly crippled by fear and stress.
Come find us at Apotheca, Faversham! Open Day 12th May - 10am - 5pm.
For Apotheca bookings call: 01795 227423
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Greta Thunberg gives us an insight into the power and potential of Autism and Neurodiversity! Go, Greta! Shinning example of what is possible through resilience and persistence. #autism #globalwarming #makingusproud


Please come along to the Apotheca, Faversham Open Day event! An amazing experience in such a wonderful space of natural healing and well being.
For those interested in creative learning approaches, Dyslexia&i will also be available at the Open Day for brief consultations or just a friendly chat about what we offer and how our programmes or tuition could help support your relationship with learning!
Apotheca, Faversham Open Day Sunday 12th May! Come along and find your healing!


Dyslexia&i offering comprehensive specialist programmes for dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, ADD, ADHD and other processing or memory related learning needs. Children and adults are very welcome!
Or do you simply want to find out if you or your child have a learning difference? We offer diagnostic assessments for full knowledge.
Also available is tutoring using innovative and cutting edge methods to support enjoyment in learning and an increase in skill, confidence and mast...ery!
Available at Apotheca Faversham! Please contact dyslexiaandi@gmail.com Or call 01795 227423 for a friendly chat.
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Self care is such a necessity for living a life full of peace, love, gratitude and service.
This message is a beautiful insight into how to engage in self care!


A huge thank you to everyone who came to the New School, Canterbury today, for our talk on Optimum Learning!
It was fantastic seeing so many enthusiastic parents and it was especially wonderful hearing so many of your stories at the end!
Please visit www.dyslexiaandi.co.uk to find out more about our learning programmes and to get in touch! I look forward to hearing from you! 😊


Need I say anymore about the power and courage of our children? They see the truth, they speak the truth and they act on they act on the truth. What an inspirational young lady! And a true hero #notallheroswearcapes #childrenarethefuture


So excited to invite you all to this event!
Join us at Canterbury New School for an afternoon of exploring the creative mind and its abundant ability to learn and grow.


Wonderful clip of Jamie Oliver discussing being dyslexic at school.
It is important to have mastery in at least one skill to support your confidence, whether you are dyslexic or not. You can deal with everything else if you have just one area of excellence earned through effort and diligence.
What is your talent? What makes you happy and feels effortless?


Great News at Dyslexia&i!!
Dyslexia&i is so proud to say that you can now find us at Apotheca, Faversham! (Find link at 'Checked into')
Yes, all our sessions and work can be found at http://www.apothecaclinic.co.uk/therapies , under "Creative Learning Tuition."
... Apotheca is a wonderful, healing space, full of positive energy and natural therapists who offer powerful treatments to empower adults and children in all areas.
Please do browse the page and check out our website for more details!: www.dyslexiaandi.co.uk
Email: dyslexiaandi@gmail.com
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More about Dyslexia&I

Dyslexia&I is located at Kent, Kent, United Kingdom