Godalming United Church

About Godalming United Church

Godalming United Church is a joint Methodist and United Reformed Church in the town of Godalming, Surrey, UK.



Our service at 10:30am this Sunday is led by Revd Keith Beckingham on a theme of "Love changes everything". An audio recording of the service will be available shortly afterwards at http://guc.org.uk/recordings.html
In June we also start our annual collection of toiletries, non-perishable breakfast foods and clothing to support the work of the The Whitechapel Mission with the homeless of London. The collection runs from 28th June to 9th July - we'll post the times when donat...ions can be made later this month.
Our Prayer for the Week if from the Joint Public Issues Team: "Churches working for peace and justice, for after the two elections which we have experienced: For those who are now taking public office, that in serving our communities and national life-truth, justice, peace and wellbeing might become priorities for all. For those for whom these results mean significant change - that they might find grace and wisdom for the way ahead. That those with leadership and influence will act wisely and in the interests of all people - seeking stability and justice for our world. That as Christian citizens in society, regardless of whether we currently face the prospect with relish or trepidation, we will have wisdom and courage to seek God's Kingdom and pursue his purpose in the emerging political landscape. For those whose Christian identity has inspired them to serve in public life - that they might act as faithful followers of Jesus in every circumstance they face. Amen."
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Our service at 10:30am this Sunday will be led by Rosemary Lee, including readings from Acts 16 and John 14. An audio recording of the service will be available shortly afterwards on our website: http://guc.org.uk/recordings.html Unfortunately there will be no video recording.
Our prayer for the week is: "Dear God, help me to take the right path in life and to know right from wrong. Show me a way to get through life and its problems no matter how hard they are. I put my tru...st in You as you are a God who loves us all no matter who we are. Amen" (A Young Offenders prayer)"
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The audio recording of this morning's service, led by Philip Beastall, is now available at http://www.guc.org.uk/recordings.html


If you'd like to volunteer for this important service, there's a training day on Saturday 6th July - see below for details.


This Sunday, our service at 10:30am will be led by Philip Beastall. An audio recording of the 10:30am service will be available through our website (www.guc.org.uk) after the service. Unfortunately, technical issues mean that our service will not be video streamed or recorded.
Our prayer for the week is taken from ‘Until the Hills’: “Lord Jesus, take me this day and use me. Take my lips and speak through them. Take my mind and think through it, and fill my heart with love for you. Amen”


This Sunday is Christian Aid Sunday, and our 10:30am service, with Holy Communion, will be led by our minister, Revd Paul Hulme, and followed by a simple lunch. Join us in person, or watch/listen to a recording of the service afterwards at www.guc.org.uk
A prayer for Christian Aid week: "God, our Mother and Father, we praise you for the blessings you shower upon us. Bless the lives of our sisters and brothers and their precious children. In life’s saddest moments, may we feel your love most, O Jesus. Continue to dwell in our hearts, Lord. May your love keep us strong. Amen"


This Sunday we have a service of Holy Communion at 9am, led by Revd John Goatley, and a service at 10:30am led my our minister, Revd Paul Hulme. An audio recording of the 10:30am service will be available through our website (www.guc.org.uk) after the service. Unfortunately, technical issues mean that our service will not be video streamed or recorded.
Our prayer for the week is: "Lord, as you called your disciples, call us now. Open our eyes to listen to your calling; open... our hearts to your love. Help us to hear you, to experience your presence with us and to love you. And loving you, let us serve you, our servant King. Amen."
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Our service at 10:30am this Sunday will be led by Lyn McKay. Join us in person, or watch live at bit.ly/CTVCSundayService , or catch up through a recording at bit.ly/GUCYouTube or www.guc.org.uk.
Our prayer of the week is: “Lord of life, we pray that the Church may be alive with your risen life, refreshed and revived by the breath of your Spirit, purified and refined like gold and silver, so that we truly offer the possibility of saving love to the searching world. Amen.”
... Photo taken at Winkworth Arboretum, near Godalming.
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This morning's Easter Sunday service is now available to watch here: https://youtu.be/4_h_DmaBl-0


Our Easter Sunday celebrations start with a Churches Together in Godalming & District Sunrise Service at 6:45am at Minster Field, Busbridge. Our 10:30am service, with Holy Communion, is led by our Minister, Revd Paul Hulme. Join us in person, or watch live at bit.ly/CTVCSundayService, or catch up through a recording at bit.ly/GUCYouTube or www.guc.org.uk.
Our prayer of the week is: "Lord God, we pray that the church may proclaim with joy your message of hope for the world. Ma...y our lives and our worship testify to the truth of the resurrection and broaden our vision of what is possible through new life in you. Amen"
Image: "The Empty Tomb" by Richard Bavin. Copyright © Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes. The Methodist Church Registered Charity no. 1132208
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Our Palm Sunday service, at 10:30am tomorrow, will be led by Revd Peter Hills, with distribution of palm crosses, and readings following the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross.
Our prayer of the week is: As the crowds welcomed Jesus, we pray that many more will welcome you into their hearts and lives. We pray for opportunities to spread your good news and courage to take them. Amen.


You can watch this morning's service here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqcERsk26 Vw though the recording cut off the last part of the service.


Our service at 10:30am this Sunday is led by Hilary Beckingham. You'd be very welcome to join us in person or watch the service live on the CTVC Sunday Service YouTube channel (bit.ly/CTVCSundayService) or afterwards through our website (www.guc.org.uk) or our YouTube channel (bit.ly/GUCYouTube).
Our Prayer of the Week is: "Lord God, this fragile vulnerable planet is so beautiful and in such need of your guidance. We pray for deeper valuing of our universe and of one another for your kingdom to come on earth as in heaven. Amen"


This morning's service is available to view here: https://youtu.be/CGFRKVCwtqM


Happy birthday, Bob!

More about Godalming United Church

Godalming United Church is located at Bridge Road, GU7 3DU Godalming
01483 414709