Georgia Personal Training

About Georgia Personal Training

Struggling to lose the extra few pounds off your waist? Are you tired of being ''good'' for a few days followed by endless binge eating?



My Monday motivation goes to Hannah Eden, motivating and inspiring so many people and always smashing her workouts 🤩💕❤💪🏼


When it comes to lower back discomfort, it's often not the lower back at all that's causing the problem. Lots of different muscle groups are connected to the lower back, and when one of those muscles is tight it can pull on the lower back and cause pain.
For example, tight hamstrings are a common cause of low back pain. Sitting all day can cause the hip flexor muscles on the front of your pelvis to become shortened, which can also lead to l...ower back pain. This is why simply doing lower back stretches, although they may provide temporary relief, isn't the best way to treat your lower back pain and tightness.
So go ahead and try stretching your hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors. Work on improving your posture, work on strengthening your core muscles and make sure your footwear is comfortable!
You deserve to live a happy, i.e. painfree life 🙂🌞
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Not everyone can afford having a massage every week, but a foam roller is an easy accessible piece of kit one can have at home. It can prevent you from injuries.
When you foam roll out the tight spots, it prevents those areas from becoming injury trigger points, as when you workout hard, your muscles end up tight and develop knots from constant stress.
... Foam rolling away the knots can help you de-stress at the end of a tough day, just like a massage would, it can increase your flexibility and reduce the soreness and tightness from your workout. Just do it at the end of the day, while waiting for the dinner to get ready or just listening to the news or your favorite TV show.
You can use it on any part of your body, just roll back and forth for 30 seconds to a minute for each muscle group. Any time you find a sore spot make sure you hold for at least 15 seconds in order for the tissue to have time to release.
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Cabbage is frequently recommended for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way since it's packed with so many beneficial vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
It is a healthy dietary option for people to eat a lot of, and it is quite filling, since it has high levels of fiber. This helps the body retain water and it maintains the bulkiness of the food as it moves through the bowels. Thus, it is a good remedy for constipation and other dig...estion-related problems. It also is extremely low in calories, only 33 calories in a cup of cooked cabbage.
Cabbage, as well as all cruciferous vegetables, are great sources of minerals, like calcium, magnesium and potassium. These three essential minerals are integral in the protection of bones from degradation and the onset of conditions like osteoporosis and general bone weakening.
It is a detoxifier too, meaning that it purifies the blood and removes toxins, free radicals and uric acid which are primary causes of rheumatism, gout, arthritis, skin diseases, and eczema. This detoxifying effect of cabbage is due to its high content of vitamin C and sulphur.
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If your goal is strength or just want to look good naked, the above is probably one you would want to adhere quite closely to.
Eating a lot of food while losing body fat has almost no negatives but mainly positives:
... * Retain lean muscle mass; * Minimizes performance losses (keeps you able to train hard); * Maintains sanity (because basically everyone will go insane on little enough food); * Allows room to decrease energy intake in the case of plateaus (it's much easier to go from 2,000 calories to 1,800 than from 1,500 to 1,200);
As for cardio, it most certainly has benefits for general health, but it's by no means necessary for fat loss. It can, of course, increase energy expenditure which can then help maintain an energy deficit (essential for fat loss).
Too much cardio can affect recovery from resistance training sessions (the sessions that actually build and maintain muscle), and can even take away from being able to actually do your weight training.
So, unless you have sports or health issues that need you to be "aerobically fit", or you just really enjoy it, you might be better off keeping cardio to a minimum.
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I personally think 100 % - Deadlifts. They are a woman's best friend! They shape your whole body, from top to toe, especially the glute and hamstring area!
They strengthen everything, from your handgrip to your calves. They favorably train your posterior chain for healthier back and hips. They build bone and muscle, strengthen the core and can give you six-pack abs. They can improve speed and power as well.
... In other words, you should do your deadlifts if you want to get leaner, if you want to run faster or jump higher, if you want to have strong lower back and better abs, or if you want to break training plateaus.
So go ahead and do them today 💪
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Ever feel like you're just going through the motions? Maybe your mind starts to wander and your thoughts drift to your work or something in the news. You probably don't realize it, but you're missing out on one of the most important secrets to success, the Muscle-Mind Connection (MMC). Although weight lifting is perceived by many people to be strictly physical training, there are many important psychological aspects to it. Improving your MM...C increases the number of muscle fibers being recruited when lifting.This results in a better quality muscle contraction and better workout.
You should be seriously committed to feeling each and every rep in your target muscles.Too many people get obsessed with how much weight they're pushing rather than how much work their muscles are actually doing. Your muscles don't grow because of the weight moving up and down. They grow because they're forced to contract by acting on that weight. If you maximize the force placed on your target muscles you will maximize your gains, and that's what it's all about: maximizing the work done by your target muscles. Not maximizing the weight moving up and down, this is secondary.
So here is what I suggest you to do:
1. Forget about how much weight you're pushing, concentrate instead on the quality of each repetition. 2. Perform the exercise very slowly.It helps to pause for a moment at the point of max contraction. 3. Flex your target muscles in between sets.This forces additional blood into your muscles, pumping them up further. You are more aware of your muscles when they're fully pumped, which makes it easier to mentally isolate them.
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The truth 💗


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The one-arm DB press is easily one of the best exercises to build bigger shoulders as well as overall total body strenght. You should be able to press a heavier load overhead working on one side at a time. You also get the added benefits of doing asymmetrical work forcing your core muscles to stabilise and work harder to press. Since you have to technically do double the reps you would if you were pressing two, you are increasing the time under tension which is another way to increase muscle growth. You can do them standing, seated or even kneeling to increase the challenge to your core. Make sure you don't rely on your lower back (don't arch)!


Weightlifters, like many other athletes, often suffer injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, or other soft tissues. Some injuries come and go in relatively short order. Other injuries hang around—they never quite heal and are easily aggravated by further activity. But whether an injury is acute or chronic, it requires quick and proper care if you want to minimize your downtime. Some of the more commonly prescribed treatments are the application of cold and ice ...(cryotherapy) or heat (thermotherapy). Since these treatment methods don't require a medical prescription and are easily accessible with minimal risks, athletes use them frequently. The question is, which is best for a given injury: heat or cold? Effective cryotherapy should decrease the tissue temperature 2-4 centimeters (about an inch or more) below the skin by 18-27 degrees F.This causes a narrowing of the blood vessels, and the resulting decrease in blood flow reduces tissue metabolism, oxygen use, edema, and inflammation.Nerve conduction slows down, while tolerance of pain goes up. Apply cold within 48-72 hours of acute trauma to any body part except the low back. It can also be used for the management of chronic pain after activity and inflammation such as swelling. Do NOT use cold if you have overly sensitive skin (eczema, dermatitis) or areas of poor circulation. Be especially careful when treating areas with poor blood flow, if you have known cold allergies, or if you have advanced diabetes. A lack of sensation resulting from diabetes-related nerve damage could lead to an excessive application of cold. Thermotherapy increases tissue temperature, causing vasodilation, or widening of the blood vessels, which can increase blood flow to the injured area. Research suggests increased blood flow improves tissue healing by supplying oxygen, protein, and nutrients to the site of the injury. Apply heat for acute low-back pain (short-term injury), injuries persisting for longer than 72 hours, relief of muscle spasms where inflammation is not present, and menstrual pain. Do not use immediately after exercise except for low-back pain and injuries where inflammation is present. Use special precautions when treating individuals with diabetes, spinal-cord injuries, and multiple sclerosis. Nerve damage from those diseases can lead to the overapplication of heat. Remember, injuries that continue to prohibit the performance of normal activities should be followed up with a visit to a qualified health-care professional such as a physician, certified athletic trainer, or physical therapist. These injuries must be properly assessed and treated so that they don't worsen. Self-treatment via the use of thermotherapy, cryotherapy, or both is effective for the short term but not the long term.
Read more here…/sports-in juries-should-you-us…
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~ Albert Einstein


Pregnant or not, eating is all about moderation. Allow yourself to enjoy your pregnancy, but don't use it as an excuse to put on sweatpants and eat whatever you want. You have a growing baby inside you, and you need to make sure you provide him or her with the best nutrients and enough water every day. Remember when choosing your diet, quality is more important than quantity. Most pregnant women need about 300 additional calories per day. Daily calorie...s should consist of grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, nuts and dairy products.
Exercise is also very important, despite the changes in your growing belly. It may seem like a perfect time to sit back and relax, but in fact, pregnancy can be a great time to stay active. A good pregnancy workout has several benefits for the mom-to-be. It will help increase circulation, improve your posture, help with sleeplessness and help to control your weight while toning your muscles, making it easier to get back into shape after you deliver. Exercise also helps you stay flexible, which will benefit you during labor and delivery. Make sure you do not over do it. Hormones occur during pregnancy, which soften ligaments and connective tissues to prepare your body for labor. Stay away from fast, high impact movements at all costs because it could easily lead to injury.
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Notice that fat should never go below 15 percent of total calories. Since hormones are constructed from cholesterol and other fat molecules, getting any less than that can actually suppress normal hormone levels. This also has a negative effect on the bodily functions driven by those hormones, including growth and development, metabolism, reproduction, and mood. Low fat intake can also impair absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A..., D, E and K. Even worse, not getting enough essential fatty acids can increase your risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. But as you might imagine, not just any fat source will do. Prioritizie healthy fat sources like avocados, egg yolks, olives, nuts, peanut butter, olive oil, coconut oil, salmon, and other fish, grass-fed beef, chia seeds, ground flax seeds, soybeans, tofu, edamame, beans, wild rice, and walnuts.
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The longer you are sedentary, the harder it is to get your body moving again. Wait no more! Get back to your gym now! Exercise tonight! Even if it’s a short walk and a set of crunches. Do something to get your body and mind back in the game as soon as possible!


It’s easy to get down on yourself when you’ve been skipping your workouts. "I’m so out of shape.", "I’m so fat.", " I’ll never be able to get back to where I was. " The problem is that this type of thinking is not a good motivator. Who wants to work out when they're feeling bad about themselves? Now is the time to change your tune. Consider the positive aspects of taking a break. Maybe it has given your body time to heal from an injury. Maybe that hour a day has given you more time to spend with your spouse or kids. Whatever it is, acknowledge the positives. You are not a horrible person for slipping up on your fitness habits. We’ve all done it. Now’s the time to get back at it!
If you need help with your journey just get in touch :



You are wonderfil


She's 100% dedicated and definitely loves her job. Such a pleasure to work out with her!


N 1 !


If all personal trainer were like you, there would be “no child left behind.” lol


You are wonderfil


She's 100% dedicated and definitely loves her job. Such a pleasure to work out with her!


N 1 !


If all personal trainer were like you, there would be “no child left behind.” lol


You are wonderfil


She's 100% dedicated and definitely loves her job. Such a pleasure to work out with her!


N 1 !


If all personal trainer were like you, there would be “no child left behind.” lol


You are wonderfil


She's 100% dedicated and definitely loves her job. Such a pleasure to work out with her!


N 1 !


If all personal trainer were like you, there would be “no child left behind.” lol

More about Georgia Personal Training

Georgia Personal Training is located at Tower Point, North Street, Brighton, BN1 1 YR Brighton