Elizabeth Rabone Holistic Therapy

About Elizabeth Rabone Holistic Therapy

See this page for details of reflexology treatments, massage, Indian head massage and aromatherapy.



One major stressor, in any field of life, is the feeling that you have no control over what is happening. This link gives some ideas of things you can do to help Britain through the pandemic crisis. https://www.theguardian.com/…/coronavir us-and-volunteering-…


I'd like to post some news about what I've been doing, but I suspect it's not that different from what you've all been doing! So far we are symptom-free in this household, which is good. Does anybody have any good tips on how to stay sane during lockdown which they'd like to share?


Some research into the effectiveness of teatree oil against airborne flu viruses. I have been inhaling teatree oil (or other anti-viral essential oils) in steam nearly every day since the pandemic started to become so critical. https://www.tandfonline.com/…/…/10.10 80/02786826.2012.708948


With all the fake news and uncertainty circulating about Covid-19, I thought I'd share this article to inform you better: https://www.theguardian.com/…/can-a-fac e-mask-protect-me-fr…


How are you all coping with life under lock down? One thing I decided to do was to phone someone each day, so this afternoon I phoned a friend I used to work with. She was thrilled to get the call and the conversation was so good. Any more simple things we can do to make the restrictions seem more tolerable?


Exercise is an important part of staying well and we are, currently, allowed to leave the house once a day to walk / jog / cycle etc. Yoga is another good, gentle way to exercise and the stretches in the movement can help ease muscular aches and pains while you're unable to have a massage. This link shows Sun Salutation, a straightforward sequence of movements that will loosen up the whole body. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMV4Nq6jp u0


Because of the Government's guidelines on social distancing, I am not doing any treatments until further notice. I am extremely sorry but it's more important to stay safe from the coronavirus.


This morning, at breakfast, we played a CD instead of watching the news. It seemed a much better start to the day! Any other tips to help beat the strain of living in the time of Covid-19?


Are any of you worrying in case you have come into contact with someone with the coronavirus? I found this site which tells you about the incubation period, i.e. how long it will be before you start getting symptoms if you have come into contact with it. https://www.healthline.com/he…/coronavi rus-incubation-period


I'm sure you're all sick and tired of hearing the C-word by now (don't we normally say that in November about Christmas??), but I thought I'd share this link with a description of coronavirus symptoms. As well as making it easy to tell if you've got the virus, it will also help you tell if you've got a cold or other infection which is also nasty but less deadly. https://www.theguardian.com/…/coronavir us-symptoms-should-i…


If you are looking for Mothers Day gifts, I have a range of vouchers for treatment for sale. They can be used for reflexology, Thai foot massage, massage back, neck and shoulders; full body massage; Indian head massage) or aromatherapy. Please message me for more details.


For those of you who are worried about the coronavirus (and other ailments) or are in one of the high risk groups for it, here is an article describing ways to boost your immune system. https://www.theguardian.com/…/how-to-bo ost-your-immune-syst…


My space last night at the Pizza, prosecco and pamper evening in Deanshanger. I was busy all evening doing taster sessions of hand reflexology and Indian head massage.


Are you stuck for an idea for a Mothers Day gift? I have vouchers for sale - please message me for details.


I have compiled a short survey about people's experiences of stress. Please could you spare a few minutes to complete it? https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LSXKB2D< br>


A couple of people this week have expressed worries about the coronavirus to me, so I thought I'd share this link from the NHS about how to keep yourself as safe as you can from it. I wash my hands before each treatment as well as after, and if requested I can add a drop or two of an anti-viral essential oil (tea tree, for example) to the massage or reflexology medium. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus -covid-19/


A reminder about my International Womens Day special offer, any woman who makes a booking on 8 March (tomorrow) gets her treatment half price.


This afternoon I did two Indian head massages and a reflexology treatment at Carers MK. Three carers left smiling and happy. Do you know of anyone providing unpaid care to someone who couldn't manage without them? If so, they could be eligible for support from Carers MK. https://carersmiltonkeynes.org/

More about Elizabeth Rabone Holistic Therapy

Elizabeth Rabone Holistic Therapy is located at Western Road, MK12 5BB Wolverton, Milton Keynes
(01908) 579285