Express Impacts

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Helping you & your brand thrive in online competitive publishing environment by creating a community of fellow passionate creators to discover each other's creativity and build a network for themselves. Discover amazing stories by fellow passionate writers like you, share your thoughts, connect with other creators who are passionate just like yourself.



It hurts me deep down, when I got to find out about this publishing company, I was building was running down the drain. I guess no one wants to see, what he/she is building decided to be destroyed, so was I. It was like a nightmare to myself, the team, our readers, subscribers and followers.
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You've made the leap, gotten your home-based business up and running, and now its smooth sailing. But don't slow down yet! Your business needs the right combination of care and discipline to grow and thrive. Here are 10 ideas to help you build a healthy home-based company.
1.Use your business plan in your daily operations.
#Boss #CEO #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #Inspiration #Money #Motivation...
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A lot of people these days claims to be good entrepreneur but yet many give up along the way. Entrepreneurship is not just a name but an adventure of daring new things without thinking like the average people in the society. It's not easy to keep to this kind of lifestyle but it's necessary to empower your vision, if you must be a good entrepreneur.
#B2B #B2C #BizTips #Business #Consumers #DIY #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurs #HowTo #Innovation #Marketing #Networking #Retail #SmallBiz #StartUps


Using SEO is one of the greatest ways to get more traffic and visitors to your site or blog. In this article, I will share some tips that will be effective to your online business and get more searches from interested customers, viewers and visitors.
1. Accurate use of SEO keywords.
#Article #Blog #Blogger #Bloggers #Blogpost #Blogspot #Greatreads #Instablogger #Promo #Promotion #Publish #Repost #Review #Wordpress #Write #Writer...
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Street fashion has developed from the grassroots, not in a style studio. Street fashion is closely linked to the youth and the way in which they decide to express themselves during a specific era. Gothic fashion is here to remain and that's a great thing! One of the absolute most popular skirt fashion is going to be the layered-ruffle skirt.
#Fashion #Fashionblog #Street


Hey, I want to quickly say this, I know you want to be an entrepreneur, that’s the heck why you here, before you begin the journey of an entrepreneurship, let’s talk on it a bit. Who are these entrepreneurs that embark on such an unending journey?
Well, entrepreneurs are a special breed, who have the vision of changing the world better than they met it.
#Boss #CEO #Entrepreneur #Inspiration...
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Are you looking for Instagram Influencers to follow for daily inspirations, motivation or quotes? Here are 10 top Instagram influencers I will recommend you to follow.
1. @millionaire_mentor
Millionaire mentor is a huge company founded by Jason Stone, that centers on hourly motivation, inspiration, lifestyles and sales.
... #Businessopportunity #CEO #Inspiration
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1. Master your thoughts and emotion.
The origin of every thing, came from the thoughts, that we allow to come into our life. To be a better entrepreneur, innovator, you must master your thought pattern. As you think, you act in that direction. Master the kind of thoughts and how you act to that emotion that arises in you.
Related: Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Life!
... 2.
#Boss #Business #Businessowner #CEO #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #Inspiration #Motivation #StartUps
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Entrepreneurship is a field of continuously using everything within your power to finding a creative solution to an existing problem(s).
Not everybody is built for such ability like that in a world like this even when all resources and knowledge, needed is easily accessible! For those, that want to change their world and give creative solutions to problems.
#Boss #CEO #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #Inspiration #Money #Motivation...
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I remember vividly, when I started this whole shit as a blogger, without knowledge in the internet world or anything like I can still fix back my mind to the moment when I say the amazing advert of WordPress quote "showcase your passion" I didn't what I was doing at first, I took a step to register a domain known as aiedas.
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The year is still fresh and full of opportunities in it. To make this 2018, the best year of your life, here are 4 quick tips that set you, in a momentum for greatness.
1. Find a force that will push you.
For the average people, the only thing that pushes them are stress, bills, broke and lust. Find a force that pushes you up, move up and stay up.
... #entrepreneaurships #SuccessfulLiving
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1. Have a keen eye for opportunities.
Successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common - they have a keen eye for opportunity. When an entrepreneur looks at the world, he sees it differently. When an entrepreneur looks at the world, he sees it differently. He sees 'business opportunities.'
Related: 4 Ways to Adopting a Millionaire’s Mind-set!
... 2.
#B2B #B2C #Boss #Business #CEO #Entrepreneur #Marketing #Shoplocal #SmallBiz #Smallbusiness #Smallbusinesssaturday #SMEs #Startup #Startuplife #Tech
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Are you facing writer's block for the next story in your blog or articles for your book? We all face such situations as writers, even the very best of us! Here are 4 quick tips to help you overcome writer's block and get that story you have waited for published. Enjoy!
1. Use brainstorming for ideas and for moving past blocks.
#Article #Blog #Blogger #Bloggers #Blogpost #Blogspot #Greatreads #Inspiration #Instablogger #Lifestyleblogger #Promo #Promotion #Publish #Repost #Rev...iew #Wordpress #Write #Writer
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Who are you wearing?
Who are you wearing” the reporters shout and everyone on the red carpet answers “Versace, Dior, Chanel, …
Only this time the reporter as shouting at congressmen going into Trumps 1st speech like a carnival barker. No Republicans got the joke. A couple of Democrats did; Al Franken among them. I knew I liked that guy too bad it didn’t work out.
... #Boss #CEO #Life #Lifequotes #Lifestyle #Lifestylebloggers #Love #Mindfulness #Selflove
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Positive affirmations are simply right decisions in which you are acknowledging to maintain the balance of your intentions. This means affirming the things you want to do in a positive way.
Affirmation is your “guide” to provide you a clearer picture with regards to what you are thinking or to what other individuals say to you.
#Boss #Entrepreneurs #Life #Lifestyle #Lifestylebloggers #Mindset #Motivation #Positivethinking #SuccessfulLiving...
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1. All in One SE Pack.
Increasing your SEO will help your site rank better in search engines and a higher ranking means your site show up in more search results, which further helps increase traffic. The easier you are to find, the more traffic will steadily continue come your way.
#Blogger #Bloggerlife #Bloggersgetsocial #Bloggingtips #BusinessBlogger #Entrepeneurs #OntheblogLifestylebloggers #Writers...
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After a long stressful day, everyone looks forward to a nice relaxing bath. Adding bath salts to your bath will help you replenish and rejuvenate your body from inside out. Bath salts are rich in minerals like sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium that heal, restore and maintain balanced body equilibrium. When these salts are combined with a gentle heat during bath, they help the body relax and recover from pains and stiffness. [ 929 more words ] -to-buy-aphrodisi…/


Millennials are one of the most talked about generations in the marketing industry, but are they really different? In 400 BC, Socrates described teens and young adults like this
They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradicts their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs...
#B2B #B2C #Blgging #Bloggersgetsocial #Brand #Branding #Business #Businessonline #EmailMarketing #LifestyleBlog #Lifestyleblogger #Lifestyleblog...gers #passion #SocialMediaMarketing
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