Eva Bay - Sacred Birth Doula

About Eva Bay - Sacred Birth Doula

Hello, my name is Eva, I am a birth and postnatal doula covering Sussex. I offer holistic support through pregnancy, birth and early days.

Eva Bay - Sacred Birth Doula Description

A little about me, I am 37, a mum of four.

I am passionate about positive birthing, and creating a positive supportive fourth trimester, ever since i had my first i knew i wanted to help mums have the best birth they can. I knew i definitely wanted to be a Doula after attending my sisters home birth, It was the most amazing experience to be a part of, and it helped when as i was leaving with the midwife suggested I become a Doula without knowing my thoughts on walking the Doula path. I have often felt I wanted to be a midwife but obstacles often get in the way. By being a Doula I can provide continuoity throughout pregnancy, birth and in the early days. .

I have undergone Breastfeeding / Feeding volunteer Peer Support Training now volunteer on the postnatal ward. I have also breast fed all my babies long term so understand fully the stresses, strains and loveliness breast feeding brings.

I am patient and naturally caring and empathetic, I have worked in a caring supportive role for 13 years in the community, within palliative care and with people living with HIV. I feel my experiences will all benefit my role as Doula as I have gained vital skills through care and supporting patients that help me understand people and their own stories.

I also have interests in herbal medicine, being in the countryside, spending time with my family, spirituality, i am also a book worm when i can be.

My philosophy I would say in brief is that I feel empowering women to completely trust their bodies is key to birthing positively as well as creating an environment both parents are comfortable in.

As your Doula I will support you in doing what is right for you, I can help you in research, creating a Birth Plan, I can support you, your partner, and midwives during labour to help enable you a positive birth experience, I will also provide important post natal nurture and support. It will all depend on what you want and need. I do have a passion in using meditation in pregnancy and labour as I found it helped me in my third and forth births, and also my sister in her third. I find it helps you to let go and be in the zone allowing your body to do its job creating a more empowering experience. I also feel meditation in pregnancy helps you connect with your changing body and the new life growing within you, which I feel has a possible effect on trusting your body and baby when it comes to birth as well as being able to be in ‘the zone’ naturally to birth instinctively.

Being a Doula is an absolute honour. If you are interested in meeting up or have any qustions ill look forward to meeting you.




A few exciting books for my doula lending library (after I've read them of course ;-) ) #doulawork #doula #doulaservices #birthdoula #informedbirth


I'll be hopefully doing a stall here again in March...I may even have my Pregnancy by the Moon booklets ready for this too!


I have seen this a few times now and did it with my own babies, it's amazing. But as joy says it does require the right atmosphere and ideally no medication within labour so mum and baby can really be intuitive and instinctual.


Manta/ rebozo washed and smudged for a our first full 'hipping' healing treatment since my training weekend last with Dr Rocio Alcaron PHD, indigenous healer and midwife from Ecuador.
Hipping was Rocios translation from Ecuadorian word for this treatment (of which I can never remember), also known as Closing The Bones in western culture. I hope I can honour it well.
... #closingthebones #postpartumhealing #shamanichealing #doula #hipping #rocioalarcon #ecuadorianhealing #ancestorknowledge #spirithealing #healingmotherwounds
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I often get asked where my bead birth line is from that I use in antenatal birth preparation sessions. It's made by Katherine Woodbury you can find them on her page and order via here. They are such a great tool in explaining the stages, hormones and feelings of labour.


Honouring Your Inner Mother retreat.
A day of ceremony, journeying, deep grandmother wisdom, sister connection, earth wisdom, goddess work.
Spring equinox 2019. In a beautiful Sussex location.
... Event details will be sent out soon.
#shamanicdoula #sacreddrumpractitioners #shamanicdimensions #honouringmotherearth #honouringtheancestors #honouringmother #sacredspace
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Writing up two ceremonies tonight for 2018. One of the mother stage, the creatrix and gatekeeper of life. One of the maga, the enchantress, spiritual wise woman. Marking women's rites of passage within our Maiden, Mother, Maga, Crone journey through life. #feelinghonoured... #feelingblessed #ceremony #maidenmothermagacrone #ritesofpassage #womenscircles #honouringwomen #fourdirections #celebrantforwomen #holdingspace #honouringlistwisdom #regainingwomenspower #reclaimingwomensrites #grandmotherwisdom
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https://uk.nyrorganic.com/shop/evagreensl ade


Lovely Positive Birth meet up today focusing around Oxytocin. The hormone of love. #positivebirthmovement #positivebirthmovementbrighton #oxytocin #homebirth #birth #positivevibes #kickihansardspathtobirth #thehormoneoflove


Today 11 till 12 30 at Waterstones Brighton


World Aids Day 1st December. Learn about it, beat the stigma. Our body's are incredible!


#worldaidsday #hivpositive #sussexbeacon


I have included this tab in the 'shop section' of my page to try to raise awareness of the Doula UK access fund in terms of both supporting it and accessing it. The access fund enables families on low income to afford to hire a doula and pays the doula's expenses. Please consider donating if you can.


Sweet and gentle lady. First drum session was an absolute pleasure..so so kind and am really looking forward to our second! Eva is very mindful of every little aspect of the work thats shes doing and left me feeling very nurtured... thank you 💜


Myself and my partner choose Eva to be our doula for our first baby because she had such great energy. She was compassionate, sensitive and empathic whilst having a reassuring self-confidence. We had planned a home birth but ended up in hospital as I needed to be induced. Eva came as soon as we asked and stayed till we were confident to be 'parents' on our own (6am...). Our birth was challenging- as I guess all are, and Eva's calm, positive and knowledgeable presence made all the difference to how we managed our emotions during the more difficult moments. She also advocated for me, believing I was ready to push when the hospital staff were unconvinced (turned out I was 10 cm dilated). It really helped myself and my partner to know we had Eva in our corner. After the birth, I had to be on a drip as I was losing too much blood- Eva stayed with me, talking to me till the morning, helping me breastfeed, getting me drinks and alerting the hospital staff if necessary whilst my husband caught a much needed hour of sleep.

In the lead up to the birth, Eva was an amazing emotional and educational support, she lent us books and equipment, researched into any topic I asked about and used tools to help prepare us for the birth. She even set up a backup doula in case there was a problem on the day.

After the birth, she has also been such an integral support, always on the end of the phone or an email and has visited us weekly- allying our new parent concerns and advising on breatfeeding, sleep and all things baby. Eva was such a vital part of our childs birth, we paid homage to her in the naming of her child. If we have any more children- i definitely want Eva to doula for us if she can.


Lovely, gentle lady, with a calm aura..


Having had 2 hospital births for my third birth I wanted to be at home for this baby. After much discussion Luke (my partner) & I decided that our birth partner would be my sister, Eva. Eva wasn't a doula at this point but due to her positive experiences of having 3 babies at home and her passion surrounding mothers & babies we thought she would be the best person to be with us through our babies final journey in to the world. Also with my past support of breastfeeding & knowledge Eva has given me with my other babies I knew she would be the best candidate.

Eva was a positive and calm person to have around me during the whole labour. She sat quietly through most of the duration, allowing me to be in my own space, I remember hearing her speak loudly to me whilst I was in the third stage of labour and becoming tired... Calling positive encouragement which really benefited me and sparked my partner to follow.

After babies delivery Eva ran me a bath and helped me to wash and go to the toilet. She also made me tea, toast & fetched biscuits whilst I lay in bed admiring my baby & resting which was 1.30am by this point.

There came a time after delivery where I was nearly sent to hospital due to BP, which Eva insisted that I didn't have too go & she supported me in not wanting to go. We felt it wasn't necessary, Eva suggested the midwives leave me for 20 mins and retake my BP, which went down after this time and I remained home- thankfully!

I couldn't have asked for a better way for our daughter to arrive into the world. It was Perfect. It was So much more than I imagined it could ever be.

Eva has a passion for babies, birthing, breastfeeding, and with her own experience of birthing at home I felt comfortable with Eva being a part of our special time.

She was so calm, encouraging and helped at the end when we needed her too. Also with her spiritual beliefs Eva has so much to offer expectant mothers.

Eva will make a fantastic Doula, she's def hired for our next birth in October!

I know Eva is my sister but putting that aside I felt 100% comfortable, at ease & SAFE in her presence. She helped me to go with it during that last stage when it became challenging. Sharing this intimate and natural process with Eva was magical. And now she is sharing her magic with others ❤️⭐️☀️

In the lead up to babies arrival Eva spoke to me greatly about visualisation, meditation, hypnobirthing& imagining our birth how we wanted to be.

We were both grateful and honoured that Eva took the time and energy to be there for us during such a special and intimate time of our lives and we look forward to our next birth in October with having her presence xxx


Eva was born to do this work. She is calm, kind and very experienced.


Eva is a phenomenal woman whose love and knowledge filter through to her work as a doula. Eva was there whenever we needed her in the later stages of my pregnancy and was continually checking in with us to make sure we were doing well and to see if we needed her in any way. She was loving and caring and this only increased in maginitude and intensity during our labour.

We were in labour on and off over 6 days and nights, mostly at night time into the early hours, and Eva was there through all of it. It was an emotionally difficult time for me, as I had never contemplated that my labour might stop for hours and then start up again, then stop for a couple of days and start again at another point; I had always thought that once labour came that would be it and I'd have my baby imminently. The suspense of not knowing how long it would be until labour started again, and if this would be the final time it stopped and started was incredibly depressing, let alone exhausting - but emotionally she held my hand through it. She also brought beautiful teas that she made and snacks for us in labour, which made such a difference. She must have been exhausted with little sleep and through helping us, but every time labour started up again she would arrive and weave her magic and intuitive support.

Eva was everything I needed her to be at every point I needed her, without me needing to ask for it. In fact, in the end I would have preferred if it had just been me, Eva and my partner at the birth - no midwife! That's how much I trusted Eva with the process of labour and birth. She was a strong force for us to rely on too when it came to working with the midwives who didn't always have the same views as us in terms of what to do next and how to do it.

She made me feel special and powerful during labour through her affirmations and real talk. I literally and emotionally lent on her during my birth, and my birth process was moulded into what it was as a result of her presence.

I will always remember how much love I felt when the midwife examined me the final time I went into labour and told us I was 7/8cm dilated(after being at 4cm the rest of the labour); I don't remember exactly what she said but Eva(who was already holding my hand as I lent over the sofa working through the surges) exclaimed "well done!" or something similar and kissed me on the forehead. It made me feel so capable!

Thank you Eva! You blessed us and Björn with your presence, and I'm so happy he got to come into the world with you there. Love always, Tula, Zak and Björn.


Sweet and gentle lady. First drum session was an absolute pleasure..so so kind and am really looking forward to our second! Eva is very mindful of every little aspect of the work thats shes doing and left me feeling very nurtured... thank you 💜


Myself and my partner choose Eva to be our doula for our first baby because she had such great energy. She was compassionate, sensitive and empathic whilst having a reassuring self-confidence. We had planned a home birth but ended up in hospital as I needed to be induced. Eva came as soon as we asked and stayed till we were confident to be 'parents' on our own (6am...). Our birth was challenging- as I guess all are, and Eva's calm, positive and knowledgeable presence made all the difference to how we managed our emotions during the more difficult moments. She also advocated for me, believing I was ready to push when the hospital staff were unconvinced (turned out I was 10 cm dilated). It really helped myself and my partner to know we had Eva in our corner. After the birth, I had to be on a drip as I was losing too much blood- Eva stayed with me, talking to me till the morning, helping me breastfeed, getting me drinks and alerting the hospital staff if necessary whilst my husband caught a much needed hour of sleep.

In the lead up to the birth, Eva was an amazing emotional and educational support, she lent us books and equipment, researched into any topic I asked about and used tools to help prepare us for the birth. She even set up a backup doula in case there was a problem on the day.

After the birth, she has also been such an integral support, always on the end of the phone or an email and has visited us weekly- allying our new parent concerns and advising on breatfeeding, sleep and all things baby. Eva was such a vital part of our childs birth, we paid homage to her in the naming of her child. If we have any more children- i definitely want Eva to doula for us if she can.


Lovely, gentle lady, with a calm aura..


Having had 2 hospital births for my third birth I wanted to be at home for this baby. After much discussion Luke (my partner) & I decided that our birth partner would be my sister, Eva. Eva wasn't a doula at this point but due to her positive experiences of having 3 babies at home and her passion surrounding mothers & babies we thought she would be the best person to be with us through our babies final journey in to the world. Also with my past support of breastfeeding & knowledge Eva has given me with my other babies I knew she would be the best candidate.

Eva was a positive and calm person to have around me during the whole labour. She sat quietly through most of the duration, allowing me to be in my own space, I remember hearing her speak loudly to me whilst I was in the third stage of labour and becoming tired... Calling positive encouragement which really benefited me and sparked my partner to follow.

After babies delivery Eva ran me a bath and helped me to wash and go to the toilet. She also made me tea, toast & fetched biscuits whilst I lay in bed admiring my baby & resting which was 1.30am by this point.

There came a time after delivery where I was nearly sent to hospital due to BP, which Eva insisted that I didn't have too go & she supported me in not wanting to go. We felt it wasn't necessary, Eva suggested the midwives leave me for 20 mins and retake my BP, which went down after this time and I remained home- thankfully!

I couldn't have asked for a better way for our daughter to arrive into the world. It was Perfect. It was So much more than I imagined it could ever be.

Eva has a passion for babies, birthing, breastfeeding, and with her own experience of birthing at home I felt comfortable with Eva being a part of our special time.

She was so calm, encouraging and helped at the end when we needed her too. Also with her spiritual beliefs Eva has so much to offer expectant mothers.

Eva will make a fantastic Doula, she's def hired for our next birth in October!

I know Eva is my sister but putting that aside I felt 100% comfortable, at ease & SAFE in her presence. She helped me to go with it during that last stage when it became challenging. Sharing this intimate and natural process with Eva was magical. And now she is sharing her magic with others ❤️⭐️☀️

In the lead up to babies arrival Eva spoke to me greatly about visualisation, meditation, hypnobirthing& imagining our birth how we wanted to be.

We were both grateful and honoured that Eva took the time and energy to be there for us during such a special and intimate time of our lives and we look forward to our next birth in October with having her presence xxx


Eva was born to do this work. She is calm, kind and very experienced.


Eva is a phenomenal woman whose love and knowledge filter through to her work as a doula. Eva was there whenever we needed her in the later stages of my pregnancy and was continually checking in with us to make sure we were doing well and to see if we needed her in any way. She was loving and caring and this only increased in maginitude and intensity during our labour.

We were in labour on and off over 6 days and nights, mostly at night time into the early hours, and Eva was there through all of it. It was an emotionally difficult time for me, as I had never contemplated that my labour might stop for hours and then start up again, then stop for a couple of days and start again at another point; I had always thought that once labour came that would be it and I'd have my baby imminently. The suspense of not knowing how long it would be until labour started again, and if this would be the final time it stopped and started was incredibly depressing, let alone exhausting - but emotionally she held my hand through it. She also brought beautiful teas that she made and snacks for us in labour, which made such a difference. She must have been exhausted with little sleep and through helping us, but every time labour started up again she would arrive and weave her magic and intuitive support.

Eva was everything I needed her to be at every point I needed her, without me needing to ask for it. In fact, in the end I would have preferred if it had just been me, Eva and my partner at the birth - no midwife! That's how much I trusted Eva with the process of labour and birth. She was a strong force for us to rely on too when it came to working with the midwives who didn't always have the same views as us in terms of what to do next and how to do it.

She made me feel special and powerful during labour through her affirmations and real talk. I literally and emotionally lent on her during my birth, and my birth process was moulded into what it was as a result of her presence.

I will always remember how much love I felt when the midwife examined me the final time I went into labour and told us I was 7/8cm dilated(after being at 4cm the rest of the labour); I don't remember exactly what she said but Eva(who was already holding my hand as I lent over the sofa working through the surges) exclaimed "well done!" or something similar and kissed me on the forehead. It made me feel so capable!

Thank you Eva! You blessed us and Björn with your presence, and I'm so happy he got to come into the world with you there. Love always, Tula, Zak and Björn.

More about Eva Bay - Sacred Birth Doula
